Descrição do Produto: Vitacost Magnesium Taurate – 120 Comprimidos Vegetarianos
O Vitacost Magnesium Taurate é um suplemento de magnésio de alta qualidade, formulado com taurina, um aminoácido que potencializa a absorção e a eficácia do magnésio no organismo. Cada frasco contém 120 comprimidos vegetarianos, ideais para quem busca uma opção livre de ingredientes de origem animal. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais, incluindo a regulação da função muscular e nervosa, a manutenção da saúde óssea e a produção de energia. A combinação com taurina não só melhora a biodisponibilidade do magnésio, mas também pode contribuir para a saúde cardiovascular e o equilíbrio eletrolítico. Este produto é livre de glúten, soja e lactose, tornando-se uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
1. Melhora da Saúde Cardiovascular: A combinação de magnésio e taurina pode ajudar a regular a pressão arterial e promover a saúde do coração.
2. Apoio à Função Muscular: O magnésio é fundamental para a contração e relaxamento muscular, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e desconfortos.
3. Redução do Estresse e Ansiedade: O magnésio é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, que podem auxiliar na redução do estresse e na promoção de um sono mais tranquilo.
4. Saúde Óssea: O magnésio é essencial para a formação e manutenção de ossos saudáveis, contribuindo para a prevenção de doenças ósseas.
5. Aumento da Energia: O magnésio desempenha um papel vital na produção de energia celular, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a melhorar o desempenho físico.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos vegetarianos ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
The product description on Amazon says that the Vitacost Magnesium Taurate “supplies 200mg of magnesium per tablet.” The bottle is labeled “Magnesium Taurate 2500mg.” I called the customer service number on the bottle, and was told that “there is approximately 100mg of magnesium per tablet, but it is impossible to be completely accurate….” The rep told me that the 2500 refers to the weight of the pill and might include the other ingredients that make up the compound. Still, even though I understand that there may be some difficulty in measuring the exact amount of magnesium in the magnesium taurate compound, it is quite a leap from 100mg per tablet to the 1250mg as inferred by the label since a “serving” is two tablets. I just need to know that I’m getting around 400mg per day for my health issue, and not somewhere between 400mg and 5000mg per day if I take 4 of these horse pills. The information from all sources is contradictory. It’s confusing and downright dangerous. An overdose of magnesium can cause a drop in blood pressure, mental confusion, muscle weakness, and even cardiac arrest.
There is also, as required by California, a label on the bottle that says it contains ingredients that may cause cancer. When I asked about this, the representative told me it was because it had trace amounts of lead. Should I even trust that it is a trace amount, what with all the confusion as noted above?
Fernando San Miguel –
Been taking this product for three weeks now, definitely seeing results.
Art L. –
When I switched from magnesium citrate/oxide to magnesium taurate, it was specifically for heart health. I expected two things: One, that the laxative effect of the cit/ox mag would disappear, and two, that I would notice a difference to my heart arrhythmia and other symptoms. Maybe I haven’t given this product sufficient time to make a fair judgement, but while it’s good to resolve point one, point two remains problematic. To put it another way, two of these tablets allegedly deliver 2,500 mg. of magnesium taurate. The old mag delivered one-fifth the potency, but seemed to alleviate the cardiac symptoms better. If after a bit more time there is no result, then I will forget all about taurate and stick with the tried and true, even if the well-known laxative effect is a drag. Will be updating later, so watch this space.UPDATE: This product has started to work! Heart arrhythmias have noticeably decreased. Recommend for this problem and will be reordering.
Fernando San Miguel –
I weighed a single pill on two different scales and found that it weighed 1700 mg’s not the 2500 mg’s indicated on the label. Since Magnesium Taurate is about 9% elemental magnesium, a 1700 mg pill contains 150 mg’s of magnesium. Please explain the 2500 vs.1700 mg discrepancy.
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I’ve used Vitacost for almost 2 decades. Whenever my doctor has seen low values on my blood test he tells me to supplement. When I take Vitacost supplements my blood tests improve to show good numbers in the mid-range, which my doctor likes. That’s pretty much all you can hope for in supplements – that you’re actually getting what you pay for, and that you see positive results. I too had questions about what seemed like a massive amount of magnesium, but that’s only the magnesium taurate. I went to the vitacost site and a reviewer (Elisabeth) spoke with Vitacost 6 years ago and they said there’s only 200mg of ELEMENTAL magnesium per serving. They have apparently since then changed their labeling, because my new bottle does show only 200 mg of magnesium per serving + 2,500mg magnesium taurine, which btw has no recommended daily allowance, as of yet. Hope that is helpful. One thing though, this arrived with a California cancer sticker on it. There are many references in the reviews you can read there, some are a bit scary. I may call them myself. I researched each ingredient and some of the articles have conflicting opinions. They’re cleared by the FDA but since deregulation we could be eating dog doo and it would still be FDA approved. I really want to experience less heart related symptoms like some reviewers here. I’ll look at some other taurines offered on Amazon and see what kind of ingredients and reviews they have. Perhaps they can shed light. You can learn a lot from reviews.
Lisa Wilkinson –
Stopped my a fib in its tracks. Not one incident in months. I will never be with out this again. I was having daily attacks. Really upset my doctor didn’t tell me this could help UPDATE, it’s been two months and I feel like I’ve been cured. This product has worked wonders and at a reasonable price. No more tachycardia! I was convinced I was going to have a heart attack and now I’m not as worried. Thank you for this product.UPDATE 2- I SEE PEOPLE ARE VERY CONFUSED WITH THE MILLIGRAMS. THE MAGNESIUM AMOUNT IS THE STANDARD 200 0R 250MG THE REST IS THE TAURATE ADDING UP TO 2500 MG PER SERVING. remember we are buying this supplement not only for the magnesium but for the TAURATE as well. Still working beautifully I might also add.
Cathryn Troise –
Some of my fingernails healed but then I broke them again, so I’m trying to get back. I think this works best when you do some sort of strenuous exercise, yoga is good.
phil –
I have been getting muscle cramps especially at night and my right knee and hip get painfully stiff. Sometimes my left knee. I was trying the Mag Taurate along with other minerals to prevent weak bones. I read up on the different forms of Magnesium and there are at least 4-5 different forms and they act differently in the body. From what I read Magnesium Taurate affects the muscles and especially the heart. It was quit a relief when the 1st time taking the Magnesium Taurate, the cramps stopped and more flexible knees and hip within minutes. As for bone health, I a taking it as a prophylactic and don’t know how that is working out.