A Vitamina Anytime You Drink para Saúde do Fígado
WAKE UP FEELING BETTER THAN YOU SHOULD*: Quando você bebe, seu corpo produz enzimas para metabolizá-lo no fígado. À medida que envelhecemos, produzimos menos dessas enzimas e nosso metabolismo desacelera. A Vitamina Anytime You Drink promove as enzimas que impulsionam o metabolismo. Ela também repõe as vitaminas e eletrólitos que você utiliza nesse processo e fornece uma tonelada de outros nutrientes que suportam a função saudável do cérebro, fígado e corpo*.
THE ONLY DOCTOR-DEVELOPED VITAMIN FOR WHEN YOU DRINK: A Dra. Linda J. Kaplan MD, co-fundadora e diretora médica, uma médica certificada, combinou sua experiência médica com pesquisas científicas globais para desenvolver nossa fórmula de 16 ingredientes com dupla patente (Patente No. 11,096,904 e Patente No. 11,571,395). A Vitamina Anytime You Drink da H-PROOF suporta o metabolismo, promove a saúde do fígado e restaura nutrientes vitais*.
INGREDIENTES COM SUPORTE CIENTÍFICO: A Vitamina B6, Tiamina, Riboflavina, Niacina, Ácido Fólico, Vitamina B12 e Ácido Pantotênico promovem enzimas que impulsionam o metabolismo. Antioxidantes suportam as defesas naturais do corpo contra radicais livres. Os suportes hepáticos DHM, Cardo Mariano, Taurina e L-Glutathione promovem a função saudável do fígado e metabolismo. A Vitamina C e o Zinco suportam o sistema imunológico e a saúde celular. Os eletrólitos hidratam e ajudam a reequilibrar o cérebro, coração e corpo.
VEGANO, SEM AÇÚCAR, SEM GLÚTEN, ZERO CALORIAS: Levamos a sério o que colocamos em nossos corpos e esperamos que você faça o mesmo. Todas as nossas vitaminas são fabricadas nos EUA em uma instalação registrada na FDA que segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação, que é o mais alto padrão alcançável. Nossas vitaminas são testadas quanto a impurezas e metais pesados.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove o metabolismo e a saúde do fígado
- Restaura nutrientes vitais e suporta a função saudável do cérebro e corpo
- Fórmula desenvolvida por médica certificada com base em pesquisas científicas globais
- Ingredientes com suporte científico para impulsionar o metabolismo e fortalecer o sistema imunológico
- Vegano, sem açúcar, sem glúten e zero calorias
A Vitamina Anytime You Drink oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua experiência ao consumir bebidas alcoólicas. Primeiramente, ela promove um metabolismo mais eficiente, ajudando seu corpo a processar o álcool de maneira mais eficaz. Em segundo lugar, a fórmula rica em nutrientes restaura vitaminas essenciais que podem ser perdidas durante a ingestão de álcool, garantindo que você se sinta revitalizado. Além disso, a vitamina apoia a saúde do fígado, um órgão vital para a desintoxicação do corpo. Outro ponto importante é que a fórmula foi desenvolvida por uma médica certificada, garantindo sua eficácia e segurança. Por fim, a composição vegana e livre de açúcar e glúten torna este produto acessível a uma ampla gama de consumidores, sem comprometer a saúde.
Tome uma cápsula da Vitamina Anytime You Drink com água antes ou durante a ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas. É importante não exceder a dose diária recomendada. Para garantir a segurança e eficácia do produto, consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver algum problema de saúde. A utilização adequada da vitamina pode maximizar seus benefícios e contribuir para uma experiência mais saudável ao consumir álcool.
Erin M. –
I rarely write reviews, but am compelled to share thoughts on H-Proof given how many other options I tried before discovering it.
Over the last 10 years, I’ve bought quite a few products marketed as a “hangover cure” (including smoothies listed on menus as serving this purpose), most notably several of the powder hydration variety.
All have been a waste of $ except H-Proof — I never used the other options more than once after buying (in a pack), so they ended up expiring or I threw them away unfortunately.
The best way I can describe it is that H-Proof is the only one that’s actually made a difference in how I feel the day after drinking. It’s the most pleasant to use given a) that it doesn’t need to be mixed with liquid, and b) that I like the taste/there’s no strange aftertaste. Flavor may boil down to personal preference, but the other options I’ve tried felt like a chore to take because I had to force myself to finish the liquid mixture (despite not liking the taste), and had to deal with the mess of powder/washing a glass after. I wouldn’t mind those elements if I loved the products, but even Liquid IV (one of the more popular options available) tastes unpleasant to me.
I love that you can take H-Proof at night and again in the morning if you feel like you need it, *and* that if you forget to take it at night (as directed), there’s still some benefit to taking it in the AM (albeit reduced). I love that the ingredients are natural, and there are no fake sugars.
There are only two downsides to H-Proof. 1) Price. They are definitely expensive. 2) If buying the full-sized container (as I do), lack of inexpensive convenient transport for travel.
The 10-count canisters are only available in bulk for $59, and I don’t want to spend that (or worse, $79 for single-dose packets) just to get one small canister to use on-the-go with the supply I already have. They should offer one 10-count canister for sale, even at the (ridiculous) price of $20 or $25, so customers aren’t forced to pay $59 for 3.
I make do by bringing the full-sized carton in my travel bag, but if I just wanted to bring 2-3 chewables in my purse for an overnight, I’d have to find my own solution to prevent crumbling — which is a bummer for a product that’s already $59 and priced significantly higher than the competition. I could order a generic travel canister on Amazon, but prefer to have the manufacturer’s packaging so that airport security etc could clearly identify what’s inside if needed. Plus, the H-Proof seafoam green is super easy to find in a bag, so I want the smaller version of the branded container.
That said, I still prefer the convenience of a chewable over packets of powder, which is the form that most alternative brand options come in. Little packets seem convenient for on-the-go, but once they’ve lived in the bottom of your bag for a short time, they tend to disintegrate a bit.
Lastly, if relevant to note, I primarily use this product after having 1-3 (at most) drinks, (usually after 1-2). I don’t go out or drink the way I did in my 20s, so I can’t speak to how these perform after drinking 4+ drinks, though I wish these existed 10-15 years ago because I could have used them. I did recommend to a college-ages friend (who parties/drinks accordingly), and she said they work for her too.
Hope this feedback is helpful to anyone considering buying this product.
Julia –
I’ve been using these for over a year now and if you can remember to take them, they really work. After having a few drinks, I feel much better the next day when I take these before going to bed. Sometimes I’ll take another dose in the morning if I’m still feeling rough. It’s not a miracle worker but it definitely helps.
Nicole –
I took this as instructed the night before and was hungover. Even when I combined this with Blowfish. And I didn’t even drink that much – about 6 beers in 4 hours and I weigh 140 as a woman. Also tried it when I had about 7 drinks in 5 hours. Bummer that it is ridiculously expensive.
** update: I am changing my review from one start a four-star, because of the outstanding customer service. This company offers.
Wow seller actually reached out to me and offered a refund! That is amazing! I didn’t even ask for it. Stand up seller! I wish their product to work for me. Hopefully it works for others as they stand behind their product.
rakaye15 –
Hi, it worked but I also got allergic reaction. The product needs to be tested for allergies and for some reason it had traces of sulfa or contains sulfa. It was not fun to get a serious allergic reaction and I am also not able to return the product. This can be very serious. I have contacted the manufacturer and told them of my allergic reaction and asked them to label the product appropriately, if it has traces of sulfa.
D. Ket –
I’ve used H-PROOF as an older person who likes to drink for some months now. It has helped tremendously without waking up with hangover issues. The flavor/taste is a bit chalky, but I take two of them with water. No after taste. On the pricey side, yes – but so worth it in the long run!
MrsHeller –
Had these on deck for opening day at Munich’s 2024 Oktoberfest for me and my husband. Our mid-40’s bodies can’t take loads of beer like they once could, so I was skeptical. I couldn’t tell you how many beers we had BUT we woke up as folks who thoroughly did not care what we consumed the day before shouldn’t have. No headache or nausea. A little aloof, maybe, but no major sickness. Def. recommend. Prost!
nick sells –
I am so torn! I have been using this for a year now and it really does work. But I just read the ingredients and it contains Sucralose, which is one of the most damaging things you can put in your body. It’s effect on you micro-biome healthy gut bacteria is the same a taking antibiotics. It also moves you into a pre-diabetic state. I cannot use it any longer, which makes me sad, because it really does work. If they ever switch to a non poisonous sweetener I will get back on this immediately.
Luke B. –
This stuff helps with the next morning after a drinking session. Even just 1 beer these help immensely for the next day energy levels!