Descrição do Produto: Vitamina C Natural | Pó de Cereja Acerola Cultivada de Forma Natural 1 Lb (16 Oz – 453 Gramas)
A Vitamina C Natural da Mr Ros, feita a partir da cereja acerola, é uma das fontes mais ricas de vitamina C disponíveis no planeta. Este pó de acerola é uma opção versátil e poderosa para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico e manter a saúde em dia. Ideal para adultos e crianças, a vitamina C em pó da Mr Ros desempenha um papel essencial no funcionamento das células brancas do sangue, componentes vitais do sistema imunológico. Com a capacidade de manter o corpo saudável durante todo o ano, este suplemento é uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja se proteger contra resfriados e gripes.
Produzido a partir de cerejas acerola orgânicas, nosso pó de vitamina C é naturalmente derivado, o que significa que os nutrientes permanecem no sangue por até 12 horas, muito mais do que a biodisponibilidade da maioria dos produtos de vitamina C industrialmente processados. Além disso, por ser natural, é muito mais suave para o estômago. O pó de vitamina C da Mr Ros é feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, totalmente livres de produtos químicos agressivos e aditivos artificiais, e se dissolve facilmente em quase qualquer líquido.
Reconhecida como a potência das vitaminas, a vitamina C é fundamental para o corpo humano. O suplemento em pó da Mr Ros ajuda a impulsionar o sistema imunológico, melhora o humor, combate radicais livres que podem levar ao estresse oxidativo e ao envelhecimento precoce das células, além de oferecer suporte extra durante as temporadas de resfriados, gripes e alergias. Este pó de vitamina C versátil e delicioso também desempenha um papel essencial no aumento da energia.
Perfeito para adicionar aos seus smoothies, shakes ou café da manhã, a vitamina C precisa ser reposta diariamente. Uma pequena porção do nosso delicioso pó de cereja acerola ou um copo de suco puro de acerola é mais do que suficiente para atender às suas necessidades diárias de vitamina C. Utilize o pó de cereja natural da Mr Ros com água, suco de laranja, suco de manga, cereais, shakes e smoothies. Sem cores, sabores ou adoçantes artificiais, é uma vitamina C suave e amigável para o intestino, adequada também para diabéticos.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
– Melhora do Humor e Energia: Contribui para a sensação de bem-estar e vitalidade ao longo do dia.
– Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce das células.
– Facilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas bebidas e alimentos, tornando a suplementação prática.
– Suavidade Digestiva: Por ser um produto natural, é mais gentil para o estômago em comparação com vitaminas processadas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do pó de cereja acerola em um copo de água, suco ou smoothie de sua preferência. A mistura deve ser agitada até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para maximizar a absorção, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas. Este método garantirá que você receba a dose ideal de vitamina C, promovendo saúde e bem-estar ao longo do dia.
Amazon Customer –
good product, good price
Pcola Joe –
I was taking twelve grams of ascorbic acid a day, and switched to about a gram a day of this product. I think the natural is a whole lot healthier. That is because it contains minerals and other nutrients that work together. This natural vitamin C product does not taste like acid. I personally feel it is safer to take it. I still have ascorbic acid on hand, and have been watching to see if I have any signs of a lack of vitamin C. So far I have had no colds, no flu, or any signs of a lowered immune system. I used to try and get my vitamins from food, and made green smoothies every day. They worked well, but I got burned out after a while. I did it over 6 years. I may well go back to doing it.
So this product tastes good, and has no noticeable acid. I think it is working well!
TaroReadr –
I use it for making adrenal cocktails. The flavor is a little tart but I eat a tiny dab of honey with my cocktail so it helps cover the tartness. It isn’t much different than the other brands I’ve tried flavor wise. They’re all pretty tart. This one doesn’t seem to dissolve as completely or as well as the others but that may just be the season. It’s more humid now. I’ll know for sure if I haven’t used it all by fall. It performs as expected. The price was right at the time. The prices of pretty much everything fluctuate on amazon and everywhere else. Watching them and knowing which ones are the best value is not something I can do for you. What I can do is tell you if the quality of the product is worth buying in the first place. This is a product I would buy again at the right price for me. It meets the objectives I have for a quality product at an acceptable price. Mr. Ros contacted me shortly after my product was delivered to check that the product met my expectations and to request a review. Since I like the product I decided to oblige. My decision is 4 stars at the price I paid (around $32 for a one pound bag.) It can be found a little cheaper but this one claims to be wild crafted and organic. The company also said when asked that the maltodextrin in the powder is non gmo along with the product itself.
I’m getting a little droopy and drowsy. I think I’ll go make a cocktail now. The vitamin C is great for an afternoon pick me up, which is precisely what I bought this stuff for.
COmom –
I have used this product for 8 years. It was a staple in my supplement routine. Even though the label doesn’t show anything has changed, something definitely has. Like others have stated, something has drastically changed. It changed with the switch to the plastic containers from the bags. It looks similar, but now is colorless and tasteless. It used to be orangish to pinkish when mixed up, depending on the fruit harvested. It always had a fruity flavor. I actually had a reaction to this product with the new updates. Will be returning.
Amazon Customer –
Great product for the price. A whole food supplement so you know the Ascorbic Acid (vit C) is left handed. Rather than purchasing the synthetic Vit C which could be in the right handed form or both Right and left handed forms. The right handed form is semi toxic for the body as it doesn’t occur in nature… much. So because it is a whole food it is the best for your body. It won’t dissolve in water so I use yogurt to mix it into and give to family, my kids also like it in their shakes. I also just add it to capsules and take orally. It seems I can take 3-5000 mg a day without getting the runs.
TerriJ –
This product has been wonderful for making Liposomal Encapsulated Vitamin C. I have also mixed it with my Hydrolyzed Collagen and it seems to be doing a wonderful job! The packaging is clean and sturdy. It is a very fine powder so it takes a little coaxing to get it to dissolve, but the effort is worth the end results! It has a very tart taste to it but is palatable. I’m truly feeling a difference since beginning the LEVC, this tends to ease the pain of the cost especially since you can’t put a price tag on good health! Customer service is very kind, efficient and quick in responding to questions. Will certainly be purchasing this product again.
EDIT: I have reordered this product and received the same high quality. I will continue to use this company for my purchases. Thank you for such a good product.
Sarah –
The acerola cherry powder in the new plastic bottle is different from the original one in the bag. IT has no taste and doesn’t work for me. I used it for dry skin. The first one worked for my skin.
U P –
I bought Acerola Cherry powder because I prefer C from a natural source to synthetic one. And I prefer making a drink out of it than to swallow a large pill. ACP is pretty sour. So I usually mix it with diluted carrot juice or orange juice and add a tea spoon of raw honey and stir well. Then it become a delicious drink that I enjoy every morning. I have been taking ACP for two weeks now and feel that it has given me more energy. And I feel better knowing that I put into my body something good for it.
With one bag, It provides around 140 servings. So that even though, it might seem a little pricey, it can last for a good while. The only thing I feel that can be improved is the resealable zipper of the bag which I feel a little hard to close. The seller is very nice and attentive and always make sure we are truly happy with the product. Thank you.
Amazon Customer –
I liked that I don’t need near as much to get results and it helps my arthritis, the lump on my index finger went down! The only down side is you have to mix it with water or I do put it in my morning smoothie,but the positive results are worth it!
Precise Disarray –
Seems fine. Light pink color, fine texture. Mixes well enough into water. I like the plastic container with twist off lid and internal protective cap. Purchased July 2024 with best by date 3 years out. Includes small scoop.