Descrição do Produto: Superior Source Child B-Complex Vitamins (60 Tablets)
As vitaminas do complexo B são essenciais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável das crianças. O Superior Source Child B-Complex Vitamins é um suplemento formulado especialmente para atender às necessidades nutricionais dos pequenos, oferecendo uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas B, cálcio e ácido fólico. Cada comprimido solúvel é projetado para proporcionar suporte celular, promovendo a saúde do coração, fortalecendo o sistema imunológico e atuando como um impulsionador de energia.
- Os suplementos de vitaminas B-Complex para crianças são enriquecidos com cálcio e ácido fólico, fundamentais para o desenvolvimento celular e a formação de ossos saudáveis.
- Essas vitaminas são essenciais para a saúde do coração, ajudando a regular a função cardiovascular e a manter níveis adequados de energia ao longo do dia.
- Com ingredientes 100% naturais, o Superior Source garante que seu filho receba apenas o melhor em termos de nutrição.
- Os comprimidos são solúveis, facilitando a ingestão e garantindo que as vitaminas sejam rapidamente absorvidas pelo organismo.
1. Suporte ao Crescimento: As vitaminas do complexo B são cruciais para o crescimento saudável, ajudando a garantir que as crianças atinjam seu potencial máximo.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Com a adição de ácido fólico, o suplemento ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo, protegendo as crianças contra doenças.
3. Aumento de Energia: As vitaminas B são conhecidas por seu papel na conversão de alimentos em energia, proporcionando um impulso necessário para as atividades diárias das crianças.
4. Saúde Cardiovascular: O suporte à saúde do coração é vital desde a infância, e este suplemento contribui para a manutenção de um sistema cardiovascular saudável.
5. Fácil de Consumir: Os comprimidos solúveis são uma opção prática e saborosa, tornando a suplementação uma parte agradável da rotina diária das crianças.
Recomenda-se que as crianças tomem um comprimido solúvel por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. O comprimido deve ser colocado na boca e deixado dissolver completamente antes de engolir. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para garantir que a dosagem atenda às necessidades específicas de cada criança.
#1ShortieTaz –
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These tablets dissolve easily, taste great, and most importantly contain a reasonable amount of B vitamins. Although these are marketed for children I take them myself as many “adult” brands have sky high percent daily values of B vitamins which is incredibly stimulating. These are perfect! Highly recommend.
MJ –
I take very little B vitamins as I read recently for smokers it can give you lung cancer, ohhhh great!!! Just when you’re trying to counter balance your extremes in life…I now take these , and Im kinda a big kid anyway, aren’t we all? The taste is mild and they dissolve quickly in your mouth…
Kolemom –
I love Superior Source but I really wish they would which to the Methyl B12 instead of the Cyano B12. I won’t use any of their products again that contain Cyanocobalamin. I bought their Methylcobalamin B12 for adults, time for them to switch their kids stuff over too.
Vivian –
OK so you don’t like the taste? Vit B stinks people, in any form..if it’s all sugary is it better? No way! So my body cannot take Vit B complex. The b12 makes me jittery and irritable in adult doses, the other Bs keep me awake! Adult doses are too high..sure maybe the drops would work but that is watered down. These little cute things you can take 5 under your tongue or 1..whatever you need for the day. Or swallow with chocolate milk who cares, but these don’t keep me awake or cause me to be more irritable than my usual irritable I’ll keep these on board to get the little more B I need. Taste is overrated and if you use these for your kids just say like my mom said..Open yer mouth and take it, it’s good for you!! Hey I Had to take cod liver oil!!! Get with the program and best wishes!!!
Clare C –
My 2 young children spit it out. The citrus is to strong. The smell is strong. (vitamin smell)
Texas Mom –
My kids said they are sour. But they tolerate them. Good vitamins to take for an extra b and c to keep kids healthy especially during winter months. I will be ordering. My kids don’t eat alone of healthy foods so I give them these to make up. And a multi vitamin as value.
MJ –
The kids don’t like the taste, but they still take them. I have them hold it under their tongue for 90 seconds, and then they can take a drink of water. I feel like it works very well. One child it helps calm her down and make her even, and the other just says she feels good. The pills are very small so it doesn’t take long for them to dissolve.
Amazon Customer –
These are a great daily dissolvable I give every morning for my children. I got these last year because my children were going through a lot of stress. Due to stress and canker sores I already knew about B-vitamins helping with stress but not aware of the canker sores. Going from a full mouth of canker sores, 3-5 in mouth at a time, they were gone! I stopped giving them to my children and my children started going through a lot of stress again a year later, present, and the one got canker sores again. Ordered this again and gone! Children are 12, 7 and 5. The 5 year old is the one with the canker sores. Even though she says they taste like “dog food” she still asks for them every morning because she loves not having the canker sores. This has also helped with moods. Again, out of 4 of us 3 of us think these are gross. So would not give them by themselves :-]