O Vital Earth Minerals é um suplemento de ácido fúlvico que se destaca por sua formulação rica em 70 minerais traços e eletrólitos, projetado para promover a recuperação e revitalização do corpo. Este produto é uma verdadeira fonte de energia natural, proporcionando ao organismo os elementos essenciais para restaurar e otimizar todos os processos biológicos. Com um copo de 1 onça livre de BPA incluído, o suplemento é fácil de consumir e pode ser integrado à rotina diária sem complicações.
Os polissacarídeos superiores presentes no Vital Earth Minerals atuam como prebióticos, favorecendo a saúde do revestimento intestinal e melhorando a absorção de nutrientes. Isso resulta em uma digestão mais eficiente e regularidade intestinal, aspectos fundamentais para o bem-estar geral. Além disso, o líquido húmico tem um sabor neutro, permitindo que seja misturado com água não clorada, sucos ou até mesmo café, tornando a experiência de consumo ainda mais prática.
Outro grande benefício do Vital Earth Minerals é a sua capacidade de alcalinizar a água, transformando-a em uma bebida equilibrada e energizante, com um pH que varia entre 8,6 e 9,6. Cada garrafa oferece um suprimento para 30 dias, garantindo que você tenha acesso contínuo a esses minerais essenciais. O processo de extração utilizado pela Vital Earth é natural e não envolve calor, pressão ou produtos químicos, preservando assim os amplos benefícios dos minerais iônicos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Restaura e revitaliza todos os processos biológicos do corpo.
- Melhora a absorção de nutrientes e promove a saúde digestiva.
- Fácil de consumir, sem necessidade de cápsulas.
- Torna a água alcalina e equilibrada.
- Extração natural sem uso de produtos químicos.
- Suporte à função imunológica, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra doenças.
- Aumento da energia e disposição, ideal para quem busca um impulso extra no dia a dia.
- Melhora da hidratação, essencial para a saúde da pele e funcionamento adequado dos órgãos.
- Recuperação mais rápida após exercícios físicos, contribuindo para um desempenho atlético otimizado.
- Facilidade de uso, permitindo que qualquer pessoa incorpore o suplemento à sua rotina sem dificuldades.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 onça (30 ml) do suplemento de ácido húmico por dia. O produto pode ser misturado com água não clorada, suco ou café, conforme a preferência do usuário. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco para garantir a preservação de suas propriedades. A regularidade na ingestão maximiza os benefícios e contribui para uma saúde otimizada.
Yasmin Marie –
I think this is a good product. I have an 18 year old Chihuahua, hoping to keep her alive as long as possible. When I started adding daily a teaspoonful to her food, she seemed to be doing better within a very short time. She still sleeps a lot but overall she seems to be getting stronger.
I believe everybody needs to take organic minerals like these because our soils are so depleted and we really do not get good nutrition anymore, no matter how much we try. Electrolytes are essential to our wellbeing.
Joe Flabeetz –
I have included several products from Vital Earth Minerals in my daily supplement regimen, including their plant-based liquid humic mineral formula, for more than five years. I prefer taking liquid, plant-based supplements over pill-based varieties because of liquid’s faster absorption rate and less stomach discomfort. The company’s liquid multivitamin is fortified with fulvic minerals, so I don’t have to purchase that supplement separately. The taste is rather bland, but it’s not unbearable. I take an ounce (capful) daily along with and their liquid multi-vitamin and calcium-magnesium supplements. I have found an online retailer that offers Vital Earth Minerals at a more competitive price than Amazon, but that retailer often runs out of stock quickly so I rely on Amazon as a backup source when needed.
Bandy C. –
It’s difficult for me to find supplements that agree with me. Most of which have added sweeteners. I got so tired of swallowing pills and after hearing that liquid is more absorbable, I thought I would try this. It tested well for me with muscle testing. That is a HUGE plus!!
I have been ill for over 2 years and I have added this to my regimen. I have taken 1 capful for a month during meals. I don’t feel a surge of energy, but I don’t feel tired from it, as is the case with many supplements that I have tried. I believe that it is helping round out my body chemistry.
One big reason that I bought it, is that the label states that it “helps correct/neutralize cell abnormalities.” My husband has a suspicious mole and we are in our 60s. We could all use this factor, since as we age, we tend to have more cells that can go awry.
I had a growth that had come up on my leg and had been growing over the past few months. I noticed a few days ago, that the growth had diminished quite a bit!! We started taking this at the same time while also using a Beam Ray Rife machine, so we don’t know who is the “culprit” for this happy outcome, but we have read that minerals are vital to recovery from any type of illness, particularly cancer.
Reasons that I didn’t give it 5 stars:
1. Not crazy about the taste. At first, I couldn’t tell much of a taste, but the more I take it, the more it taste like tar water. Very mildly. I can take it, knowing how much I need the minerals. I will continue to take, until I find something that I like better.
2. Don’t like the mess that the cap makes, since we are to use the cap to measure our doses. The brown stuff runs down all over the top of shoulder of the bottle so that I have to wash the bottle every time after use. A suggestion to the manufacturer: Perhaps add a dosage cup on top, like Pepto-Bismol does.
JanJan –
It took at least a week and maybe longer for me to start noticing the differences that taking this daily made to my overall improvement. I started sleeping longer and it seems that I slept more deeply because I started having and remembering a lot more dreams. This stuff leaves me more energized and rested the next day. It made my bowel habits very as I’ve suffered from ibs-constipation. Warning, TMI: ( You know the programs that talk about how many times a day you should go and the right consistency and shape of your poop? Well for the first time in decades, I’m having ‘normal’ poops daily and many days, I go 3 times, once after each meal!) My autoimmune issues have settled down and improved after these minerals brought me out of a flare that lasted for months-the worst flare ever, with no relief from the healthcare specialists trying to bring me out of this flare. I”m on my 3rd bottle of this, (2 bottles of the humic minerals and my current bottle of fulvic minerals and I prefer the humic). Your body will tell you which works best for you. Wish I had found this product years ago! The taste is mild but unusual. My taste buds started reacting after about the first week or so of taking these minerals and revolted so I do now have to add it to juice or at least have something to drink on the side to sip along with this stuff. Try it! I hope it helps you as much as it has me.
Dennis & Terry Macri –
I have candida which eats up most of the vitamins and minerals I put into my body. It is hard to heal when I am so low on all the things I need to keep me healthy. And, who knows which ones I am low on. I ask a doctor to do a blood test to see which minerals and vitamins I was short on. He told me it would cost me a fortune. So, I nixed that idea and decided to find something that would replace most things missing in my system. I came up with the Vital Earth Humic Mineras.
After doing a cleanse, I decided that was a good time to start using the Humic Minerals. Do you know that they help me with my bathroom habbits. Yes they do. I now have regular BMs plus I am feeling pretty good health wise. I normally run on the side of constipation, but these seem to help me with that. Not sure that they always will, but right now they are doing a good job. I am also not sure if they will help anyone else who has constipation problems but for me, they work.
It is hard to say what else these are doing good for my body, but I am also sleeping better. In fact, these work so well for me that I ordered 2 more bottles to take with me when we go away in a couple of months.
I take these with food so they get into my system better. These minerals are very dark in color so be careful not to get any on your clothing. It does stain and is very hard to get out.
Tabitha –
This is a regular use product for me. It’s less expensive online rather than retail.