Descrição do Produto: Vitaminas Gummy Sem Açúcar para Adolescentes
As Vitaminas Gummy Sem Açúcar para Adolescentes são a escolha ideal para meninas que buscam uma forma deliciosa e saudável de complementar sua dieta. Desenvolvidas especialmente para atender às necessidades nutricionais das adolescentes, essas gomas são enriquecidas com vitaminas essenciais como A, C, D, E e do complexo B, que ajudam no crescimento saudável, na imunidade e na saúde da pele. Com um sabor irresistível de frutas, essas gomas são livres de açúcar, tornando-se uma opção perfeita para quem deseja evitar calorias desnecessárias e manter uma alimentação equilibrada. Além disso, são livres de glúten e lactose, adequadas para diferentes restrições alimentares. Cada embalagem contém porções práticas que facilitam o consumo diário, tornando a rotina de cuidados com a saúde mais simples e prazerosa.
1. Sem Açúcar: Ideal para adolescentes que desejam evitar o consumo excessivo de açúcar, mantendo uma dieta saudável.
2. Fórmula Completa: Contém vitaminas essenciais que suportam o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável durante a adolescência.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor frutado torna o consumo das vitaminas uma experiência prazerosa, incentivando a adesão ao uso diário.
4. Praticidade: As gomas são fáceis de transportar e consumir, perfeitas para o dia a dia corrido das adolescentes.
5. Adequadas para Restrições Alimentares: Livres de glúten e lactose, atendem a diversas necessidades dietéticas, garantindo que todas possam se beneficiar.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e manter fora do alcance de crianças. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso das vitaminas com uma alimentação equilibrada e a prática regular de atividades físicas.
Pie 🥧 –
This product was hard, grainy and didn’t have raspberry favor.
Kristy –
These gummies are a little chewy and a little bit gritty, which my guess is the pectin. With that being said, the flavor is not bad. There is a tiny bit of b vitamin taste, but that’s not bad at all. I like it that they are non-GMO and have natural ingredients in them. On the days I take these, I have good energy that keeps me going all day long.
Stephanie Bailey –
These are tasty and give vitamins teen needs.
Pie 🥧 –
I have gotten a lot of great products from nature’s craft and they’re all great quality and very effective. These gummies taste good and I find gummies to be more convenient and makes me more likely to take them every single day. Someone said they tasted a little grainy. They’re vitamins! They don’t need to completely resemble candy to me, they’re a vitamin and I enjoying taking then. 10 out of 10 would recommend. I also use their mushroom complex formula.
carrie ford –
My review 15 y/o: If you, like me, were a victim of the Bean Boozled Challenge, then this will SURELY give you flashbacks to sitting in the park, eating these as you try not to throw up. I’m not sure exactly WHICH bean it tastes like since the brain numbs traumatizing memories, but it wasn’t a good one. They also leave a sand-like residue in your mouth. I guess if you drink juice while you chew and don’t let it touch your tongue the flavor is ok. If you’re a little bit of a menace, then enjoy the flavor and the beach in your gums. If your teens have been acting a fool lately, bon appetite.
Sincerely, the teen of the mother who bought this in good faith for her children.
P.S. licking sandy residue out of my gums as I type this.
My 19 y/o sister’s review: “BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BADDDD I CAN TASTE THE SAND.”
My 12 y/o brother’s review: chokes and coughs. Hunched over beating his chest. Face like eating a sour lemon. “Disgusting.”
My dad’s review: “It is gritty. Yeah this is disgusting.” With a disgusted face. “That brought back so many bad memories for me of my mother forcing me to take those Flintstone Vitamins. What is this stuff made of? What is this? They left out a major ingredient. Grit.”
My 16 y/o sister review: Face contorts. “They’re nasty. Disgusting.”
My mom review: “I can’t believe it tastes like sand. It’s like that Michael Jackson video where they turn into sand.”
It is however vegetarian and gelatin free. That’s why we decided to give it 3 stars. It’s also peanut free.
Perry Ellison –
I got these Sugar Free Gummy Vitamins for my teenage daughter who is very picky about food because I was worried she wasn’t getting all the nutrients she needed daily. After taking them daily for a week she says she feels more energy throughout the day. She did have some issues with the texture of the gummies being a bit too chewy and grainy. She also said that the flavor was not very fruity and didn’t taste like raspberries. But as a parent, I like that they are sugar-free and have a fill in the nutritional gaps she has.
Dariusz B. –
Overall the multivitamins are quite good. I was afraid the flavor will be strong (I had similar gummies in the past from another company with way too strong flavor), but these are just right. The flavor I would not call raspberry, but rather mix berries. These are not your traditional gummies in the texture. They are a little bit gooey with some very tiny bits of something crunchy. The crunchy stuff dissolves but is not sugar. I enjoy a lot the crunch under my teeth when I am chewing them, but if you like to dissolve gummies in your mouth without chewing them, the tiny particles can be little bothersome.
Perry Ellison –
I gave these to my daughters and son. They did not like the flavor except for my youngest who said it was better than the other chalky ones. Overall they have a good amount of vitamins so as a parent I know they are getting enough of the nutrition supplemented in the their diet. I tried them as well and I liked the raspberry flavor. Because they are gummies, they have a tendency to stick together. Overall good product.