Descrição do Produto: Vitamin Energy Focus Shots | Energia Natural e Saudável
Descubra o poder concentrado da energia saudável com os Vitamin Energy Focus Shots, uma revolução em forma de bebida. Em menos de duas onças, você pode experimentar uma explosão de sabor e benefícios energéticos que transformam sua rotina. Cada shot é uma combinação perfeita de vitaminas e nutrientes que potencializam seu foco, clareza mental e produtividade. Com uma fórmula rica em vitaminas do complexo B, niacina, L-teanina, CoQ10 e um toque de cafeína natural, você terá a energia necessária para enfrentar o dia sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados do açúcar e dos carboidratos. Ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, este energético é a escolha perfeita para um impulso rápido e revigorante.
Se você precisa de um reforço mental antes de encarar tarefas desafiadoras, está se preparando para uma longa viagem ou deseja se sair bem em um teste escolar, os shots de Vitamin Energy são a solução ideal. Com uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada, você pode contar com até 7 horas de energia que mantém sua mente clara e alerta, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos pessoais e profissionais. A conveniência de um shot fácil de transportar significa que você pode ter sempre um à mão, seja no trabalho, em casa ou na bolsa de viagem.
Cada shot é formulado com um elixir ideal de vitaminas que energizam tanto o corpo quanto a mente. Com 260mg de cafeína natural, você obtém um impulso extra sem os picos de energia e quedas que os açúcares e carboidratos podem causar. A mistura Focus infunde seu sistema com clareza natural, suporte ao metabolismo e um reforço geral de bem-estar. Os shots são rapidamente absorvidos, proporcionando efeitos benéficos logo após o consumo.
Por que se contentar apenas em energizar quando você pode também nutrir seu corpo em um único gole? O Vitamin Energy é o primeiro shot de energia infundido com vitaminas do mundo, com apenas 1,93 oz, pronto para revitalizar sem causar inchaço e fortificar seu organismo com nutrientes que sustentam seu sistema imunológico e saúde intestinal.
A equipe da Vitamin Energy se compromete com a integridade e qualidade. Cada bebida é fabricada em nossa instalação certificada SQF nos EUA, garantindo que seja vegana, kosher, sem glúten, sem açúcar e não transgênica. Utilizamos apenas os melhores ingredientes e técnicas de produção para atender nossos valiosos clientes. Estamos sempre disponíveis para responder a perguntas ou comentários, prontos para servir e ENERGIZAR.
– Aumento do Foco e Clareza Mental: Ideal para quem precisa de concentração em tarefas complexas.
– Energia Sustentada: Proporciona até 7 horas de energia sem picos ou quedas.
– Sem Açúcar e Carboidratos: Perfeito para dietas cetogênicas e para evitar inchaço.
– Fórmula Natural e Saudável: Contém vitaminas essenciais e cafeína natural, sem ingredientes artificiais.
– Praticidade: Fácil de transportar, ideal para o dia a dia, trabalho ou viagens.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma um shot de Vitamin Energy Focus antes de atividades que exigem alta concentração ou energia, como estudos, trabalho intenso ou viagens longas. Agite bem antes de abrir e beba diretamente do frasco. Para um efeito ideal, recomenda-se não exceder dois shots por dia. Mantenha em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
JYWH23 –
First time I tried this product, I drank the entire bottle. The burst of energy I felt was great without feeling jittery. Unfortunately, that energy lasted only 3 hours, and I crashed like a 5-year old after a sugar rush.
Second time I tried it, I drank only half the bottle. When my energy levels started waning after 2 hours, I drank the other half. My energy levels came up within 10 minutes to even higher levels than earlier. It was fantastic! My fatigue was gone and was able to get work done and felt very focused. My energy levels continued at a pretty high level for just under 5 hours (total of just under 7 hours). This time, when my energy levels, waned, it was gradual and left me feeling fine and not wiped out.
After my first time trying this product, I was prepared to give it a 2-star rating at most. The taste is quite bad – how they can call this mango flavored is beyond me. Thinking this is what cough syrup would taste like if they didn’t put sugar in it. With that being said…
Wow! The energy I felt after drinking half the bottle and then the other half when the effects started off is amazing! Coffee/Americanos are my go to in the morning, and I dislike the jitteriness I get after drinking too much espresso. However, the energy from this drink felt sustained without being excessive. A 5-star product but for the taste.
James B. –
The last time I took an “Energy Shot,” I was 23 years old. I’m now 36. I was really tired one evening and (in our younger years of stupidity) my roommate suggested a 5-Hour Energy. I took it, and yeah, it kept me up. However, the following morning I woke up around 7:00 AM and was driven to the rest room, where my first and only panic attic I’ve ever had ensued. My heart started racing for no obvious reason and I started sweating bullets for no obvious reason. It passed after a few minutes and I promised myself that I’d never take an energy shot (or drink) ever again.
Now that I’m much older, I experience fatigue for many differing reasons. Most notably, I was in a bad car accident in August of 2023, and suffered a bad concussion. While recovering from it over the following year, I experienced fatigue at insufferable rates. Many days, I’d barely make it home from work only to go straight to my bed and pass out. Now that the healing process has passed, I’ve noticed that this fatigue still plagues me, but at a much lesser degree. I’ve tried natural forms of energy, and actually found one that worked great! But when I ran out, I could no longer find any more of that specific supplement anywhere. And it’s incredibly important to me to have something of this nature, because my biggest passion in life is fishing. I go out on the boat, to the jetties, to the piers, to the lakes, to the ponds, etcetera. I tend to leave early in the morning and return at night time. But when the afternoon hits and the tiredness starts to creep up, something like this can help to keep me going; or help pick me back up after a short nap in the truck if I really need to take one.
I was skeptical about these. I’m very familiar with how manipulative and dishonest the supplement industry can be, and is. When I saw the advertisement that these have natural ingredients that are just accompanied by caffeine, I decided to give them a try – a very responsible, try. So after receiving them, I waited to take one on a latter afternoon where I was feeling sluggish. And instead of just downing the entire bottle, I shook it and then only took a quarter of the bottle. And it worked exactly as I wanted it to. The taste was not a flavor to be desired, though.
My attention and focus went right back up, and my lethargic feeling vanished. It took only about 10 minutes (if even that) to feel the change. I was not jittery. I was not shaking. I was not over-stimulated. I was clear and focused. And this energy lasted roughly three hours for me. There was no crash, uneasy feeling, or comedown from it (if you ever took the 2008’s N.O. Explode formula, you’ll understand what I mean because that specific formula was officially discovered to have had trace amounts of amphetamines in it). I can confidently say that I believe if I consumed an entire bottle, I very well may experience a crash, though.
I still don’t take more than 1/3 of a bottle at a time, and I typically stick to 1/4 as previously discussed. And they are still giving me this positive effect. I do not take them every day – that is important to note. I may take my personal “dose” twice a week. When I’m on fishing vacations, I can see myself taking them more often throughout the week(s). I’m honestly really surprised that these have worked out the way that they have. I’m really happy with them. And at the slow rate that I consume these, a case will last me quite some time. But as long as this effect continues, I’ll be staying stocked up on these.
I would like to thank Amazon for allowing me to be a part of their Vine program. My reviews are unbiased, honest, and sincere in an effort to provide you (the customer) with the information you may need in choosing this product or not, and I hope that is what my review accomplishes for you.
I would also like to thank the seller “VitaminEnergy” for providing me this product as an Amazon Vine member. I look very forward to owning it and it will be getting plenty of use and exposure to other potential buyers throughout its life with me. Thanks again and I wish you success in your endeavors.
T.E.C. –
Compared to name brand energy shots, this is much less expensive, and is advertised to last 2 hours longer, making this a good value. This has a mediciney cough syrup-like taste, but I don’t mind that taste. To me, standard sized energy drinks don’t taste very good, and this is just a more concentrated version of those drinks, so it’s either drink this in one go, or take multiple gulps of a regular energy drink, prolonging the taste. I like the mango flavor because it’s not a common flavor I experience so even though there is a strong bitter-ish taste to this, I can see still taste the mango. If it were a flavor I’m familiar with, like cherry or grape, then the bitter taste would be more noticeable. I dinged it a star because my body doesn’t take well to sucralose. They probably add this fake sugar so they can say it’s sugar-free and thus won’t cause a sugar crash, but it seems the amount of sugar this would need would be negligible compared to full sized energy drinks, and thus wouldn’t be enough to cause a sugar crash.
Rich L –
The Mango flavor from this brand is not one of the better tasting of the flavors I’ve tried from them. I’ve also tried the Grape and Tropical Berry flavors and those taste much better than this one in my opinion.
Energy drinks typically have a bitter/medicine aftertaste, but this Mango flavor brings it to a whole new level and not is a good way. For me it had a very sour taste along with the medicine taste. I would suggest the Grape/Berry over this one.
The best way to drink this is all at once in my opinion, don’t sip on it.
For this specific flavor, the ingredients are weaker than other flavors this brand offers.
Also since it is an energy drink, be aware it has as much caffeine as nearly 3 cups of coffee, so plan ahead if you are going to drink it.
The one main thing that most people don’t like to see are products that contain sucralose and unfortunately this product has it as part of the ingredients.