Descrição do Produto: Lifeable Vitamin D3 10000IU
A vitamina D3 é um nutriente essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na saúde óssea e na imunidade. O Lifeable Vitamin D3 10000IU é um suplemento em forma de goma que combina sabor e eficácia, oferecendo uma maneira deliciosa de garantir a ingestão adequada desse nutriente vital. Cada porção contém 25 mcg de vitamina D3, o que equivale a 10000 IU, e cada frasco contém 90 gomas, proporcionando um total de 45 porções.
- Pode Ajudar a Apoiar a Saúde Óssea e Imunidade: A vitamina D3 é fundamental para a absorção de cálcio, essencial para a construção e manutenção de ossos fortes. Essas gomas de vitamina D podem apoiar a saúde dos dentes e dos ossos, além de contribuir para o bem-estar emocional.
- Vitamina D 10000 IU – 250 mcg por Porção: Cada porção consiste em 2 gomas. Este frasco contém 90 gomas de vitamina D3, com 25 mcg de vitamina D3 por porção, totalizando 45 porções de 10000 IU.
- Goma com Sabor de Morango Delicioso: Essas gomas de vitamina D para adultos têm um sabor frutado de morango que todos adoram; são agradáveis e fáceis de mastigar, fazendo com que você queira mais gomas de vitamina D para mulheres e homens!
- Fonte Natural e Vegetariana: Esses suplementos de força óssea vegetarianos são certificados como não-GMO, sem glúten e sem laticínios. Cada goma de vitamina D é livre de amendoim e nozes, feita com pectina natural. Kosher e halal.
- Recomendado por Médicos: A Lifeable investe milhares de horas em pesquisa, testes e análise de cada um de seus produtos. Toda a nossa linha de suplementos é respaldada pela aprovação de um renomado médico de família.
1. Fortalecimento Ósseo: Aumenta a absorção de cálcio, essencial para ossos e dentes saudáveis.
2. Suporte Imunológico: Contribui para um sistema imunológico mais forte, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de morango torna o consumo diário mais prazeroso, incentivando a adesão ao suplemento.
4. Opção Vegetariana: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, sendo livre de ingredientes de origem animal.
5. Aprovação Médica: A confiança de um produto respaldado por profissionais de saúde garante qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas de Lifeable Vitamin D3 10000IU diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Steve Frazier –
Texture is a bit odd and flavor is ok but gets old quick so had a hard time disciplining myself to take it
Level Up –
Product seems old and way too much sugar. Tastes awful.
Nick E –
Lifeable Vitamin D – 10,000 IU: 14.99 for a 90 count bottle at the time of review.
Vitamin D3 is one of those things that, if you live in the wrong part of the world, you’ll have a hard time getting enough of without a supplement. That’s because the easiest source is the sun! Since I live in a place that doesn’t get a ton of sun year round, I know that I need to take supplements to make sure I get my fill. I’ve been taking the tiny little pills from Costco as they are quite cheap (something like 2¢/pill). But when I saw these gummies I thought I’d switch up my routine for a change.
*What I liked*:
These berry flavored vitamin gummies are delicious. They basically taste exactly like a sweet candy gumdrop. I honestly can’t even tell if there’s vitamin D in them from the flavor.
I like that the bottle is 90-count. Since you need two gummies a day it’s a 45 day bottle.
*What I didn’t like*:
The one real drawback to these gummies is the cost, at $15 for 90 gummies that works out to about 16.6¢/gummy or about 33¢/day. Considering that the same serving of vitamin D from Costco is the aforementioned 2¢, it’s pretty hard not to suggest that you just take that and buy a bag of gumdrops.
*The Bottom Line:*
I like these gummies. They taste good and they’re an easy way to get your daily dose of vitamin D. That said, they cost literally 15 times what a pill does. Unless you have kids that you’re trying to get to take vitamin D (and I *certainly* hope you consult a doctor before feeding these to a child), I just can’t abide the price. I struggled with what to rate these overall, but ultimately I’ll judge them on what they are and not so much what they cost. As a gummy vitamin they’re delicious. Therefore, I’ll give ‘em four stars out of five. I won’t be ordering them again though. Too spendy for my taste.
Elisabet palomera –
I have taken them before and still take them it has help me and my girls.
BeachMntGirl –
Easy to use
Nick E –
If you work from home then you’re probably not getting enough vitamin D and this can lead to lethargicness and depression. I was getting this way as I don’t get much sunlight in my condo. I started to take vitamin D pills but would forget some days to take it then I realize I do so well with gummies as I use them to quench my sweet tooth while getting the nutrients I need from them and that’s what I do with these. I take double the dose a day and have realize this has helped me to be more productive in the day than before where I didn’t want to do anything and just felt sad & down. I now have resume cooking and cleaning up again and will keep buying these as it helps keep my sweet tooth at bay so I can eat healthier to lose this weight. Highly recommend if you may be like me and lacking vitamin D and have a sweet tooth.
Monnique DeSilva –
Precise Disarray –
Very tasty gummies. I normally use soft gels, but I also use gummies for on the go use. I take a variety of supplements but not all at once. So instead of packing vitamins that I need to swallow with water, I like to pack gummies- then it serves as a mini snack.
Two gummies contain 10,000 IU. So take this, or halve it. I actually take closer to 30-40,000 IU per day along side K2 (mk-4, mk-7)– K2 is vital when taking D3 as D3 increases calcium absorption. Free calcium gets us in trouble as it ends up in places we dont want it to. That is where K2 comes in.. as it acts as a traffic director by telling calcium where to go. Anyway, since i take higher levels of D3 (was clinically deficient, now take this amount to maintain, sorry, nearly no one gets enough sun to make a difference) this higher dose gummy is really nice, and again very convenient on the go.