Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way Alive! Prenatal Premium Gummy Multivitamin
O Nature’s Way Alive! Prenatal Premium Gummy Multivitamin é uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada para apoiar mulheres que estão grávidas, amamentando ou tentando engravidar. Com uma combinação poderosa de 15 vitaminas e minerais, incluindo o complexo completo de vitaminas B, este multivitamínico é uma escolha ideal para garantir que as necessidades nutricionais sejam atendidas durante esses momentos cruciais da vida.
Além disso, a presença de DHA de origem vegetal é um diferencial que promove o desenvolvimento saudável dos olhos e do cérebro do bebê. A alta concentração de folato por porção de três gomas é fundamental para apoiar o desenvolvimento fetal saudável, proporcionando uma base sólida para o crescimento e a saúde do seu futuro filho.
As mulheres com 19 anos ou mais que estão grávidas, amamentando ou tentando conceber devem mastigar três gomas diariamente, tornando a experiência não apenas nutritiva, mas também deliciosa, com sabores de morango e limão que tornam o consumo diário mais agradável. O produto é livre de glúten e é vegetariano, não contendo gelatina, laticínios, trigo, amendoim ou ovos, o que o torna acessível a uma ampla gama de dietas.
Na Nature’s Way, acreditamos que a natureza é a solução definitiva para os problemas. Há mais de 50 anos, buscamos inspiração no mundo natural para criar vitaminas e suplementos de qualidade que ajudam você a encontrar seu caminho para o bem-estar.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: Contém 15 vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde da mãe e do bebê.
– Desenvolvimento Fetal Saudável: Alta potência de folato que auxilia no desenvolvimento saudável do feto.
– Saúde Cerebral e Ocular: DHA de origem vegetal que promove o desenvolvimento adequado do cérebro e dos olhos.
– Fácil Consumo: Gomas saborosas de morango e limão que tornam a suplementação diária prazerosa.
– Adequado para Várias Dietas: Produto livre de glúten, gelatina e outros alérgenos comuns, ideal para vegetarianos e pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que mulheres com 19 anos ou mais que estejam grávidas, amamentando ou tentando engravidar mastiguem três gomas diariamente. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e integrar este suplemento a uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
QueenArcadia –
I originally used the older version of Nature’s way prenatal , with a serving size of 2 . I found these vitamins to taste much better and have a smoother consistency than its predecessor . It also satisfies the vital nutritional supplementation that my pregnancy requires.
J. Williams –
These are tasty enough that I actually look forward to eating my prenatal vitamins every day. Choking down regular pills was something I was committed to but managed to accidentally skip a day a week here and there because I had to take them while eating to prevent nausea. Apparently I am actually a child, because it literally does make a difference in how consistent I am when I get the gummy kind. I absolutely NEVER skip a day of vitamins when I have these on hand. I look forward to them as a quick treat and I do no get sick if I don’t eat them on a full stomach.
No, they aren’t candy or mindblowingly delicious and some batches seem tastier and sweeter than others, but they are vitamins, not gummy bears, and I appreciate and chose this brand because they aren’t as loaded with straight-up sugar as some of the less “natural” brands of gummies you might find in the store.
All in all they are (I am ashamed to admit) a powerful tool in getting me to take my vitamins every single day without a single missed day for months on end, and the consistency is worth the price!
Anna K –
I read a lot about the taste of these vitamins. It is not a candy! Vitamins and any medication must not be candy like, but thye must act as expected.
I tried several popular brends with better rating. But still I had the signs of lack of vit B group. After Alive these signs disappeared and my skin and I feel much better now!
I knew that Alive brand had the highest absorbtion rate. Therefore I bought this product. to my mind it is the most important feature than whatever feature somebody can invent.
For the taste it is usual. Once (only once) when I ate this vitamins before breakfast with no food at all, I feel some after taste which someone may consider not plesant. But I know it related to Ginkgo biloba extract which is full of B group vitamins (B9, B6, etc – essintil for pregnancy and mental health). To my mind the remote aftertaste is not the same as the smell of the tree. I understand importance of this ingridient, and I do not afraid to feel once in a month after taste. If you are more sensitive than me (but still I am very sensitive) – take it with food.
In general I would be happier if the composition of this vits include Iron and magnesium.
Sarah W –
These are my favorite vitamins. I have a sensitivity to a lot of vitamins that make me feel sick and these don’t make me feel sick at all. I actually love the taste and the texture too!
Amy –
My initial review of these was 4 stars because the flavor is slightly chalky. However, having tried several other brands, I have discovered texture is one of the most important qualities, and these have a great texture. Also, they are vegetarian. Also, you only have to eat 2 per day (some other brands require 4). I am upgrading my review to 5 stars, and have just turned on a recurring monthly delivery of these.
FC –
Prior to pregnancy, I had been taking Vitafusion Women’s Gummy Vitamins which were great. They tasted great and I enjoyed the texture (sort of like fruit snacks). When I became pregnant, I switched over to Vitafusion prenatal gummies — these were coated in sugar and had a strange after-taste. I figured the extra sugar was added to help mask the flavor. During the first trimester, it was more difficult to deal with the after-taste and I had to eat or drink something with them. When I was almost finished with the bottle, I decided to look for something else.
After reading different reviews, I settled on trying these Nature’s Way Alive! Prenatal Gummies.
These don’t have that extra sugar coating and they taste pretty good, not as good as the Vitafusion Women’s Gummies in my opinion but I didn’t find a strange aftertaste and so I was pleasantly surprised. They didn’t taste “too” sweet to me and had a slight vitamin taste but it didn’t linger or disgust me. I’m pleased with this purchase and will finish off the bottle and then see if I want to try something else or stick to this brand.
I know there’s a lot of talk that gummy vitamins aren’t as potent as other forms but I personally find it a chore to swallow pills and often put it off and forget. Gummy vitamins are less intimidating and therefore I don’t dread taking them — so I figure it’s better to buy these and take them consistently with a healthy diet and get some supplemental vitamin benefit than buy vitamin pills and end up forgetting to take them.
One thing to note is the daily serving is 3 gummies (opposed to other brands which are 2/day), so this bottle of 75 only lasts 25 days where as with the Vitafusion Prenatal Gummies (which are less expensive), you get 90 in a bottle, which lasts 45 days (2 per day).
Jackie –
My review is based solely on the taste, texture and smell of these vitamins. I did a lot of research before purchasing them and based on that, I think they’re high quality and definitely the best option in gummy vitamins for people that don’t want to eat gelatin. That being said, they taste and smell SO bad. I bought these because I was having a hard time taking regular vitamins with my morning sickness during my first trimester. I thought gummy ones might be more palatable and easier to digest. As soon as you open the bottle, there’s this terrible, overwhelming vitamin smell that made me gag. They taste even worse than they smell! Not only do they taste terrible, but they have this disgusting squishy texture. I tried them twice and haven’t been able to force myself to try them again unfortunately.