Descrição do Produto: Vim
Vim é um suplemento de colágeno líquido especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades do corpo humano de forma eficaz e natural. Com uma composição única, este produto não apenas melhora o metabolismo de gorduras, mas também promove a saúde das articulações, nutre a pele, cabelo e unhas, proporcionando uma abordagem holística para o bem-estar. A fórmula avançada de Vim é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma perda de peso saudável e manutenção, permitindo que o corpo utilize a gordura de maneira mais eficiente, resultando em um corpo mais esculpido e saudável.
Além disso, Vim é um aliado poderoso na promoção da saúde das articulações. Com o passar dos anos, a mobilidade pode ser comprometida, mas a ingestão regular deste colágeno ajuda a manter as articulações saudáveis, permitindo que você se mova com mais liberdade e conforto. A nutrição que Vim oferece vai além das articulações; ele também é essencial para a saúde da pele, cabelo e unhas, proporcionando um brilho natural e vitalidade que todos desejam.
Para mais informações sobre como Vim pode transformar sua saúde e bem-estar, ligue para (800) 622-8446.
– Melhora o metabolismo de gorduras, facilitando a perda de peso saudável.
– Promove a saúde das articulações, aumentando a mobilidade e reduzindo o desconforto.
– Nutre a pele, cabelo e unhas, proporcionando um aspecto saudável e radiante.
– Fórmula líquida de fácil absorção, garantindo resultados mais rápidos e eficazes.
– Produto natural, sem aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca uma vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Vim, recomenda-se a ingestão de 30 ml do suplemento diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, antes das refeições. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da fórmula. O uso contínuo é essencial para maximizar os benefícios do colágeno, promovendo uma saúde duradoura e visíveis melhorias na sua qualidade de vida.
millie –
Loves this company. Take at night go to sleep weight drops every morning!
Romelle Lukasiewicz –
Started taking Collagenate about 2 months ago. Lost about 7 pounds so far.Joints feel better, especially my rt. hip. Noticed also my waist is smaller. Very pleased over all with this product.
DC –
Did not do what they claim. Still have psoriasis. Can loose more weight by distance running.
Robbie H. –
I see alot of claims this supports weight loss.
It has not been my observation, but it does not inhibit either. In order to lose weight this is not a stand alone item, but my mother at 70 years old has changed nothing in her diet and has lost 15 lbs over 5 months of use. The real benefit to this product in my opinion to where you can see and feel tangible results is in the skin. I can take this before I go to bed and my skin feels softer in the morning. My joints feel better and my overall sense of well being is noticed. That is all I can honestly share about this product in my experience. I am still a user and will continue.
meechie –
Didn’t lose any weight disappointed used every morning with no results. I would not recommend to anyone. Will continue to use until empty the last bottle.
Shane –
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Collagenate is a wonderful collagen supplement! Skin looks even more amazing. I did not need to lose weight, but I’m pleased that my waistline has gotten smaller! It helps keep my muscles lean and tone. I get compliments on my body, and I haven’t worked out in over 8 months; my busy life just gets in the way. Collagenate has been working on my hip pain from a tragic airplane injury as a Flight Attendant. I’m able to stretch better, my recovery time is shortened. Plus, my hair is growing faster AND I have strong nails!!! It has a light berry taste that’s refreshing. I LOVE COLLAGENATE!!! Think I’m a lifer…lol.
Ronny –
I’m LOVING Collagenate! I’m down 10 pounds and wearing jeans that I haven’t been able to wear in several years. I’m happy to be in the clothes on the small side of my closet now! I’m 72 years old and amazingly, I’ve lost most of my weight in my belly area, where it’s usually hard to lose. Collagenate is so easy to take; I just take a tablespoon before bedtime. I have NOT gone on a diet; but my belly/stomach area is definitely much smaller! It also does not interfere with any of my other medications. I had initially tried Collagenate a couple years ago, but made the mistake of only getting one bottle. I heard about it again on the radio and thought I should try it again. This time I got two bottles and the weight loss really kicked in the middle of the second month! I’m so glad I gave it another try; Collagenate REALLY DOES WORK! I feel great!
Sheila McLean –
In April 2013 I started using collagenate. I’m 46 years old – after listening to the testimonials with collagenate I had to try it. I had an achy knee, achy joints in general, high blood pressure and extra body fat around my mid-section. Within a week of using collagenate, I immediately notices less pain in my joints and more flexibility. Within 6-7 weeks – instead of my belt on the 2nd notch, I could easily buckle on the 3rd notch. Over the course of the past 15 months – I have gained much more muscle and reduced body fat and feel like I have so much more energy with collagenate. My blood pressure is now at normal levels and my body feels like I’m back in my twenty’s again. Plus, my skin has a beautiful glow. To begin with I used collagenate twice a day for the first 3 months, then cut back to once per day, and this maintains amazing health benefits. The best compliment is to have someone tell me I look 15 years younger than I am. This product really works! Thank you for keeping me healthy!