Descrição do Produto: Florio Eye Health Gummy Vitamins for Adults, 2X Lutein
As preocupações com a saúde ocular têm se tornado cada vez mais comuns na vida moderna, onde a exposição a telas e a poluição são constantes. Pensando nisso, a Florio apresenta suas vitaminas em goma para a saúde dos olhos, uma solução inovadora e deliciosa que combina nutrição completa para o bem-estar ocular. As vitaminas Florio são as únicas do mercado que oferecem um conjunto completo de nutrientes essenciais, incluindo zinco, luteína, zeaxantina e vitaminas A, B2, B3, C e E. Essa combinação equilibrada é vital para garantir a saúde ideal dos olhos, proporcionando uma defesa robusta contra problemas visuais.
Os gomas de cuidado ocular da Florio são formuladas para preservar a saúde da mácula e da retina, reduzindo o risco de problemas oculares relacionados à idade. Com uma dose generosa de vitaminas, esses gomas combatem a oxidação, um dos principais fatores que afetam a saúde ocular. Cada multivitamínico é infundido com o dobro da quantidade de luteína e zeaxantina, otimizando a proteção contra danos oxidativos e problemas causados pela luz intensa.
Além disso, as vitaminas Florio melhoram a nitidez visual e o contraste, ajudando a combater a visão embaçada e a aumentar a acuidade visual. A vitamina A, um componente crucial, fornece o pigmento rodopsina, que é essencial para a visão em ambientes com pouca luz e para a prevenção da cegueira noturna. O processo de fabricação das gomas é rigoroso e realizado sem calor, garantindo a máxima retenção de nutrientes e a mais alta biodisponibilidade em cada goma extra-mastigável e saborosa.
– Nutrição Completa: A única vitamina ocular com um conjunto completo de nutrientes essenciais.
– Proteção Avançada: Reduz o risco de problemas oculares relacionados à idade com uma fórmula rica em vitaminas.
– Aumento da Acuidade Visual: Melhora a nitidez e o contraste, essencial para a visão em ambientes com pouca luz.
– Máxima Retenção de Nutrientes: Processo de fabricação sem calor que garante a biodisponibilidade ideal.
– Sabor Delicioso: Gomas extra-mastigáveis que tornam o cuidado ocular uma experiência prazerosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se o consumo de duas gomas por dia. As gomas devem ser mastigadas lentamente para garantir a absorção adequada dos nutrientes. É aconselhável tomar as gomas após uma refeição para otimizar a biodisponibilidade dos ingredientes ativos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Janji –
I am happy to add this product to my arsenal against failing elderly eyesight. At the same time I must be careful not to exceed dosage limitations when putting two supplements together, but the Lutin and Zeaxanthin in this product can easily be doubled (as seen in other eye supplements). One thing I do not like so much is that these gummies are VERY chewy. Myself, I like them to disintegrate a little sooner than later! Not being a gum chewer any longer, I feel sort of like I am again in those days. Otherwise, this seems to be a good product.
Update: I don’t mind chewing them any more and they taste nice. They also help me to not see an ominous shadow in both eyes when I waken in the middle of the night. That would be the extra Lutin and Zeaxanthin, I’m sure. Great product and I gave it another star!
Winnter –
Not really being a fan of gummy supplements due to the sugar content, I still wanted to try these for the eye benefits, as my eyes have weakened with age. First off these gummies are huge, like the size of a gum drop, 2nd they are very chewy, like that tough layer on poorly made Jello. The flavor was a peachy orange and some other strange taste I can’t quite describe, but the chewiness to me was off putting. I don’t even care for chewing gum so these are definitely not for me which is sad as I really wanted to see if they could aide in my eye issues. Hopefully they can be made in a liquid or a capsule form and leave out the sugars.
Sumit Gupta –
I’ve been trying to take eye vitamins since my grandmother had macular degeneration, and I’ve been looking for a gummy one to replace the tablet ones I’ve been taking. Here they are! They’re pretty decent. The flavor is a little weird and they are definitely more chewy than most gummy supplements, but granted, there’s a lot of stuff in here, and unusual stuff too. They’re also a touch on the pricey side, but not too bad considering there don’t seem to be a lot of competitors. Ultimately, I am pleased with them.
Michael L. Knapp –
Made sure to chew two of these every day. I’m 25 with pretty good vision, I see perfectly out of my right eye by itself, but my left eye by itself is blurry, but when working together, my vision seems perfect, so maybe I wasn’t the target for these gummies. I haven’t noticed any improvements to my vision. Maybe these work better for older folks?
Winnter –
These gummies are harder than gummies but I also had dental work so my teeth are very sensitive right now. It’s not like a gummy bear gummy but the thicker/harder ones. I’ll update with a picture. I didn’t to much like the taste but it wasn’t bad just not my go to flavor. I do take eye vitamins so wanted to give these gummies a try. I’ll give it time to see if I recognize any changes
KahluaKozKaneKeg –
My favorite part about these gummies is the peach flavor itself.
I have had been eating these gummies and have found it very easy to stick to them in my day-to-day use.
The gummies themselves don’t feel sugary at all rather they are quite chewy and the peach flavor is very subtle but very delicious. I would highly recommend these two anybody looking to add vitamins while making it some somewhat fun and easy to consume.
Wil –
I could eat these all day, if only it were prudent to do so. They taste great and aren’t super sugary like a lot of these nutrition gummies tend to be. They probably do help a bit with eye health as well.
KahluaKozKaneKeg –
While being marketed as a gummy the consistency of these is more like that of jujubees. They are so sticky that they pulled the crown off my tooth, requiring visit to the dentist. The only way I can take these is to cut them in half and swallow them whole. Do they work? After a week I haven’t noticed any improvement but a lot of times it takes supplements weeks or even months before you can tell a different. They do have great ingredients that should be great so if you have strong teeth they might be perfect for you. If you don’t, stay away.