Descrição do Produto:
As gomas estimulantes de apetite Vitamin Friends são a solução ideal para crianças que precisam de um impulso na alimentação de forma natural e saborosa. Com um delicioso sabor de laranja, essas gomas veganas são formuladas sem alérgenos, garantindo que até as crianças com sensibilidades alimentares possam desfrutar dos benefícios. Cada frasco contém 60 gomas, proporcionando uma dose prática e saborosa para o dia a dia. Feitas com ingredientes de alta qualidade, essas gomas não contêm corantes artificiais, conservantes ou sabores sintéticos, tornando-se uma opção saudável e segura para os pequenos. O estímulo ao apetite é especialmente benéfico para crianças que estão passando por fases de seletividade alimentar ou que precisam de um incentivo extra para consumir uma dieta equilibrada.
1. Aumento Natural do Apetite: Formulado para ajudar a estimular o apetite de forma segura e eficaz.
2. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de laranja torna o consumo das gomas uma experiência prazerosa para as crianças.
3. Sem Alérgenos: Ideal para crianças com alergias alimentares, pois não contém ingredientes comuns que causam reações alérgicas.
4. Fórmula Vegana: Composição 100% vegetal, perfeita para famílias que seguem uma dieta vegana ou vegetariana.
5. Praticidade: Gomas fáceis de consumir, que podem ser levadas para qualquer lugar, facilitando a rotina dos pais.
Recomenda-se que as crianças consumam 2 gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. As gomas podem ser ingeridas inteiras e não devem ser mastigadas em excesso. É importante que o uso do produto seja supervisionado por um adulto, especialmente em crianças menores de 4 anos. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso das gomas com uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos alimentares saudáveis.
m Faria –
My 9yo is asking for more and eating double the amount he typically eats! This morning he ate a waffle, a hash brown, and then made himself a large bowl of oatmeal! So happy to find something natural, that tastes great and that works!
Purplejoi –
A mi hijo le gustan pero no ! Funcionaron como pensaba . El siguen igual no quiere comer
Darius –
help but no the way we expect
Sarah –
This product works. I bought it for my 3 year old and I did notice that he started eating better. One thing that I am trying to figure out it’s why we have to pay almost double the price now? The price went up like crazy.
Sarah –
I’m so thankful for these!! I have to admit I didn’t think they’d work. All that’s in here is a proprietary blend of citron, sage, lemon, cinnamon, and vitamin C. How those things stimulate an appetite, I have no idea. BUT THEY DO!
My son is almost 4 and autistic. He’s always been picky, but 5 months ago he woke up and decided he didn’t want anything besides shredded cheese, popsicles, milk and cookies. I couldn’t get him to sit for meals anymore, and he was a moody, aggressive mess. Not only that, but he became chronically constipated and was diagnosed with encopresis. It’s devastating and nothing has helped. He’s even on numerous feeding therapy waitlists, but they’re a 12-18 month wait.
I saw these and figured “what the heck?” I asked his pediatrician if it would be worth a shot, but his reply was less than helpful. Basically, he said if they didn’t make anything worse than they’re fine to try. I didn’t think he’d want one since he’s super picky with vitamins, but he took two after preschool and said “YUMMMMMM!” They don’t stick to his teeth either (we already have one cavity going on from fruit snacks). Within a few hours he told me he was hungry for the first time in months, and ate 4 slices of pizza! He proceeded to try some blueberries, which he hasn’t had in a year.
**** UPDATE: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think the placebo effect was strong with these! 😅 They stopped being effective after a couple weeks. My son called them his hungry gummies, and seemed swayed by the notion they’ll make him hungry (at first). I’ve even stopped using them for awhile and tried again, but they’re not having the same effect they did at first. We never even finished the bottle. Instead, we’re using feeding therapy techniques and he’s finally getting more adventurous with food. I’ll keep the 5 star rating up, but I think it’s snake oil.
Neusa –
Only on day 2 of using this product and my son is already eating more than he has in a long time! I have a picky toddler who rarely wants to eat actual meals or only wants a few spoons so him eating a full plate for dinner made me so happy!! Thank you and I’m so grateful for this product
Joshua Lake Sexton –
We were really concerned about our toddler who would hardly eat anything. He was skin and bones in his ribs, really showing and refused to eat. We got these and he refused to take the gummy’s at first, but I wouldn’t let him watch his favorite garbage truck show until he took a gummy so eventually he started taking them and he started really loving them and became a really good eater. We would also praise him with every bite he took, and I think that helped too.
Giselle Molina –
This product did NOT work for ME. I’m someone with a fast metabolism, who’s very active, has an average hunger level, and is looking to increase my appetite to put on more weight. I find it hard to put on weight naturally due to my struggle of being able to eat in a caloric surplus consistently. I was hoping that this product would increase my hunger levels significantly but unfortunately it didn’t. The general recommended “dosage” is 2 because it’s intended for children. I started by taking 4 at a time, then 5, and eventually 6, and still saw no positive changes in my hunger drive. I intentionally tried taking it first thing in the morning before even having breakfast; when I’m most hungry, after a restful fasting period and still I experienced no effects. I had high hopes and expectations for the product, but was eventually let down.