Os Suplementos Gummy Probióticos Vitafusion são uma maneira deliciosa e prática de cuidar da sua saúde digestiva. Com um frasco contendo 70 gomas sabor framboesa, pêssego e manga, você terá um suprimento suficiente para 35 dias de bem-estar. Cada porção dessas gomas probióticas para adultos contém impressionantes 5 bilhões de CFUs, além de duas cepas probióticas que sobrevivem ao ambiente ácido do estômago: Bacillus coagulans, IS-2 e Bacillus subtilis, DE-111. Essas cepas são conhecidas por promoverem um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal, contribuindo para uma digestão eficiente e um sistema imunológico fortalecido.
As gomas probióticas Vitafusion são uma alternativa saborosa às tradicionais pílulas de vitaminas, que muitas vezes são difíceis de engolir. Com um sabor natural e uma textura mastigável satisfatória, cada goma oferece uma experiência agradável, tornando o cuidado com a saúde uma parte prazerosa da sua rotina diária. Além disso, esses suplementos são formulados sem xarope de milho com alto teor de frutose, adoçantes artificiais, glúten, laticínios e corantes sintéticos FD&C, garantindo que você receba o suporte nutricional necessário sem aditivos indesejados.
rm –
Like the taste compared to others.
James S. Lentz –
gummies easy to chew
Karin in Orlando –
I have been buying these gummy vitamins for over a year now. I much prefer doing a chewable vs. pills. These Vitafusion gummies are delicious, don’t have a bad smell and I haven’t had any issues with them.
Blackberry Bard –
Great product. Need to offer a discounted 2 or 3 bottle purchase to get the price down.
T. Crow –
These probiotics have helped my stomach. I love them! And… They taste delicious!
Hailey –
I recommend this to anyone who has poor gut health, I am somebody who had a lot of gut health issues, this helped me within a month. Helped my skin and gut also. I recommend. It was delivered to me the next day which was great because i wanted one as soon as possible. It’s a great size, the flavors are amazing!
Voosman –
Of the probiotics I have tried, Vitafusion has worked best for my digestive health. Taking two a day after dinner allows for balance in my digestion without any stomach discomfort. I would highly recommend them as a value for the money.
LauraB –
Worked for what it is, enjoyed the flavor enough. Texture was slightly creamy and gummy compared to other gummy vitamins but paired with decent flavor it was easy to take. Not sure if it’s me or shipping in the desert but I’m not sure it did a whole lot for my health. It felt more placebo than anything but was a great option for someone who doesn’t get a lot of prebiotics from their diet.