Descrição do Produto: VitaMedica Bromelain
O VitaMedica Bromelain é um suplemento inovador que combina a eficácia da bromelina com a quercetina, oferecendo uma solução poderosa para diversas necessidades de saúde. A bromelina, uma enzima extraída do caule do abacaxi, é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e de alívio de alergias. Quando combinada com a quercetina, um flavonoide com propriedades antioxidantes, este suplemento se torna uma ferramenta eficaz para combater as alergias sazonais, aliviando a congestão sinusal e reduzindo o desconforto respiratório.
Além de seu papel no alívio das alergias, o VitaMedica Bromelain também é um aliado no gerenciamento da resposta inflamatória do corpo. Com uma formulação concentrada e respaldada pela ciência, este suplemento ajuda a equilibrar a inflamação ocasional que pode ocorrer devido a atividades diárias, exercícios físicos ou o processo de envelhecimento. A bromelina e a quercetina têm uma longa história de uso no auxílio à recuperação de lesões de tecidos moles, aliviando dores musculares, inchaços e hematomas, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca suporte na recuperação.
Com 250 mg de quercetina e 500 mg de bromelina em uma única cápsula, o VitaMedica Bromelain promove a saúde das articulações e dos músculos, sendo especialmente benéfico para aqueles que levam um estilo de vida ativo. A combinação desses ingredientes naturais não só melhora o conforto articular, mas também acelera a recuperação muscular, permitindo que você mantenha seu ritmo sem interrupções.
A VitaMedica é uma marca respeitada, com mais de 25 anos de experiência no desenvolvimento de suplementos de recuperação, beleza e bem-estar diário. Todos os produtos são formulados por médicos e passam por rigorosos testes laboratoriais independentes, garantindo a qualidade e a confiança que milhares de consultórios médicos e milhões de pacientes depositam em suas escolhas.
– Alívio natural de alergias sazonais, reduzindo a congestão sinusal.
– Resposta inflamatória equilibrada, ideal para atividades diárias e exercícios.
– Suporte eficaz para recuperação de lesões, aliviando dores e inchaços.
– Promoção da saúde das articulações e músculos, favorecendo um estilo de vida ativo.
– Produto testado e certificado, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de VitaMedica Bromelain diariamente, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico ou profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Carolyn Manhertz –
Good Product.
Lee –
I take bromelain and quercetin separately, so I thought I’d try this, but it honestly turned out to be a more expensive version. It’s probably more convenient for travel, but even so.
If being blister-packed is what the added cost is for, I’m not sure that it adds anything other than maintaining freshness in case they are not taken on a daily basis, or used for travel. Since I take mine daily, all this really seems to add for me is added expense.
As supplements go, though, I have found that bromelain is helpful for inflammation. I take quercetin for other reasons, so I can’t really determine if the combination is better than taking only one or the other since I already take both of them.
I always overdo research for supplements that I take in order to seek out the highest quality I can find, and these do seem to work as well as what I have been taking… at least as far as what 5 days-worth can tell.
It does work. It’s just very expensive.
AmazonShopper309 –
A couple days ago I had laser therapy for rosacea. The swelling and bruising is pretty bad. The last time I had it done I ate a lot of pineapple as I’d read that the Bromelain it contains helps with bruising. This time I decided to try these capsules.
Though you can take these supplements daily, I think this pack is specifically designed to give you a hefty dose of Bromelain and Quercetin in a short period of time like when you are undergoing a cosmetic procedure like fillers or lasers. The blister packaging makes it easy to use traveling and on the go. That said after my laser procedure I don’t go anywhere for a few days.
My laser specialist’s office sell a bottle of 14 pill (2 a day for 7 days) for a procedure and it’s pricier than this pack (4 a day for 10 days).
I think the serving size on this package is confusing. It lists a serving as 2 capsules. But in another area it says 2 capsules 2 times a day.
The capsules contain Bromelain which is known to reduce swelling and inflammation and Quercetin contains histamine which helps with swelling.
I think it’s probably best to start these one or two days prior to a procedure. I didn’t get them till 1 day after my laser therapy (yesterday) but they should help with my swelling and bruising.
I think this pack is a convenient way to take these two supplements. If you are looking to take the two supplements on a regular basis the company also sells a bottle with the pills which would be more cost effective.
Cheryl Sandoval –
I used post op for swelling and bruising. I recovered from the bruising and swelling quickly.
Natcha –
I ordered it before, repurchased and I think I got a bad batch this time. It smells like a poo poo. 🤢🤮
Techie –
Thanks 🙏🏻
AmazonShopper309 –
I am 7 weeks post tummy tuck and I’ve been having the worst swelling and wasn’t seeing the results I had hoped for thinking maybe my surgeon just wasnt able to get me as flat as I wanted. I using arnica tea, gel, oil, & tablets, but didn’t see any really drastic and lasting results until day 5 of taking these tablets. I read up on Bromelain and Quercetin and still was skeptical, so I ordered this 5 day supply to give it a trial run before I buy a large supply. My swelling reduced to nearly nothing literally overnight after the last dose. Needless to say, I went ahead and ordered a large supply and will continue to take these through my recovery for the next 6 months.
CJ🐬 –
I have an inflammatory disease so I’ve taken Bromelain for years and I always seek out the highest quality product. This one is made in the USA which is reassuring and they’ve gone to the trouble and expense of putting the pills in a blister pack which guarantees their freshness. I took it for the recommended 5 days after some minor surgery and it really seemed to help with my recovery. As good as it seems, it’s out of my price range for a daily supplement. I would definitely take it again post-injury or post-surgery, but at almost $4.50 a day this is at the high end of vitamin prices.