Descrição do Produto: Vitamatic Methyl Folate
O Vitamatic Methyl Folate é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade que fornece a forma ativa do ácido fólico, essencial para a saúde do sistema nervoso e a formação de células sanguíneas. Cada cápsula contém metilfolato, que é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, tornando-se uma opção ideal para aqueles que têm dificuldades em metabolizar o ácido fólico convencional. Este produto é especialmente indicado para mulheres grávidas ou que desejam engravidar, pois o metilfolato desempenha um papel crucial na prevenção de defeitos do tubo neural no feto. Além disso, o Vitamatic Methyl Folate contribui para a redução do cansaço e da fadiga, melhora o humor e apoia a função cognitiva, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
1. Absorção Superior: A forma ativa do folato garante uma melhor biodisponibilidade, sendo mais eficaz do que o ácido fólico comum.
2. Saúde Materna: Essencial para mulheres grávidas, ajuda na prevenção de anomalias congênitas e promove um desenvolvimento saudável do feto.
3. Apoio ao Sistema Nervoso: Contribui para a saúde mental e emocional, ajudando a reduzir sintomas de depressão e ansiedade.
4. Formação de Células Sanguíneas: Auxilia na produção de glóbulos vermelhos, combatendo a anemia e melhorando a oxigenação do corpo.
5. Energia e Vitalidade: Reduz o cansaço e a fadiga, proporcionando mais disposição para as atividades diárias.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Vitamatic Methyl Folate ao dia, preferencialmente junto a uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Panman –
just started taking daily supplement. Won’t know how to rate for a few weeks. Has a cherry flavour and easily dissolved under tongue which is my preference. Pricey but if as effective as usual brand, then 4*
This pairing of methylcobalamin (best form of B12) with L-methyl folate (best form of folate), along with B6, is really convenient for those of us who need some combination of these and don’t want the hassle of separate pills.
My quibbles are minor.
First, if you prefer to choose your own ratio of active ingredients, you might not want 417% of your folate daily value with 208,330% of your B12. When I’m taking B12 separately, I break it up into little tiny pieces so it’s more economical, since you just end up peeing out excess water-soluble vitamins.
With these, I just snapped them all in half. Some of us can just use our fingers, but expect some wear by the end; I started with a pill cutter, but was getting more crumble that way than I’d like. Anyway, the daily value for some vitamins is more or less than a given individual may need, so I figure I’m good with these at half of 417% for the folate.
Second, I prefer less in the way of sweeteners. It has “Natural Berry Flavor”, fine, but also “Dextrose, Mannitol, Sucralose, Bilberry Extract”. I understand it’s to make them pleasant to chew, but this is aimed toward a more sugar-adjusted palate than mine. Makes me just want to swallow them.
On the positive side, the bottle says they’re made in USA and to GMP standards. The expiration date is over 2.5 years out from when I received them.
I took them as my exclusive supplemental source of folate and B12 for two weeks and didn’t notice any variation from my previous versions. Now I have this among my others in the rotation, with one fewer pill to take on days with this one.
I’ll add that I only take these vitamins 5/7 days of the week; 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off. Some time ago, I started to have irritation in the crease on the side of my nose. I read in another review that this could be caused by some kind of bacterial issue related to excess B12, so I’ve found this rotation (with off days) fixes the issue for me.
Bradley W. Morris –
This contains Methyl-folate, Vitamin B12-methylcobalamin, and Vitamin B6. The methyl-formulation is suppose to be more bioavailable, so I thought I’d give this a try. The dose is one pill — a dissolvable one in berry flavor — so 120 pills =a 4 month supply.
I do feel a bit more energy taking these. I haven’t had labs done recently to verify blood levels, but feeling more energy is enough to make me want to continue taking these.
The bottle came well sealed, with the product fully intact. No complaints here!
Frank M –
My wife gets a suggestion to look for vitamin Bs to improve her hemoglobin. She got this product, because it contains vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid that are all important for her needs. This product is made in USA and has a GMP label. There are 120 tablets in the bottle. That is a pretty good deal. The tablet is small that is easy to swallow.
Maria M –
Love the taste of this vitamin as you dissolve it in your mouth. I definitely have seen an energy boost cause I just ran out and I’m tired now. Time to get more!!
katie –
Really works well for me!
decent1 –
Shopped for the best value and found it!
I’ve been taking mB12 and methylfolate individually at these same doses so I don’t expect to feel any different (5000mg would be considered a high dose of mB12, and 1000mg of methylfolate is a medium dose). The tablets are small and nicely scored if you want to cut in half (reasonable considering the dosages). They taste fine when you suck on them, like a sweet berry. Two very minor quibbles, I wish they didn’t use the artificial sweetener sucralose, even if it’s only a tiny amount, and because they’re not coated, the pills are chalky so you’re greeted with a cloud of pink dust when you open the bottle. But the rest is almost all great: USA made, by a small business, under GMP conditions, non-GMO and free of major allergens, arrived with a little over 2.5 yr expiration, and the price is terrific for 4 months of higher doses. They do not seem to be third-party tested though, which is my biggest issue, but since these are made in the US I’m less concerned. Others may feel differently.