Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Life Apple Cider Vinegar 250mg | com 87 mg de Ácido Acético (250 VegCaps)
O Nature’s Life Apple Cider Vinegar é um suplemento alimentar que combina a potência do vinagre de maçã em cápsulas vegetais, oferecendo uma forma prática e conveniente de incorporar os benefícios desse ingrediente natural na sua rotina. Cada cápsula contém 250mg de vinagre de maçã, com 87mg de ácido acético, o principal componente ativo que confere ao vinagre suas propriedades benéficas. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa ao vinagre líquido, evitando o sabor forte e ácido, mas ainda desejando aproveitar suas vantagens. As cápsulas são vegetarianas, tornando-as adequadas para uma ampla gama de dietas. O vinagre de maçã é conhecido por suas propriedades que podem auxiliar na digestão, controle de peso e promoção da saúde geral.
1. Auxílio na Digestão: O ácido acético presente no vinagre de maçã pode ajudar a melhorar a digestão e reduzir o desconforto gastrointestinal.
2. Controle de Peso: Estudos sugerem que o vinagre de maçã pode ajudar a aumentar a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do apetite e na perda de peso.
3. Regulação dos Níveis de Açúcar no Sangue: O consumo de vinagre de maçã pode contribuir para a estabilização dos níveis de glicose, sendo benéfico para pessoas com resistência à insulina.
4. Propriedades Antioxidantes: O vinagre de maçã é rico em antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e promovem a saúde celular.
5. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Os compostos presentes no vinagre de maçã podem fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra infecções.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de Nature’s Life Apple Cider Vinegar por dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, com um copo de água. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. As cápsulas devem ser armazenadas em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para garantir a preservação de suas propriedades.
_,MrsGwennD –
REALLY good. Other brands of ACV give me heartburn even on a empty stomach, but not these.
Regrettably, I bought some ACV in capsules (different brand) and I have discovered I prefer the tablets. For me the tablets are more effective. They are effective in all the popular blogs etc for water problems, weight loss, digestive help, sleep help, more energy and better mood. Plus more.
I am repeating my order.
J.Elliot –
I purchased these last year around the same time and brought 2 bottles which last about 8 months.I ran out and threw away the bottles and could not remember the name,went into my history and found them again after ordering another brand.
These do work twords weight loss.I started taking these and I ent from around 375 down to 330 all from Dec 2011 til Sept when I ran out of them and I have noticed,without them,I stopped dropping weight.Cant wait til they arrive to get back on goal is to reach 275 and then see how much lower I can go.
These are a must have along with a high fiber diet and eating your main or last meal before 6pm each day.cut out the fast food and sugar IE-Soda and such.make these things a treat every once in a blue moon and you will drop even faster.It is about how you do it as much as what you eat and when you eat it..
Diane Myers –
I think product is good, but mine was shipped and left on my porch in 103° plus heat. I could smell the vinegar without even opening pill container. I don’t think the pills will be effective after roasting in heat. Unfortunately, they are non refundable even though I haven’t even broken the seal. I am hoping manufacturer will want to help me after seeing my rating.
NerdGirl –
I’ve used this product for over 3 years now to help with my acid reflux and I haven’t had any issues yet. I’ve tried several brands in the past including GNC ones, and it doesn’t compare to this one. I take one in the morning and one at night. If I know i will be consuming foods/drinks that will trigger acid reflux i will take an extra dose and my acid reflux doesn’t come. You have to use this product consistently and not just when you have acid reflux.
dsaxt –
i’m a bad diabetic, I eat poorly, my blood sugar hit 296 once. this product amazed me. on a very bad day, I had a dunkin bagel with cream cheese for breakfast + four of these tablets into chicory root capsules. then for lunch, I had a fried chicken sandwich with ranch dr bacon and cheese, french fries, and my meal came with a free small ice cream sundae. so I ate that too, yikes! and I took 4 more of these tablets. my blood sugar should have been about 240, 3 hrs later it was 122…. which was just about a miracle! I did not take any metformin. most of my days are not like this thank God but it’s good to know these tablets can help me when I really screw up.
DIYGuy –
This product was recommended to me by my son who claimed it stopped the pain in his hands. I am happy to report that it actually works. A big thank you to Nature’s Life and my son for making me aware of this fine product.
OK, so I’m waiting patiently for this miracle pill to kick in on weight loss. No results yet. We shall see. Much better however than drinking the stuff, as that taste takes some getting used to- the tablet has no taste, and is easily swallowed. Great item. We shall see how the results work with time. Thanks.
Holly Penland –
These were very effective in helping restore a healthy ph in my body however they smelled and that made them hard to take. I only got them to and the smell and taste of apple cider vinegar so i will just go back to the real thing i think.