Descrição do Produto: Vitamina C Lipossomal – Suplemento Líquido de Alta Absorção
A Vitamina C Lipossomal é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma forma altamente eficaz de fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover a saúde geral. Com sua tecnologia lipossomal, esta vitamina C líquida é encapsulada em pequenas bolsas que imitam as membranas celulares, permitindo uma absorção até 10 vezes superior em comparação com os suplementos tradicionais em cápsulas, comprimidos ou pós. Isso significa que você obtém todos os benefícios da vitamina C de maneira mais eficiente, sem os efeitos colaterais que podem ocorrer com outras formas de suplementação.
- SUPORTA O SISTEMA IMUNOLÓGICO SAUDÁVEL: A vitamina C proporciona suporte contínuo ao sistema imunológico, melhorando a função das células brancas do sangue e promovendo a produção de anticorpos, fortalecendo assim a defesa natural do corpo.
- DEFESA ANTIOXIDANTE: Como um potente antioxidante, a vitamina C combate os radicais livres prejudiciais, protegendo as células do estresse oxidativo. Isso contribui para a saúde celular geral e um sistema imunológico mais forte.
- AUMENTA A PRODUÇÃO DE COLÁGENO: A vitamina C auxilia na síntese de colágeno, promovendo a saúde da pele, articulações e tecidos conectivos. Isso resulta em um bem-estar geral, proporcionando uma aparência mais saudável e vibrante.
- 10X MELHOR ABSORÇÃO: A tecnologia lipossomal encapsula a vitamina C em pequenas bolsas, aumentando a biodisponibilidade e a absorção em até 10 vezes. Isso evita que a vitamina C passe pelo sistema digestivo, garantindo uma absorção superior em comparação com suplementos tradicionais.
- FORMA LÍQUIDA CONVENIENTE: Integre facilmente a Vitamina C Lipossomal Rho em sua rotina diária com uma dose (5ml ou cerca de 1 colher de chá) por dia. Desfrute do sabor natural de laranja tomando diretamente ou misturando em água fria, suco, smoothie ou shake. Esta formulação líquida oferece 30 doses por frasco. É isenta de açúcar, Keto, não-OGM, livre de glúten, laticínios e soja. Não contém enchimentos, ligantes ou corantes artificiais. Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação cGMP e testado por terceiros.
1. Apoio Imunológico Eficaz: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e reduzindo o estresse oxidativo.
3. Saúde da Pele e Articulações: Aumenta a produção de colágeno, melhorando a elasticidade da pele e a saúde das articulações.
4. Alta Absorção: A tecnologia lipossomal garante que você aproveite ao máximo cada gota do suplemento.
5. Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida permite uma integração simples na rotina diária, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 5ml (aproximadamente 1 colher de chá) de Vitamina C Lipossomal uma vez ao dia. Você pode consumi-la diretamente ou misturá-la em água fria, suco, smoothie ou shake. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Para garantir a eficácia do produto, siga as orientações de uso e consulte um profissional de saúde se necessário.
CN Vines –
Not the best, not the worst.
Not impressed, too expensive.
Carolyn –
When it comes to a Vit C formula this is the form! It helps in all the ways they claim & probably more ways they can’t. Taste & texture is fine straight on a spoon or added to drinks.
With all the stuff we can catch it’s good to have a quality form for the protection & enhancement of our immune system. Just a pro-active approach. Non GMO & cGMP manufactured along with 3rd party testing just shows their commitment to high quality. I’m happy to have tried this!
James N –
I have been adding this to a glass of water daily for nearly a month. It has a faint taste of creamsicle. I keep it in the fridge and just put a squirt into my water bottle before I leave for the day. It seems like a tasty and easy way to get your daily requirement of vitamin C
RZ –
This is great and easy to use. I add it to water in the mornings as I try to get in 32 ounces with breakfast. The flavor is minimal and I hardly notice it.
Danielle Mann –
Along with 5 of their other products my husband is at the top of his game feeling good and sleeping like a baby. Worth every cent.
Stingingfork –
To be honest I’ve never encountered or heard of this form of delivery when taking my vitamins but it just makes good sense now that I’m aware of how this delivery system works to protect the vitamin from the gastric juices by a preparation that contains the active vitamin C inside very tiny, fat-like particles. So this form makes it easier for the body to absorb and allows more of the beneficial Vitamin C to reach where it most needed which ultimately helps to protect cells and assist in keeping them healthy. Also the Liposomal delivery system generally has fewer side effects and works better ultimately than say my chewable Vitamin C tablets that I’ve been taking for many years.
The good part was this Rho Nutrition Liposomal Vitamin C is also tasteless or at least it was for me since I like to mix mine with my fresh OJ. The encapsulation of the Ascorbic Acid aka Vitamin C means I don’t get the bitter after taste that I would normally get while taking it in my chewable tablets. Also they recommend that your daily intake is limited to 1 teaspoon (5 ml) per day which provides you 1000mg each day but once the bottle is opened be sure to store the bottle in your refrigerator for the remainder of its’ 30 days of use and they state that the storage life once you’ve opened the bottle is for a maximum of 45 days. According to the directions they also suggest that you can take it straight or by mixing it into cold water, juice, smoothie, or a shake but as I previously mentioned I love my OJ and it just made good sense to mix them together…
Another plus factor is that this liquid Vitamin C is manufactured in the USA and it’s being manufactured in an FDA Certified “GMP” (Good Manufacturing Practices) facility according to their label on the bottle. The FDA guidelines assure “the identity, strength, quality, and purity of drug products by requiring that manufacturers of medications adequately control manufacturing operations”, this goes for supplements as well as drugs if they have been Certified… And as always it makes good sense that if you’re starting on any new supplement that your doctor isn’t currently aware of you should check first with him to make sure that there is no contraindication as to why you shouldn’t be on a particular supplement or drug, it could be something as simple as the current conditon of your health or it he might feel that it shouldn’t be mixed with the existing drugs that he has prescribed for you to take. In my case I have a blood disease so my Oncologist took me off of all of my supplements and my OJ during my chemo treatment due to a single variety of orange in some juice had been shown to slow the benefits of the Chemo drug he had me taking for my trial. Either way if you’re cleared to take this particular vitamin then I would highly recommend trying this Liposomal Vitamin C to get the full benefits of being on Viatmin C…
snapshot –
This is my third Rho supplement. I couldn’t find the GMP certification, but the seller does have the certificate of analysis on their website. The bottle is double sealed and the inner seal was very difficult to remove. The expiration date is 02/2025 and the taste was my least favorite of the three Rho supplements I own. This supplement just requires a teaspoon full, but has to be kept refrigerated and only good for 45 days per instructions. I haven’t had any negative effects.
Stingingfork –
I’m not sure if this is due to bad quality control or this is a normal taste but it is truly horrible. It is impossible to send it back so I’m just going to throw it out. I am used to the taste of herbs and tinctures and all sorts of things but this, I cannot tolerate.