Descrição do Produto: Vitamin Energy Variety | Wellness Shots | Natural Healthy Energy
Descubra a revolução em energia e bem-estar com os shots de Vitamin Energy, uma solução prática e deliciosa para atender às suas necessidades diárias. Cada shot é uma explosão de sabor e eficácia, projetado para proporcionar resultados reais em um formato conveniente. Se você precisa de mais energia, clareza mental, produtividade, bem-estar ou uma boa noite de sono, um shot de Vitamin Energy é a resposta rápida que você procura. Com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas, cafeína, extratos de flores e melatonina, você pode alcançar os resultados desejados sem o peso de açúcares ou carboidratos, tornando-se uma opção ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica.
O pacote de variedade inclui: dois shots de 8-Hour Sleep, dois de Focus+, dois de Workout+, um de Mood+, um de Burner+, um de Sport+, um Extra Strength e um de Vitamina D 100%. Cada shot é formulado para atender a metas pessoais e de bem-estar. Precisa de um impulso de foco mental antes de encarar tarefas de trabalho? Ou está se preparando para um treino intenso na academia? Ou talvez você esteja lutando contra um resfriado e precise de um reforço no sistema imunológico? Os shots de Vitamin Energy são a solução perfeita para ajudá-lo a prosperar. Nossas misturas, elaboradas por especialistas, oferecem até 7 horas de efeitos desejados em um único shot prático, que pode ser levado para o trabalho, casa ou academia.
Cada shot contém um elixir ideal de ingredientes saudáveis, energizando você com B6, cafeína e uma abundância de B12. Não adicionamos açúcares ou carboidratos que podem causar quedas de energia, garantindo que o impulso seja mais eficaz. Para um reforço extra, escolha nossas misturas concentradas; e quando for hora de dormir, opte pelo shot Sleep+ com valeriana, melatonina e ervas naturais. Os shots são rapidamente absorvidos, proporcionando resultados bem-vindos logo após cada gole.
Os shots de nutrientes da Vitamin Energy são a primeira bebida energética do mundo infundida com vitaminas, com apenas 1,93 oz, prontos para rejuvenescer ou relaxar sem causar inchaço. Nutrientes de qualidade mantêm seu sistema, saúde intestinal e corpo em pleno funcionamento. A equipe da Vitamin Energy se orgulha de oferecer produtos com integridade; cada bebida é fabricada em nossa instalação certificada SQF nos EUA, sendo Vegan Certified, Kosher Certified, livre de glúten, açúcar e não-GMO. Somente os melhores ingredientes e a melhor fabricação para nossos valiosos clientes. Estamos sempre disponíveis para responder a perguntas ou comentários, prontos para servir nossa família Vitamin Energy.
– Energização Rápida: Proporciona um impulso imediato de energia sem os efeitos colaterais de bebidas energéticas tradicionais.
– Foco e Clareza Mental: Ideal para aumentar a concentração durante o trabalho ou estudos.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fórmulas enriquecidas que ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Sem Açúcar e Carboidratos: Perfeito para quem segue dietas restritivas, como a cetogênica.
– Praticidade: Shots fáceis de transportar, ideais para o dia a dia, academia ou viagens.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma um shot de Vitamin Energy conforme necessário ao longo do dia. Para um impulso de energia, tome um shot pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas. Para melhorar o foco, consuma um shot antes de tarefas que exigem concentração. Se você busca um sono reparador, utilize o shot Sleep+ cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem antes de usar e aproveite a conveniência de um shot que se encaixa perfeitamente na sua rotina.
I got these for those Monday morning blues or mid-week needed energy to push through a heavy itinerary. The pack includes a mix of shots for energy, focus, immune support, and one for sleep. The issue I noticed is while I felt a pick-me up after taking – it did not last 7 hours. For me this was a 3 hour boost. The Sleep shot, helped me fall asleep. The taste is okay.
Chris –
I’ve tried several flavors and I couldn’t tell a difference at all. I originally only drank half of the first one because the fine print on the bottle said it had 260 mg of caffeine and I was unsure if it would be too much. I didn’t notice anything. After that I tried a few more but I never noticed an increase in my energy level.
Customer Review –
We’ve tried lots and lots of different brands and flavors of energy or other supplement drinks. This is the first time that we’ve seen an assortment in one package. Not having to order several different cases of single varieties is very helpful as it pertains to space in our pantry.
So if you’d like to try an assortment of energy, mood, sleep, etc. this is a product you should consider.
“briscojr” –
I’m used to seeing these drinks at the checkout counter of a gas station, and this is like buying all of them. You get a display box that all of the drinks come in. The drinks are all individually sealed, and offer a surprising range of benefits. I expected them to all be basically energy drinks, but there is a wide assortment for what you’re after. 1 of the bottles is even a sleep aid.
The drinks that I’ve had have all tasted good, and do seem to give me a little pep of energy, but I’m not sure they provide all of the things that they claim to.
Antonio Bianco –
I was really looking forward to these wellness energy shots, but I am disappointed with the taste. I think these taste terrible but I have noticed I have more energy when taking it. I haven’t tried the sleep energy shot, but the other ones were ok. I just have a difficult time getting past the taste.
Rate it Jane –
I ordered the variety pack thinking there would be at least one flavor that I would like the taste. I was wrong every one has this hard to describe sweet taste that doesn’t work with the combined formulas. I threw them out they made me gag. Maybe an acquired taste but not worth it for me. I can’t take the nausea feeling.
A. Vandelay –
These vitamin energy shots come in a variety of flavors that all purport to different effects. I can’t say I have witnessed any of the effects they claim, except for the ones used for energy which do provide a nice burst of zip for about an hour or so. For the ones for “sleep” the levels of melatonin are so low (5 mg) that is probably why they had no effect on me.
Star –
First, I tried the one to help with sleep. As a hardcore insomniac, I was pleasantly surprised that it (in addition to my doxepin prescription) DID help me sleep better, and without the usual 4 am wakeup. The flavor was good; it went down easy.
A day or so later I tried the first one for energy. It tasted okay, but didn’t give me any extra energy.
A couple days later, I tried another of the energy shots, which said on the lable it burned calories…I did neither, although the taste was ok. Then, right around bedtime, I did start to feel energy- but it was 9 hrs later!
Next i was about to try another one-one which turned out to have black mold (see photo) around the lid as well as inside the bottle, even though it was sealed! Nooo…thank you. I threw that one out. Mold was floating inside, I found when I dumped it out.
Of this multi-pack, only one was for assisting in a good night of sleep, and that was the one that I did like. The rest were all for energy/ burning calories/ appetite suppressant, just in a variety of flavors, and those did absolutely nothing for me. I assume I got some nutritional benefit from them, if nothing else.
None tasted bad, so i think I’ll just keep one in my purse when I go out, in case my mouth is dry, or I get hungry and can’t eat for a while.
These type of products have never really done much for me-but everyone’s chemistry is different- this review is based only on my personal experience. It could be great for another person. I had to take off a star for the moldy one, of course! I’m sure that was just an odd packaging defect, though.