O Pink Stork Liquid Prenatal + Postnatal Multivitamin for Women – Organic Food Blend é um suplemento vitamínico e mineral completo, recomendado por obstetras e ginecologistas, que contém 100% das vitaminas essenciais para a saúde da mulher durante a gravidez e pós-parto. Sua fórmula exclusiva é composta por uma mistura de alimentos orgânicos integrais, incluindo Folate real (a forma natural do ácido fólico), vitamina C, vitamina D, complexo B (incluindo vitamina B6 e vitamina B12), vitamina E, zinco e muito mais. Ao contrário de gomas de vitaminas pré-natais ou suplementos em cápsulas, as vitaminas líquidas são absorvidas pelo corpo de forma mais eficiente, tornando-as a escolha ideal para o período pós-natal.
Nossas vitaminas pré-natais para mulheres contêm ingredientes naturais e integrais, incluindo nutrientes de sabugueiro, espinafre, gengibre, concentrado de acerola, concentrado de açaí, couve e muito mais. Tome uma colher de sopa do seu multivitamínico líquido matinal diariamente, o suficiente para 32 dias. É fácil de engolir e pode ser misturado em sua bebida favorita ou mistura de bebidas! Uma ótima adição à sua rotina diária, seja você está tentando conceber, grávida ou no pós-parto! Armazene na geladeira para obter melhores resultados.
Está se sentindo enjoada por causa da gravidez? Nossas vitaminas líquidas para mulheres são absorvidas rapidamente e eficientemente, com antioxidantes e nutrientes adicionais para ajudar a aliviar enjoos matinais ocasionais e promover o bem-estar digestivo geral. Para um suporte pré-natal adicional, experimente nossos Flakes de Banho para Gravidez ou Probióticos Pré-natais para mulheres.
Nosso multivitamínico pré-natal para mulheres não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs), glúten, gelatina, soja ou laticínios. Uma equipe de especialistas do sexo feminino formula nosso multivitamínico para mulheres, que é testado por terceiros. Estamos em uma missão de fornecer as melhores vitaminas pré-natais para mulheres grávidas.
Empresa de Mulheres, Administrada por Mulheres! Nossa fundadora e CEO, Amy Suzanne, é mãe de seis filhos e sabe o quão importante é oferecer às novas mães produtos confiáveis. Mais de 80% de nossos funcionários são mulheres e criamos produtos limpos, confiáveis e eficazes para cada etapa de sua jornada. Estamos em uma missão de fornecer esperança às mulheres e impactar positivamente todos que entram em contato com a Pink Stork.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Fórmula completa com 100% das vitaminas recomendadas por obstetras e ginecologistas.
- 2. Ingredientes naturais e integrais, provenientes de alimentos orgânicos.
- 3. Absorção eficiente pelo corpo, superando gomas e cápsulas pré-natais.
- 4. Alívio de enjoos matinais ocasionais e suporte à saúde digestiva.
- 5. Livre de OGMs, glúten, gelatina, soja e laticínios, formulado por uma equipe de especialistas do sexo feminino.
Tome uma colher de sopa do Pink Stork Liquid Prenatal + Postnatal Multivitamin for Women – Organic Food Blend diariamente, de preferência pela manhã. Pode ser consumido puro ou misturado em sua bebida favorita. Armazene na geladeira para manter a qualidade do produto. Consulte seu médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Brianne Beebe –
I switched over to this from RAW Prenatal by Garden of Life. I was upset to see Garden of Life was bought out by Nestle, and they recently sneakily added Vitex, which should NOT be in a prenatal. I did my research, and chose this Pink Stork liquid prenatal because of the organic ingredients, and absorption. Why waste your money by peeing out all the vitamins?? This one tastes just as other reviews say, and it’s not bad to take once a day and get it over with. Most other organic/food based prenatal require three pills spaced through a day. I had trouble with that, especially once “mom brain” kicked in. Trying to remember three pills a day is tough when you’re sleep deprived and have a new baby! Taking this once in the morning has been so much easier.
So far I am halfway through the bottle and very happy. My only concern was this doesn’t have much calcium or magnesium, which is important in pregnancy. I contacted customer service and they were wonderful. They suggested I probably get enough in my diet, but to double-check with my doctor. I also take a vitamin D and a fish oil DHA. My only dislike of this product is that it’s not travel-friendly, as it needs refrigerated. I may just buy a cheap normal prenatal for weekends away and such.
I would highly recommend this prenatal if it’s in your budget! Customer service was great to deal with, and I’m sure if you’re unhappy with their product, they’ll make it right. I plan to continue taking this prenatal through my new pregnancy, and through breastfeeding (if not switching to their breastfeeding vitamins). I have not had any issues with spoiling (I refrigerated right away after it arrived), or spilling down the side of the bottle. I was worried this would taste like wheatgrass or something, and be hard to stomach. But it’s not bad at all! My husband even tried it out of curiosity, and said “it tastes pretty good for drinking vitamins!”
GypsyMomma –
I’ve been using this prenatal from Pink Stork Foundation for a little over two weeks now and I am super pleased with it. I actually like the taste of it, somehow it tastes like vitamins but in a good way, for me at least 😉 I do take it with my evening meal, along with a probiotic and prenatal omega blend, as opposed to the suggested morning usage on the label. Mornings into early afternoons (some days later still) are not the most fun right now (9 weeks) so I tend to not want to smell certain smells or taste certain tastes during those times. But I honestly believe that I could take this in the mid-morning with some food and be just fine. I hope to make the switch soon so I can see if it helps with energy during the day as I think and hope it will. I will update when that happens. This is a complete prenatal with much of the natural goodness as I was hoping for and I am thankful to have found it. I like knowing that the liquid is much more readily and quickly absorbed by my body and that my liver isn’t struggling to process one more (big) supplement! Bonus: Momma and baby are getting quality nutrients! Thanks Pink Stork for such a great and thoughtful product!!
Update: August 29, 2016
I have been using Pink Stork liquid prenatal for 2 months now and I am still really pleased with the taste as well as affect. I am finally in the second trimester (closing in on week 17) and feeling better with lots more energy that I’m sure is partly due to this prenatal since my eating habits are no where near as clean and steady or predictable as pre-pregnancy. I have noticed that no matter what time of day I take Foundation, I never have issues with feeling nauseous or burping up the taste of it like I do with capsule type supplements or vitamins. I am definitely thankful for this prenatal, thank you Pink Stork!!!
Anna C. Lukes –
Love it! Tastes great to me. Has more folate than most brands and I was looking for that. Really do not like swallowing vitamins – this is too easy and yummy! I wish all the pills I take could be in liquid form like this. Really thankful for this option.
Trusted brand – have used their teas before too.
I’ve been taking at night one tablespoon then drinking water and brushing teeth. I can’t believe this exists – I needed this liquid form – hard for me to want to take prenatals for some reason. (Used to take Ritual and they didn’t make me feel sick but I can’t physically want to take them now plus fish smell if didn’t take at night).
Ryan –
I’m so glad I found this product! I already had prenatal vitamins that I was working on during my pregnancy, so I started taking this postpartum. During my pregnancy, I hated taking pills and wish I had found this sooner! This would have made taking prenatals a piece of cake! Since it is liquid, I was a bit worried about the taste. However, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It does have that vitamin taste, but it is completely bearable, and since it needs to be refrigerated, the coolness may help with the taste. I take a spoonful after breakfast every morning and follow with some water afterwards to get the vitamin taste out. For a person who is horrible at taking pills (like me), this product is a God-send! The only con I can think of is that almost always after I pour out a spoon, a few drops of the vitamin will trickle down the side of the bottle. I’m not sure if this is something that can be changed, but an improvement in the design of the bottle to prevent wasting the product would be great!