Vitamina D: Será essa a vitamina milagrosa?
Se você ainda tem um batimento cardíaco, este livro é diretamente relevante para você. A vitamina D é o mais recente desenvolvimento na ciência médica e, neste novo e envolvente livro, o premiado jornalista investigativo e autor de best-sellers Ian Wishart reúne a ciência mais atualizada sobre a vitamina D e como ela pode salvar sua vida. Câncer? Até 77% de redução no risco de desenvolvê-lo se você tomar essa vitamina. Doença cardíaca? O mesmo tipo de redução. Você sabia que autismo, doenças mentais e esclerose múltipla parecem ser causados pela falta de vitamina D durante a gravidez? Você sabia que TDAH e asma parecem resultar dessa mesma deficiência? A vida de cada pessoa, incluindo você, será afetada pelas informações contidas neste livro. Com mais de 300 ensaios e estudos científicos citados, este livro é um guia de referência não apenas para o leitor comum, mas também para profissionais médicos.
Condições abordadas:
- Astma
- Autismo
- Alergias
- Alzheimer
- Câncer de mama
- Câncer de intestino
- Câncer de pele
- Melanoma
- Doença cardíaca
- Acidente vascular cerebral
- Gripes
- Pandemias de gripe
- Doença de Crohn
- Doenças mentais
- Diabetes
- Tuberculose
- Esclerose múltipla
- Depressão
- Gravidez
- Infertilidade
- Superbactérias hospitalares
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Maior proteção contra o câncer e doenças cardíacas
- Prevenção de doenças mentais e neurológicas
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico
- Redução do risco de doenças respiratórias
- Melhora da saúde óssea e muscular
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de vitamina D por dia, de preferência com uma refeição que contenha gordura, para uma melhor absorção. Consulte um profissional de saúde para determinar a dosagem adequada para suas necessidades individuais.
Amazon Customer –
Well researched and very easy to understand. Certainly a MUST READ, if you want to be better physically equipped to meet old age head on!
Garry Anderson –
Excellent coverage of a vitally important topic. I have often wondered why autism seems so prevalent among kids these days. Little did I realize that so many diseases of our generation can be traced to our community’s avoidance of sunshine.
I am embarrassed at my country’s Health Ministry stance on Vitamin D levels and the hypocrisy at Government level.
Thanks to Ian Wishart for producing this well researched book laying out the evidence for a public health campaign to raise Vitamin D levels
Lippens –
Wil je beter inzicht krijgen over je gezondheid en het belang van
Vitamine D suppletie, moet je dit boek echt lezen.
Zou verplichte lectuur moeten zijn voor al onze artsen.
Die ook nog steeds 10 mcg vitamine D voorschrijven.
Hugh Algie –
A must read for anyone interested in your daily health. I just had my first winter completely free of cold & flue, not even a sniffle,
I would read the book and then make up your own mind on the importance of Vitamin D
Ivan Lowe –
My first degree was in Human Biology, and now as an Associate Professor I teach courses on evidence and research methodology. Therefore, I was at first both attracted and sceptical about this book. The title put me off. I would have preferred: Vitamin D: reassessing the evidence.
I came to the book familiar with Wishart’s science books. I knew he would be readable, courteous, firm, and well referenced. Wishart is well acquainted both with the science and the politics of medicine. He presents the science so that non-technical people can see the point, and technical people can have precision and detail. Wishart is NOT jumping on a bandwagon: he has been researching and writing about the importance of Vitamin D for over seven years. His basic approach, as always, is to follow the evidence wherever it leads, even if the conclusions are contentious and uncomfortable.
The first chapter introduces his argument. Chapters 2-12 cover the role of Vitamin D in (2) Alzheimer’s, (3) Autism, (4) Asthma and Allergies, (5) Breast Cancer, (6)Colon and Prostate Cancer, (7) Heart disease, (8) Flu and colds, (9)Pregnancy and childhood, (10)Mental Illness, (11) Multiple Sclerosis (12) Chrohn’s Disease and Type 1 Diabetes. His basic thesis is that Vitamin D is needed, in large quantities. It is vitally important in a wide range of biological systems and diseases. For instance, Wishart presents loads of evidence in chapter 2 that high blood levels of Vit D are strongly associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s. The natural level of Vitamin D in people who work outside is 50ng/ml(125nmol/L) This should be the pre-winter target.
So, what is the problem? Surely a balanced diet provides all we need?
Wishart shows that diet is not sufficient. The main source of Vitamin D is through the influence of sunlight on skin. Everyone is agreed that sunburn is to be avoided, so the exposure needs to be limited and frequent. Dietary supplements are possible, but they work best for those who already have reasonably high body reserves. Wishart is careful to warn that large supplements can be dangerous, unless taken intravenously.
So the problem is that we have a generation educated to believe that skin cancer must be avoided by regular use of sunscreen, which blocks the sun and as a consequence prevents the production of Vitamin D. Chapters 13&14 cover this. He explains that sunscreens do help to protect against the less dangerous “squamous cell carcinoma” but provide no protection at all for the dangerous kind: “basal cell carcinoma”. In addition, those with the most exposure to sun are more likely to survive the dangerous cancer, and are less likely to get it!
I wish Wishart had gone into more detail on what to do. I immediately stopped using suncream, but will continue to wear a hat and sunglasses. Sunlight is afterall associated with glaucoma and cataracts is it not? I live in Tunisia and walk to work. Before I started using sunscreen two years ago I had become skilled in avoiding prolonged exposure to sun, while tolerating a little reddening.
Both sides of the debate agree that burning is bad. Suitable clothing is the best way to avoid that, in unavoidable circumstances such as driving. But how can I avoid burning and blistering on my face? Is there a case for limited sunscreen use? I would also have liked a systematic evaluation of ALL the major components of sunscreens – not just Vitamin E, Titanium derivatives, Nanotechnology, and Oxybenzone. I hope that in the second edition he will answer these questions.
Buy this book. Send your doctor a Kindle copy, and catch as much Autumn sunlight as you can. If Wishart is wrong, then he will have only saved you some money. If he is right, then high levels of naturally produced Vitamin D will reduce cancers and boost the immune system.
Brenda Stuart –
This book will open your eyes to the misleading information Kiwis have been taught about ‘slip, slop, slap’. Thanks to Ian Wishart for teaching me the benefits of Vitamin D and the truth about sunblock.
Myrene McLeod –
I like that all the information in this book appears to be backed by credible research. I came away with a clear knowledge of what I should do to ensure I have sufficient stores of Vitamin D and how to best go about getting it easily.
Anyone intersted in staying as healthy as they can would find this of interest.
BarbNZ –
I felt this book was a great summary of the research around Vitamin D and its health effects, and the excellent referencing made it easy to read more technical research if i needed to. A very thought provoking book.
J & S. Foster –
This book, as is expected of this author, very well written, researched and the evidence is presented in a manner understandable by professionals and laymen alike.
If you are at all concerned about your health and the wellbeing of your loved ones, you will read this book and take onboard the implied remedies of natural sunshine and maybe also vitamin D3 supplements.
Emkaye –
Had heard so much about this book, that I needed to read it.
Enjoyed it ,albiet having to skim over a lot of the medical data.
Getting out into the sun as much as I can now!