Descrição do Produto: Kiddivit Baby Vitamin A
Kiddivit Baby Vitamin A é um suplemento vitamínico especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades nutricionais dos bebês e crianças pequenas. Com uma fórmula rica em vitamina A, este produto é essencial para o desenvolvimento saudável da visão, sistema imunológico e crescimento celular. A vitamina A é fundamental para a manutenção da saúde ocular, contribuindo para a formação da retina e a adaptação à luz. Além disso, Kiddivit Baby Vitamin A auxilia na proteção da pele e mucosas, promovendo uma barreira natural contra infecções. Com um sabor agradável e fácil de administrar, este suplemento é ideal para crianças que podem ter dificuldades em obter a quantidade necessária de vitamina A apenas através da alimentação.
1. Desenvolvimento Ocular: Contribui para a saúde da visão, essencial para o crescimento e aprendizado das crianças.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ajuda a proteger o organismo contra infecções, promovendo uma defesa natural.
3. Crescimento Saudável: Suporta o desenvolvimento celular e o crescimento adequado durante os primeiros anos de vida.
4. Fácil Administração: Sabor agradável que facilita a aceitação por parte das crianças, tornando a suplementação mais prática.
5. Proteção da Pele: Auxilia na manutenção da saúde da pele e mucosas, prevenindo irritações e infecções.
Recomenda-se a administração de Kiddivit Baby Vitamin A conforme a orientação de um pediatra. A dosagem padrão é de 1 gota por dia, que pode ser administrada diretamente na boca ou misturada a alimentos ou bebidas. É importante garantir que a criança esteja em um ambiente tranquilo durante a administração para facilitar a aceitação do produto. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a eficácia do suplemento.
Abraham –
Our pediatrician has recommended we give our toddler vitamin D, especially because we live in a northern state and don’t get much sunshine. I’m so glad to find Kiddivit’s vitamin A&D complex. It is made with great ingredients and leaves out all unnecessary fillers such as sweeteners and even flavorings. I also like that it is made in GMP facility in the US. It comes in a dark amber glass bottle with a dropper and a case for the dropper. The dropper works well and makes it easy to administer the correct dosage. The base is extra-virgin olive oil, so it tastes just like olive oil. I was worried that my toddler might not take it because it’s not sweet like his other supplements, but he enjoys it. The dosage amounts are appropriate for children. At first I thought the package might contain a typographical error because the percentage of daily value of vitamin A intake was higher for children ages 1-3 than for infants even though the dose is the same; however, after reviewing the National Institutes of Health recommendations, I realize that the daily recommended intake of vitamin A for infants is actually higher. The label is correct. I feel comfortable giving this to my child, and he seems to enjoy it as well.
Jenny Z C –
Not sure what it has , but our baby showed a reaction to immediately after the first use.
It took 6-8 hours for the red spots to show.
We immediately stopped. Started seeing red spots on his face and entire body.
We switched to a more known brand and baby did not have a reaction.
Very disappointed.
I use this for my nails. Super and fast Delivery. Thank you!!!
Jeff K. –
Good product. My children like it.
Umar –
Just One Dropper Per Day – Each dropper (1 mL) contains 500 mcg of Vitamin A (as Retinyl Palmitate), 400 IU of Vitamin D3, and 5 IU of Vitamin E (as D-alpha Tocopherol).
Healthy & Safe – vegetarian friendly & free of sugar, gluten, paraben, alcohol, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. Each product comes in an amber glass bottle with nitrogen flash filling to enhance stability of content and to provide maximum UV protection.
Organic Olive Oil – Our product is formulated with organic extra virgin olive oil that contains vitamin E and K along with powerful antioxidants which are safe for your baby.
Great Tasting – No fishy after taste like other products on the market. Your baby will smile every time they see it.
A Whole Lot Of Drops – Each bottle contains 60 servings or 2-month daily supply.
Jeff K. –
This product is pretty much exactly what I was expecting. It tastes exactly like olive oil – no surprise given the fact that olive oil is the main ingredient (yeah I actually tried a tiny bit). We’ve had other drops that are flavored a bit more toward the candy end of the spectrum, and I much prefer this more natural option. Flavor doesn’t matter that much after all when you just mix it with the food they’re eating.
The minor quibble I have is that the measurements aren’t as easy to read as other products we’ve had. Those were actually printed on the dropper in black while this one’s are molded into the plastic (no contrast). It’s fine once you figure it out, but it takes a bit to read the measurements when you’re getting used to it. It’s not going to change my mind overall.
Oddly, it comes with the dropper in a separate sheath and a cap on the bottle. I’m sure they do this for a reason, but I’m used to the dropper coming on the bottle.
JustMe01 –
Bad taste
Chelsea Reeves –
Easy to dispense and helps baby’s immunity!