Seeking Health Vitamin D Drops – Saúde Óssea
As gotas de vitamina D da Seeking Health são um suplemento eficaz de vitamina D3 que oferece uma dose de 50 mcg (2.000 UI) de vitamina D3 para apoiar a saúde geral. Essas gotas de vitamina D3 são projetadas para suportar a saúde cerebral e um sistema imunológico forte. Além disso, esse suplemento líquido de vitamina D suporta a saúde óssea ideal através da utilização de cálcio. É importante ressaltar que esse suplemento é livre de alérgenos, como OGMs, glúten, ovos, peixes, frutos do mar, nozes, amendoins, trigo, gergelim e soja. A Seeking Health prioriza a qualidade e a segurança em todas as etapas do processo de produção, desde a pesquisa até a embalagem, para fornecer um suporte à saúde confiável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte eficaz para a saúde óssea: As gotas de vitamina D da Seeking Health fornecem uma dose ideal de vitamina D3 para promover a saúde óssea e a utilização de cálcio.
- Suporte ao sistema imunológico: Esse suplemento de vitamina D3 é projetado para fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter uma boa saúde geral.
- Livre de alérgenos: As gotas de vitamina D da Seeking Health são livres de alérgenos comuns, como glúten, ovos, peixes, frutos do mar, nozes, amendoins, trigo, gergelim e soja.
- Qualidade e segurança garantidas: A Seeking Health prioriza a qualidade e a segurança em todas as etapas do processo de produção, garantindo um suplemento confiável e eficaz.
- Facilidade de uso: Essas gotas de vitamina D são fáceis de usar e podem ser adicionadas a alimentos ou bebidas, tornando a suplementação diária conveniente.
As gotas de vitamina D da Seeking Health oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de saúde. Primeiramente, elas promovem a saúde óssea, essencial para prevenir doenças como a osteoporose. Em segundo lugar, fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções. Além disso, são livres de alérgenos, tornando-as seguras para pessoas com restrições alimentares. A qualidade e segurança do produto são garantidas, proporcionando confiança ao consumidor. Por fim, a facilidade de uso permite que você incorpore a suplementação de forma prática em sua dieta diária, seja em alimentos ou bebidas.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 gota diariamente ou conforme orientação médica. Agite bem antes de usar. As gotas podem ser adicionadas a alimentos ou bebidas, facilitando a integração na sua rotina. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para garantir a eficácia do produto.
D. Watson –
Okay, I ordered this stuff some time back and then couldn’t use it because I had to eliminate all fats from my diet for about 6 weeks. Then I sort of forgot about. But I recently found it and thought, I should use this…we’ve got long, dark winters here. I opened it and then used some and when I went to re-screw the dropper top back on the threads didn’t work properly. I was annoyed with that, as that would have been noticed at the time of bottling, but they didn’t want to change the bottle out. So I sort of forgot about it again…meanwhile….my 19 year old mini dachshund who is still a good eater and able to get around (although he’s got a hitch in his get along) developed a really bad eye infection. I mean green pus gobbing up his eye…it looked like a horror movie effect. I tried natural stuff first but I knew it was painful so I got him on antibiotics. That cleared it up but then about a week and a half afterwards it returned. I put ointments and other stuff in his eye which had minimal impact and not only was his eye still oozing this fluorescent green stuff and crusting up his eye and in the morning it was crusted closed, I could see the sclera of eye was red and inflamed looking. Back to the vet, and she said that it was probably due to his teeth (they are in bad shape…he hates having his teeth brushed, and I mean violently whips his head out of your hands and buries his face and the last few years because of his age and a heart problem I stopped teeth cleaning because putting him under was not a risk I wanted to take. But his teeth are in bad shape and she thought that it could be that was causing his eye infection and she said we could just try giving him a weeks worth of antibiotics once a month. Well, I’ve done that for two months. So he’s been on antibiotics now for 3 cycles and the green ooze would just return more quickly after completing each successive cycle. Being 19 he had cataracts and some dementia too, but just such a happy, sweet boy that would gallop around the house in little bursts of energy at times. However he was sleeping a lot and I was wondering if it was time to make a very hard decision. (Tears) But I was packing up and putting some stuff away and came across this little bottle, and I honestly don’t know what I thought…I don’t know what was going through my mind but I thought I’m going to give him some. I actually gave him 2 drops about 3 times a day….and then after a couple days of that, I decided to also put a drop in his eye. He didn’t really like that, so I put some other soothing drops in…but I kept doing it. Every day I would give him drops under his lips a few times through out the day and put a drop in his eye. Well, I’m stunned. Not only has his energy increased, I mean literally he was pretty much sleeping all day, and then would get agitated at sundown, just like with Alzheimer’s. I truly believed he was sundowning. But now he is running and jumping! WHAT??! But his eyes are so much clearer. I’m not just talking about the green goop. That has dramatically decreased and it’s not green anymore. But I’m even talking about the cataracts. His eyes were pretty cloudy looking even before this eye infection began. But even THAT seems to be improving. I had NO expectation that it would have this effect on him. I hoped it would help, figured it certainly could not hurt, so I thought why not. I know that vitamin D3 can clear up colds and flu if you dose through out the day. I knew of a guy who had to travel for a speaking engagement and got the flu…he’s in his 70’s, didn’t want to cancel as this had been planned for months, but he said he started dosing with D3 every hour and by the second day it was pretty much gone and he was fine to travel. I’ve never forgotten that, but still this surprised me with my dog. I will continue to keep him on the D3 and I guess I’d better get myself on it too now!
SB –
The past two years my Vitamin D level has been on the low end based on my annual lab tests. I thought I could reduce stress and eat healthy to bring it back up, but no luck. I also live in a location that’s sunny almost year round so it’s not lack of sun or too much sun screen preventing me from getting the proper amount of Vitamin D. After speaking with my doctor it can partially be due to menopause.
In researching Vitamin D on line I liked the idea that Optimal could be taken from a dropper, as I don’t like swallowing capsules or tablets. This is in olive oil, is VERY easy to just drop on your tongue any time, completely pleasant/no taste, highly concentrated, and looked like it was high quality ingredients from what I read. I’m very happy with it, and am looking forward to my next year’s lab results!
Disco Panda –
This is the best Vitamin D I have taken! Knowing whether or not supplements are ‘working’ can definitely be tricky, but I like to introduce one thing at a time to my system while slowly removing other things to see if I notice any difference. This Vitamin D comes in liquid drops in an olive oil base, in an amber-colored glass bottle with a glass dropper and rubber/plastic top. The bottle does not seem to be super delicate or fragile, which is great! (That doesn’t mean you should throw it on the floor to test it!) The olive oil is authentic and lends the taste of olive oil only – I couldn’t taste the Vitamin D at all (all vitamins taste disgusting in raw form except Vitamin C which is just super tart, but there are some that are particularly gross, like Vitamin D and B Vitamins) – so I definitely like that I don’t have to fear gagging from an ill-tasting supplement. A+ for taste! I do notice the difference when I forget to take it. I have really bad Seasonal Affectionate Disorder in the winter, and that is when I especially notice that this Vitamin D is like a ‘boost’, albeit the boost is subtle – but I definitely feel my B6 and B12 kick into higher gear when I add this to the mix. I especially love that you only need one drop a day, so as long as you keep this bottle in a cool, dark place (but do check the expiration date) – this will last a while and is well worth the price. You can also take this with you in your toiletry bag if you’re flying anywhere and not have to worry about having a ton of pills holding you up at TSA and having to explain to them that they’re your vitamins! LOL **Disclaimer: I am not your doctor and I claim NO responsibility for your results! Always consult your primary care physician before taking any supplements.