Vitacell Longvida – Cápsulas de Curcumina Lipossomal Otimizada para Mobilidade Articular e Energia
O Vitacell Longvida é um suplemento inovador que combina a poderosa curcumina lipossomal otimizada com uma seleção de ingredientes naturais, como Quercetina, Resveratrol e Boswellia Serrata. Este produto foi desenvolvido para promover a mobilidade das articulações e aumentar a energia, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua qualidade de vida. A curcumina, um dos principais compostos ativos do açafrão, é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, mas sua absorção pelo organismo é frequentemente limitada. Com a tecnologia lipossomal, a curcumina Longvida é 285 vezes mais biodisponível do que as formas tradicionais, garantindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo todos os benefícios.
Os ingredientes adicionais, como a Quercetina e o Resveratrol, são reconhecidos por suas propriedades que favorecem a saúde cardiovascular e a função cognitiva. A Boswellia Serrata, por sua vez, é amplamente utilizada para aliviar o desconforto articular e melhorar a mobilidade. Juntos, esses componentes criam uma fórmula robusta que não apenas apoia a saúde das articulações, mas também proporciona um impulso de energia natural, sem a necessidade de cafeína ou estimulantes.
1. Suporte para músculos e articulações sobrecarregados: Ingredientes selecionados que oferecem suporte eficaz para músculos e articulações, especialmente após atividades físicas intensas.
2. Melhora da clareza mental e do humor: A curcumina Longvida é altamente biodisponível e está associada a melhorias na clareza mental e no humor, promovendo um estado de bem-estar geral.
3. Fórmula desenvolvida por um médico: Criada pelo Dr. Sisskind, a fórmula é baseada em anos de pesquisa clínica, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
4. Energia natural sem cafeína ou estimulantes: Proporciona um aumento de energia sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados associados a estimulantes.
5. Garantia de um ano: A Vitaminer Shop oferece uma garantia incondicional, permitindo que os consumidores experimentem o produto sem riscos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Vitacell Longvida por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Mark Grimes –
I have tried many different supplements and medications to deal with energy, joint pain, bloating, and overall vitality. I can honestly say I have not noticed any particular improvement or profound impact with any product or supplement until trying Vitacell+. Caveat: I am less than a month into using Vitacell+, so I do not have a significant period of testing its efficacy to rely on. But, after feeling a bit odd a couple days into using it, which could have been attributable to a body cleansing effect or entirely coincidental to the start of using Vitacell+, I have really felt renewed vigor and have greatly improved in terms of pain management. I need a couple more months of use to confirm these findings and observations, but “So Far So Good”. I am Hopeful!
Kristine Proulx –
I have an autoimmune syndrome called Sjogrens. The primary symptom of Sjogrens is extreme mouth, eye and skin dryness. Also muscle and joint pain, brain fog and extreme fatigue. I am also plagued with significant inflammation. I have tried every supplement I have ever come across that claims that it helps inflammation or gives you energy. Until I tried Vitacell I can’t say tha I noticed much of a difference with the pain and lack of energy I suffer with. However, I can honestly say that I have noticed that I feel better and have more energy since taking Vitacell. I read that it helps to take 4 capsules a day for two weeks instead of two. Because of the condition of my body I have continued to take four a day.
Amazon Customer –
I have EDS Hypermobile type plus sever advanced Sjogrens which has damaged my kidneys because of the bad C-Reactive Proteins that are destroying it. I also spend two to three hours in bed sleeping in the middle of the day . This Vitacell took about a week to really improve my health. I am calmly nergizes to complete my daily list with good brain function and enough energy to make it through to day without crashing. I have also noticed, after three weeks of use, that I have more saliva in my mouth which is helping me eat better foods. I didn’t take it yesterday to see how I would feel, and it was obvious. I was back to no energy and I wasn’t thinking clearly. This product is a miracle worker for me! Thanks for developing it and yes I am already referring as everyone!
B. Ethridge –
A couple things here. Nothing is a miracle supplement that works for everyone. There is so many things that can cause pain that only therapy or surgery can fix. I try to remember that when looking at supplements like these. I can say a few things about this product. First, i experienced a little more stiffness and ankle/foot pain using this product the first 1-2 weeks before it nearly going away. My pains and etc. are just normal things that I would consider mild. I will say that within a few days I began having more “pep” in my step – more stamina and energy. I also noticed that I slept longer and better at night. This was surprising to me because I am a light sleeper. Better than any of that is the fact that my thought processes and even memory was more clear. I was skeptical, but am reordering after taking a week off to see if there was a difference. Back came more aches and pains as well as reduced sleep and increased brain fog. It was enough evidence for me to get second bottle. Again, I have not disillusions about it’s effectiveness for everyone, but I am pretty sure that it will be successful for many.
G R –
I’ve had inflammation and leg pain after doing serious yard work. It hit me twice last year and again about a month ago. A large cyst formed near my knee last year. I almost had surgery, but the cyst went away. My blood tests have noted inflammation for the last 5 years, maybe longer.
I read Dr. Silvieri’s story and it sounded like Vitacell + is just what I need. No miracles yet, but it’s possible it’s helping. My leg pain lessened. I ordered another bottle. It just arrived today.
robert lee cooley –
i think its was a waste of good money
Jan –
I am 65yo and have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for approx 5 yrs. I also had a knee replacement that continually was painful that I had to have revised 2 yrs ago which is now, finally, healed as it should be. In addition I have degenerative disk problems in my back along with scoliosis and spondylitis. So during the last 5 yrs for the most part, I have been in constant pain and also had some mobility issues. I’m on my 2nd bottle of VitaCell+ and, without a doubt, I am noticing a significant reduction in pain. My mobility has improved, as well, to where I’m getting in/out of a chair much better and not as wobbly when I walk. I can’t really speak for a mood change but my husband says I’m not as grouchy. So that’s a plus, too!! So if you suffer from any type of arthritis pain, give this a try. You must take 2 a day as it instructs. Give it 30 days and see if it helps you! The price is a bit high but so are NSAIDS, injections and surgeries, which do damage to your body. This is all natural. A win-win!!
Linda S. Shepard –
I bought this and some Vitamin C pills and tried them together. I noticed a difference in days. I took the entire bottle over two months time, and then, as an experiment, I stopped taking them for a couple of months. During those couple of months I started to ache again. It hurt to get up out of a chair. It hurt to lay in bed and try to sleep. I was taking Advil every night, but it didn’t seem to make any difference. I started taking Vitacell again and I don’t think about hurting so much anymore. I sleep better. I feel like I’ll be able to be more active. I think the pills smell great too. They don’t get stuck in my throat. It seems like a lot of money, but I only take one a day because I am cheap. If you take two its still only 2 dollars a day which isn’t too bad not to hurt.