Visão Viva Max com 8 Ingredientes Naturais
O Visão Viva Max é um suplemento inovador que combina 8 ingredientes naturais, incluindo Lutemax® 2020, Mirtilos, Mirtilos Azuis, c3g de Groselha Negra, Maqui Berry, Açafrão e Astaxantina. Com 30 unidades em cada embalagem, este produto foi desenvolvido para oferecer uma série de benefícios para a saúde ocular, promovendo a proteção contra danos causados pelos radicais livres e apoiando a função visual.
O Visão Viva Max é o nosso suplemento de saúde ocular mais vendido, projetado para fornecer suporte máximo tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, ajudando a manter olhos saudáveis. Ele alivia efetivamente a fadiga ocular, apoia a pressão ocular saudável e defende os olhos contra os radicais livres. É hora de recuperar a saúde dos seus olhos. Portanto, não há momento melhor do que agora para se juntar aos nossos mais de 270.000 clientes nos últimos 10 anos que experimentaram grandes melhorias graças ao Visão Viva Max.
Apenas 1 cápsula por dia ajuda a gerenciar a fadiga ocular, aumentar os nutrientes do pigmento macular e repor os nutrientes essenciais em seus olhos. O Visão Viva contém alimentos integrais e ervas naturais que mantêm os radicais livres afastados e fornecem antioxidantes para seus olhos e pele.
- Cianidina-3-Glucosídeo (C3G) de Groselha Negra
- Mirtilo
- Mirtilo Azul
- Luteína e Zeaxantina de Lutemax 2020
- Maqui Berry padronizado para 25% de Delphinidin 3,5-0-Diglucosídeo
- Astaxantina
- Açafrão
Características Dietéticas
Este suplemento ocular é 100% natural, livre de soja, sem glúten, sem aditivos e sem OGM. É livre de hormônios e estrogênios.
Baseado em Plantas e Natural
O Visão Viva Max é feito com os melhores ingredientes naturais para apoiar a saúde dos seus olhos em todas as idades. Não utilizamos vitaminas C ou E sintéticas.
- Suporte abrangente para a saúde ocular: Formulado com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais que alivia a fadiga ocular e protege contra danos dos radicais livres.
- Fácil de usar: Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, você pode desfrutar dos benefícios sem complicações.
- Ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade: Feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, sem aditivos ou enchimentos indesejados.
- Suporte antioxidante: Fornece antioxidantes poderosos que ajudam a proteger os olhos a longo prazo.
- Recomendado por clientes satisfeitos: Mais de 270.000 clientes experimentaram melhorias significativas em sua saúde ocular.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 cápsula de Visão Viva Max por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para garantir a eficácia dos ingredientes.
ak_amazon –
I have problem eyes and go to a specialist. He was shocked that the eye muscle he’s been watching got stronger after I starting these pills. Still on them.
Ordering on Amazon is easier than any where else.
Miss Q –
I am using this product primarily for dry eyes. I have only been using it for about 1 or 2 months now. I feel like my eyes are more comfortable now. They are less dry, more hydrated now.
Carol A Martin –
I have foggy vision. I watched this company’s video online, which made all sorts of grandiose promises for vision improvement. Desperate people will do desperate things. I hoped for once that maybe there was some truth to a supplement ad. I gave this product a four-month trial, which cost me over $160.00. I’ve seen zero improvement. In my opinion, it is snake oil, pure and simple. I hope they enjoy my money. They won’t be getting any more of it. You might consider hanging on to yours.
Daniel E –
This will be my third purchase of this product (first from Amazon), so I’m obviously tending towards the notion that this is helpful. I’ve always had dry, irritated eyes, and was sold on this product’s great video pitch as to why it’s a superior product (special coating to get the goods past the stomach acids, the right ingredients that are “known” to be useful for eye health). Each time I’ve bought this, I’d have to say after a month of 1 pill each day, it does seem that my eyes are more comfortable. I’m not claiming any kind of controlled testing placebo peer reviewed analysis, but my eyes seem to feel better. Sure enough to have made my third purchase (and I’m generally a skeptic about such things).
I’m sorry if I’m not more convincing, but I harass my body in so many other ways (light drinking, smokables, …), there’s only so much a therapeutic can do.
Jon Fernandez –
I replaced my regular vision supplement pills with this for the past 3 months, but I’m not seeing any difference in my vision. In addition, I’m disappointed with the product’s quality control process as the 3rd bottle had several empty capsules. Given its price, it is very surprising. I’m going back to my regular supplements which costs, at least, 50% less.
Miss Q –
4 months later update: I refuse to give up due to having some vision max pills left, and I paid a lot of money for them..I know longer need, to take, high blood pressure medicine so I start using vision max again. Each time I take it, within 20 minutes, my left problem eye, see’s clearer. I still take megafood wholefood multi vitamins, AND Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous, but I take it 12 hours after i take vision max and there are no complications. I feel like taking all 3 increased my eyesight vision in a positive way. ALSO, when i visited THE EYE DOCTOR, WHEREAS, I COULDNT SEE EVERY OTHER LETTER PREVIOUSLY , I CAN NOW SEE EVERY ROW OF THE CHART EXCEPT FOR THE BOTTOM ROW . ALSO, MY LEFT EYE WENT DOWN FROM PRESSURE READING 22 TO 18….also, the retina doctor who recommended me to the glaucoma specialist WAS WRONG..the glaucoma specialists told me i was forming cataracts CAUSING thin eye veins ( NOT GLAUCOMA) which are the cause of the pressure fluctuations. I recommend this for cateracts as long as you are NOT taking any type of medicine or vitamins less then 12 hours after taking this strong wonderful formula. I also take eye pressure SUPPLEMENTS within 2 hours of taking vision max. I do not feel any type of pressure or anything negative like before when I was taking it with high blood pressure medicine. I now realize to only take medicines or vitamins 12 hours afterwards. but I still don’t recommend YOU taking it, if you take high blood pressure medicine without your doctors approval. Eliminate salt and etc. to clear your high blood pressure up first ( by going on a fruite, vegetable and nut diet ). Taking vision max on the same day that I took high blood pressure medicine negatively affect my eye pressure and eye sight.. Since my condition is cacteracts causing thinning veins, I will continue to use vision max , and I HAVE CHANGED MY EYE DOCTOR TO THE #1 HOSPITAL OF MY CITY for a 2nd opinion due to the 1ST misdiagnosis. ..The major active ingredients in vision max is helping my immune system overall, and IS HELPING MY EYE SIGHT along with the supplements, therefore, I will continue taking it to see will it help my cacteracts DISAPPEAR SINCE IT IMPROVED MY EYESIGHT..I will see my 2nd opinion doctor next month…….end of update
…………… PREVIOUS 3rd month update …Vision got worse at the eye doctor in one eye…..eye pressure is higher….It may be good for other eye conditions but it is something in it that raises the pressure when taken with high blood pressure medicine ( or possibly other medicine too ( for you who are on prescription medication, so consult your primary doctor if you take other medicines..I take high blood pressure medicine so possibly the 2 may not agree…I left it at 5 stars because it may be good for other eye conditions because the main 2 ingredients are at a highter measurement then other supplements for other conditions. I cancelled the subscription and i am now on an eye pressure lowering supplement , bilberry extract and dr berg’s vitamin D with vitamin K in it, that is working for me. The doctor says the main active ingredients are not for glaucoma so pls dont recommend it for glaucoma…IMPORTANT : ASK YOUR DOCTOR AND TAKE IT 12 HOURS AWAY FROM PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION and VITAMINS. and NO to taking it on the same day that you take blood pressure medicine…end of update…..3 months earler : .I got sold to this product through a video that I seen concerning the vitamins that are in this product…it is a medium size clear coated capsule . Yes you can feel it swallowing it, but it is not hard to go down. I wished I was told the importance of eye vitamins and the importance of eliminating sugar, processed foods, coffee and fried foods ( vegetable oils ) from your diet to give you the best eye health , and to help eliminate eye damage , when I was in my 30’s ; but better late then never . I am on day one but I felt good in my body and eye vision within hours after taking it which showed me it had ingredients that I need.. I will come back, with an update if I notice more within days or weeks. I cannot explain it but within hours I felt I did something nice for my eyes. I felt a slight pressure lift from my eyes today, day 2. . I would say air frying your foods ( over oil frying ) and taking these vitamins will give your eyes the better chance of good health ..I will take these for a few months as a preventive but buy a cheaper brand if i don’t notice a more noticeable change because it’s pretty costly . I will let you know, more in 7 days because my focus is for the best eye health at my senior age .
I thought I’d give this a try based on what I could find out about it and am very gui bought it!
The floaters I was seeing are negligible now and my vision actually seems to be back to what it once was. I don’t wear glasses or contacts but was noticing a little détérioration in how my eyes felt etc.
I’m on my second bottle and have seen an awesome improvement!