Suplemento Premium de Enzimas Digestivas de Bile de Boi: Essas enzimas naturais para digestão ajudam a quebrar os alimentos no intestino delgado, mesmo após refeições ricas em gordura. Nossa fórmula única 3 em 1 suporta a digestão natural, a saúde intestinal e a regularidade intestinal com uma cápsula fácil de engolir, tomada com as refeições. Ajuda a aliviar ocasionalmente a indigestão, gases e inchaço*
Enzimas Pancreáticas de Alta Potência para Conforto Digestivo: A pancreatina livre de lactose inclui enzimas digestivas de protease, lipase e amilase para suportar a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes de proteínas, gorduras e carboidratos.* O extrato de bile de boi é incluído para auxiliar ainda mais na digestão e absorção de gorduras e vitaminas solúveis em gordura no intestino delgado*
Fórmula Limpa: Livre de glúten, laticínios, amendoim, castanhas, peixe, frutos do mar, soja, gergelim e ovo. Não contém OGM. Feito sem enchimentos, revestimentos, ligantes ou corantes artificiais
Qualidade em que Você Pode Confiar: Os suplementos Vital Nutrients são fabricados em nossa instalação em Middletown, CT, certificada pela NSF e livre de alérgenos. Nosso rigoroso programa de garantia de qualidade inclui testes laboratoriais independentes de terceiros de matérias-primas e produtos acabados para garantir pureza e potência, garantindo que o que está no rótulo corresponda ao que está na embalagem
Confiado por Profissionais de Saúde em Todo o Mundo: A Vital Nutrients foi fundada há 30 anos por profissionais que buscavam ter um impacto positivo e duradouro na saúde das pessoas e do planeta. Hoje, nossa linha premium de fórmulas clinicamente relevantes, puras e com rótulos limpos é confiada por profissionais de saúde e consumidores conscientes em todo o mundo
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à digestão natural e saúde intestinal
- Ajuda a aliviar a indigestão, gases e inchaço ocasional
- Promove a absorção de nutrientes de proteínas, gorduras e carboidratos
- Fórmula limpa, livre de alérgenos e sem ingredientes artificiais
- Confiança de profissionais de saúde em todo o mundo
BethB. –
I had my gallbladder removed and this product was recommended to me by a physician for recovery and possibly the life-long management of side effects. This product was a game changer for my symptoms and completely cleared up some of the issues I was having I thought wouldn’t be possible. Highly recommend taking this product with every meal and snack and follow a low fat diet daily as my doctor recommends for me too! These things have really helped me and I hope it can help someone else too.
ybry2012 –
I was excited over the price and the label was almost identical to another product I have used. The Vital Nutrients brand was a better price than what I was getting from my nutritionist, however this product has a horrible smell and taste. It works well, and I suggest you take it with 8 oz of water and right before you eat a meal otherwise the taste is horrible. I have no gall bladder and this helps my digestion a lot. Just be aware of the smell and taste.
AmzUser –
Supposed to help with digesting proteins. Not even sure how to gauge whether it works or not, but still taking it. No side affects is good.
Amanda E. Miller –
This supplement is easy to take and I did not have side effects. I have found results with regulation after having my gallbladder removed. Good results
Amazon Customer –
This works very well and is a good price.
Andria E. Vargas –
I just started on this but having a bm w/o pain or stress is nothing short of a miracle. I’m starting off slow integrating more foods :
Quality organic goat Cheese, raw greens, sweet potatoes, cooked zucchini, mushrooms but if this keeps up I may be daring enough to try my chances at citrus. God knows I could use Vit c and lemon juice if my colon would allow.
I come from a long long Hx of colon issues and was on my way to getting a colonoscopy to confirm the worst but was way to sick at the time to follow through. I’m happy to say, I don’t need one now and pancreatin and ox bile may be what I owe it to. Will
Continue to buy though I wished they would
sell larger quantities. This little bottle at 4 caps a day only lasts 15 days. I don’t mind the cost considering all the suffering I’d have w/o. Would just be better to have the option of 1 month supply.
polarbear –
My genetic nutritionist insisted that I use this product to address some of my health issues, which manifest as digestive and elimination challenges. A bunch of specialized testing revealed the root of the problem and how my body is screaming for pancreatic, liver and gallbladder support. I have been using this product for a few weeks and must admit that it seems to be helping, primarily with my digestive symptoms. This is also one of the VItal Nutrient products which does not contain a bunch of fillers.
Oh and also….capsule size is important to me and I would say that these caps are around a size 0, which is a common capsule size. I do ok with them and find them not too challenging to swallow.
No me gusto –
Bueno me a caído muy bien