Descrição do Produto:
O Vitamin Bounty Gx7 Sugar Free Pre Workout Powder, sabor Melancia, é o suplemento ideal para quem busca maximizar seu desempenho físico sem abrir mão de uma alimentação saudável. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este pré-treino é perfeito tanto para homens quanto para mulheres que desejam superar seus limites e alcançar novos patamares de condicionamento físico. Com 0g de carboidratos líquidos e livre de açúcar, o Gx7 é uma escolha keto-friendly que se alinha perfeitamente a dietas de baixo carboidrato.
Este pó pré-treino é projetado para impulsionar sua energia, permitindo que você enfrente treinos intensos com vigor renovado. A presença de beta-alanina e L-citrulina na fórmula não apenas ajuda a aumentar a resistência, mas também a melhorar a força e a performance muscular, permitindo que você levante mais peso e quebre barreiras que antes pareciam intransponíveis. O sabor delicioso de melancia torna a experiência de consumo agradável e refrescante, facilitando a inclusão deste suplemento na sua rotina de treinos.
A missão da Vitamin Bounty é empoderar você a alcançar seus objetivos de saúde e bem-estar. Compreendendo que o bem-estar pode transformar diversas facetas da vida, a marca se dedica a ajudar você a dominar sua jornada de fitness e saúde.
– Sem Açúcar e Amigo da Keto: Ideal para quem segue uma dieta de baixo carboidrato, sem comprometer o sabor e a eficácia.
– Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético significativo, essencial para treinos intensos e prolongados.
– Quebra de Platôs: Ajuda a superar estagnações nos treinos, permitindo que você alcance novos níveis de força e resistência.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de melancia torna o consumo do suplemento uma experiência prazerosa, incentivando a adesão à rotina de treinos.
– Fórmula Não-OGM: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, o Gx7 é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados, garantindo um produto mais natural e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) do pó Gx7 em 200-300ml de água gelada. Consuma cerca de 20-30 minutos antes do treino para maximizar a energia e a performance. É recomendável não exceder duas porções por dia. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Amazon Customer –
I have been training for just about 20 years. I have tried at least 30-40 pre-workout supplements from various companies. I must say that Alpha GX7 is in my top 3. I knew after the first use that it had a ton of potential, but like most pre-workouts, they are great for the first week or so, and then my body gets used to them and they lose their effectiveness. I am pleased to say that I am almost finished with my bottle and I am still seeing fantastic results. The pump is very good and I don’t get jittery or have trouble falling asleep at night, but I must say that I am not very sensitive to caffeine or other stimulants for that matter, so I am not the best gauge in that area. Where this product really shined for me is the energy, cardio endurance and focus that it gave me. I noticed on day one that about 20 minutes after taking it, I was in the zone and very focused. I felt a great surge of energy that lasted throughout my workout. I felt it most when I did cardio. I felt my respiration’s were deeper and very controlled. My endurance was fantastic and I did not feel worn out or tired after I finished my 60 minute cardio session, which includes sprinting, stair climbing and kickboxing. I bought the water melon flavor and think it tastes pretty good, but to be honest I don’t really complain about taste. I would rather something taste like crap and work great, than something taste great and not work. This product tastes good and works great so it was not a problem for me. I would recommend it to anyone who trains hard in the gym and wants to get that edge. It really did exceed my expectations. The best part for me, after almost a month of use… is still working like day one. This is truly a great product. Try it, you will not be disappointed. I’m about to order my second bottle!!!
Giuseppe –
I have been taking this for a few weeks, let me start by saying I have taken a lot of different preworkouts, I am no newbie to caffeine either, this gives you the energy to get going and keeps you going for a bit, I liked it and would probably buy again, I didn’t really experience a crash but my wife tried it and said she crashes after about an hour after taking it. I maxed out at one scoop but wouldn’t have minded taking more. All in all for the right price I would get again. Taste is good but honestly I don’t get preworkouts for taste, I just gulp it down anyway, too many people complain about taste and it just aggravates me, but this tastes good either way. I got the watermelon flavor.
sean f mccoy –
I was a little worried about this after reading some of the reviews. My worrries were a waste. I have been using this for about a week and have noticed a definite increase in my ability to do my cardio and weight training.
I only do half a scoop. My first day I did not notice any jittery or itchy feelings. I did notice that I was able to increase my speed on the treadmill by 15%. That includes incline as well. My total incline was at 10. I was not tired nor did I have any feelings of crashing a few hours after working out.
Weight training. I work with a PT twice a week. My first day was upper and I was lifting weight at 150lbs. Previously, I would maybe get to 125 but half way through my set I would feel tired and weak. It never happened. I was able to stay focused and as he added more weights I pushed through. The second was my lower and core. Normally, that hour would feel like 2 or more and I would be completely wiped out afterwards. (I eat a high protein meal before and after each weight training). My PT made several remarks about how I had stepped up my weights and endurance.
Taste. I did not have a problem with the test. However, with my new workout and eating plan I eat and drink things for the nutrition more so over taste.
I have noticed also that even after my workouts that I have more energy and I stay busy the rest of the day. I do use this drink in the morning hours between 8-11. I do not use any other form of caffeine the rest of the day. I have no problems with going to sleep in the evening.
I plan on going to 3/4 of a scoop next week. I use this 4-5 days out of the week.
I will definitely be ordering this again and maybe try different flavors. Very glad I gave this a try.
Todd Robert Worthington –
I have worked out in some manner since I began lifting weights during freshman high school football in 1993…And I am now 37. Most recently during the past four years, I got hooked on Crossfit. During most of my physical exercise “career”, I have never taken many supplements, as I have worked out more to stay in shape and to counterbalance my sometimes bad eating habits.
Recently in the last 6 months, I began taking pre and post workout supplements to help me keep working out at a high level for my age. At my age, I don’t recover like I used to, and sometimes need something extra to get started. During this time I have taken probably 5-6 pre-workout supplements to see what works best for my body. Of course I can read the reviews and make decisions based on your feedback, which is what I usually do for electronics. However, I felt I needed to test various supplements to see how my body reacts. Some pre-workout supplements REALLY jack you up. Others you don’t feel a thing. Some last for a short time, while others last longer than you want (really intense jacked up ones). But what about Alpha Gx7?
Gx7 is the perfect mix of all the above side affects. I do feel an increased level of energy, but its not too intense where I need a break 1/2 way into my workout because my heart is ready to jump out of my body. It lasts the perfect amount of time as well. I usually workout at 6 AM, so usually need something to get my juices going until my body is ready for my daily WOD. This product helps make that transition feel seamless.
There are many products out there that will help you gain that competitive edge. For me? I feel Alpha Gx7 is the perfect product for me given the workout style (Crossfit) and my age (37). I recommend giving it a try. Remember, the cost to switch is not so overbearing, so even if you try it for the first time and don’t love it, you’re not married to it because you dumped so much $$$ into it. So why not see how it works for you!