Descrição do Produto: VITAL 4U Screamin Energy® Sugar Free – Vanilla Latte Flavor
O VITAL 4U Screamin Energy® é uma fórmula de máxima potência que combina a energia do ginseng, a cafeína e as vitaminas do complexo B, tudo isso em um sabor irresistível de Vanilla Latte. Este produto foi desenvolvido para aqueles que buscam um impulso energético sem a adição de açúcar, ideal para quem deseja manter a saúde e o bem-estar sem comprometer o sabor. Cada embalagem contém 24 unidades prontas para beber, oferecendo conveniência e praticidade para o seu dia a dia.
- Direções: Pronto para beber diretamente do pacote.
- Ingredientes: Água purificada.
Com a sua fórmula inovadora, o VITAL 4U Screamin Energy® é perfeito para ser consumido antes de atividades físicas, durante longas jornadas de trabalho ou sempre que você precisar de um aumento de energia. A combinação de ginseng e cafeína proporciona um efeito estimulante que ajuda a melhorar a concentração e o foco, enquanto as vitaminas do complexo B são essenciais para o metabolismo energético, contribuindo para a redução do cansaço e da fadiga.
1. Energia Instantânea: Proporciona um aumento rápido de energia, ideal para momentos de cansaço ou falta de motivação.
2. Sem Açúcar: A fórmula sem açúcar é perfeita para quem busca uma opção saudável e leve.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de Vanilla Latte torna a experiência de consumo prazerosa e satisfatória.
4. Foco e Concentração: A combinação de ginseng e cafeína ajuda a melhorar a clareza mental e a produtividade.
5. Praticidade: As embalagens individuais são fáceis de transportar, permitindo que você tenha energia a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma uma unidade do VITAL 4U Screamin Energy® diretamente do pacote sempre que precisar de um impulso energético. É recomendado não exceder duas porções por dia. Este produto é ideal para ser utilizado antes de atividades físicas, durante longas horas de trabalho ou em momentos que exigem maior concentração. Mantenha sempre uma unidade à mão para garantir que você esteja sempre pronto para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia.
Prime Shopper –
These little packets provide me with a quick, convenient boost in the morning or after lunch. They taste like strong but sweet coffee. I like them.
Caliber –
These have a nice and not overwhelming vanilla flavor, there is just a slight aftertaste of bitterness which I attribute to the artificial sweetener. The top is easy to tear off and squeezes easily like an energy gel. Another great aspect is they take very little space.
chblanch –
These on the go energy packets were packed full of good flavor (vanilla latte)! They help provide that nice little pick me up in the morning or in the afternoon. The packages are also easy to open.
A. Vandelay –
I was really excited about the idea of a sugar-free energy boost, especially with the inclusion of ginseng, caffeine, and B vitamins. Still, the vanilla latte flavor didn’t sit well with me. The taste was overpowering and unpleasant.
On the plus side, the product is conveniently packaged in small, portable foil packets, making it easy to use on the go. The nutrition facts show it has 25 calories per serving, with no fats, sodium, or added sugars. It also provides a full daily dose of B vitamins, including Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Biotin, and Vitamin B12. This is great for those needing a quick energy boost without the sugar crash.
However, if taste is a deal-breaker for you, like it was for me, you should consider other options. I won’t be able to use it, and I am not picky.
Prime Shopper –
As someone who loves vanilla flavors, I was excited to try this vanilla latte energy shot, but I have mixed feelings about it. The flavor does have a noticeable artificial quality, which might not be for everyone. Personally, I don’t mind it, but I think using less sweetener could have achieved a more natural taste—something like just allulose might work better.
On the plus side, the ingredients are good, and I appreciate that it’s sugar-free. Many energy drinks load up on sugar, leading to crashes, but this one avoids that issue. With 185mg of caffeine, it’s a more moderate option compared to some others that have over 300mg. The individually wrapped pouches are convenient for on-the-go use and work well both at room temperature and when chilled.
Lorenzo –
I’m a lover of all things vanilla, so when it comes to reviewing vanilla flavored products I am a bit biased. Even so, this flavor has a noticeable artificial quality to it and I don’t think it will be for everyone. I don’t mind it, it’s not the best or worst vanilla latte I have had but I think they should have just used less sweetener to get a more natural result (stick to just allulose, for example).
Other than that I like the ingredients and it works well as an energy shot and I really like that it is sugar free. Too many energy drinks load up with tons of added sugar that leads to an energy crash. The caffeine content isn’t absurd like some other competitors (just 185mg here which is closer to a large cup of coffee as opposed to others that go upwards of 300mg+). The individually wrapped pouches are great for on-the-go and these are fine at both room temperature and refrigerated.
Brandon C. –
The Sugar Free Vanilla Latte Screaming Energy Packets have been the best no-sugar coffee-tasting pouches I have ever tried.
The taste was a smooth and refreshing jolt of caffeinated bitterness in an easy to grab container. A no muss no fuss alternative to those pod systems where you have to mash a product into a steampunk era machine in order to get way-too-not fuel into a vessel that you’ll only have to clean later.
Screaming Energy Sugar-Free Vanilla Latte Packets are a perfect replacement in my on-the-go lifestyle.
Thank you Screaming Energy Sugar-Free Vanilla Latte Packets for giving me the boost I need, when I need it, and without the hassle.
Honest Reviewer –
While the energy boost is definitely appreciated, the taste is unfortunately quite unpleasant.