Descrição do Produto:
A Vitamina B12 Sublingual (1000 mcg), B6 (5 mg) e Ácido Fólico (400 mcg) da Vitaminer Shop é uma fórmula avançada projetada para promover a saúde geral e o bem-estar. Este suplemento sublingual é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, proporcionando uma entrega rápida e eficaz dos nutrientes essenciais. A vitamina B12 é fundamental para a produção de glóbulos vermelhos e para o funcionamento adequado do sistema nervoso, enquanto a vitamina B6 desempenha um papel crucial no metabolismo de proteínas e na regulação do humor. O ácido fólico é vital para a síntese de DNA e é especialmente importante para mulheres grávidas, pois ajuda a prevenir defeitos do tubo neural no feto. Com uma combinação poderosa desses nutrientes, este produto é ideal para quem busca aumentar a energia, melhorar a função cognitiva e apoiar a saúde cardiovascular.
1. Aumento de Energia: A vitamina B12 ajuda a converter os alimentos em energia, combatendo a fadiga e o cansaço.
2. Saúde Mental: A vitamina B6 contribui para a produção de neurotransmissores, melhorando o humor e a função cognitiva.
3. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de B12 e B6 fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
4. Desenvolvimento Fetal Saudável: O ácido fólico é essencial para mulheres grávidas, promovendo um desenvolvimento saudável do feto.
5. Absorção Rápida: A forma sublingual permite uma absorção mais rápida e eficiente dos nutrientes, garantindo resultados mais imediatos.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma pastilha sublingual diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Coloque a pastilha sob a língua e aguarde até que ela se dissolva completamente antes de engolir. Este método de administração maximiza a biodisponibilidade das vitaminas, permitindo que o organismo utilize os nutrientes de forma mais eficaz. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente para gestantes ou pessoas com condições médicas preexistentes.
OK –
I really like the dissolving factor—easy to swallow.
Outside Aardvark –
These work so amazingly well! I’m really B12 deficient, doctor put me on another brand which I have to special order, they gave me some relief yet they didn’t work as good in the long term, and more expensive too, so I decided to try another brand. After reading the reviews on this product I figured I’d give it a try, and they have work beyond what the other brand did!! I feel so much more energy when I take them, and the days I forget I feel sluggish and have a draining feeling all over again… pop in 2 and with in a short period of time I’m energized again and going! Thank you Wonder Lab for making this wonderful product!!
M M –
Just started using this product but as of now I am very happy. The nuggets are a little larger than I’m used to,so it takes longer to dissolve. Other than that no complaints. They have a good flavor not too sweet. I’m using these to help boost b12 levels for neuropathy in feet and seems to be helping after only a week. I like that it’s a mix of b vitamins not just b12. Highly recommended
Pam. P –
I’ve turned to Wonder Labs many years ago to supply my B12, for over 25 years I’ve come to respect and appreciate the quality of this sublingual supplement. Not all sublingual or Vitamin B12 works the same but this form is absorbed into the body the best methylcobimin is the pure form your body needs.
Brooks –
I just feel better all around when taking this
super usable METHYLCOBALAMIN B-12
sublingual (means melt it under your tongue) so has a very high uptake
cherry flavor is nice
no sugar
no neon yellow pee – because you aren’t peeing out the B vitamins, you’re body is actually able to USE them with this B-supplement. I always thinks its weird when people settle for the CYANOCOBALAMIN form of B-12 since you’re body isn’t really able to metabolize that. All you’re doing if you take that is making rich pee. Why put something in your body that your body can’t use?
takes a little longer than I would prefer to dissolve
Embiggenedsoul –
I’ve ordered this twice from WonderLabs, on the recommendation of another Amazon user. It’s a high-quality sublingual (under the tongue) B12 with B6 and Folic Acid (which, when paired with B12, has been shown to lower HOMOCYSTEIN levels in the blood, helping to reduce heart attack risk). My husband was diagnosed with NEUROPATHY (numbness in hands and feet) several years ago, apparently related to a lack of B12. He was given B12 injections monthly at the doctors’ office, until we made the switch to this sublingual. It’s much more convenient than a trip to the doctor’s office & a lot cheaper. Research B12 online—you’ll be shocked at how depleted most Americans are in this substance, particularly females who have used birth control pills. And how essential B12 is to nerve conduction.
Wonderlab’s Advanced B12 helps us not only with energy levels but seems to improve memory and performance (stamina). Not to mention the fact that it has kept the progress of my husband’s neuropathy at bay; he even thinks it may have improved. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
Eva Agustin –
Very Satisfied! I noticed you changed your label but contents same as the older bottle I take. This vitamins taken once daily helps relieve my painful neuropathies well & for that alone, am so satisfied. Additional benefits… it keeps my heart healthy, blood hemogloblin level normal & it is an energy booster too. I’ve been taking this brand for about 2years now & thanks to amazon on line, I can order from USA, then have kind friends or relatives bring to the Philippines. I certainly will continue to do so but hope amazon can deliver direct to my country soon. Frankly as I received your email (checking if I received the vitamins in good condition), I was recommending this brand to relatives living in America & suffering fr neuropathies as well! Keep the quality sublingual vitB12 (Methylcobalamin) WONDERful, mucho thanks !!!
Eva Agustin –
I’m a believer in B vitamins for energy, and a doctor friend told me that they should always be taken sublingually. After trying several kinds, I’ve settled on these because they taste really good, and I can tell a difference in my energy level, primarily. It’s subtle, but what I really notice is that I have a harder time getting going if I don’t take this. The price is definitely right for the effect it has, so I highly recommend at least trying a bottle to see if it works for you, too!