Descrição do Produto: Vicks VapoCOOL Spray para Garganta
Quando a dor de garganta ataca, é hora de agir rapidamente e com eficácia. O Vicks VapoCOOL Sore Throat Spray é a solução poderosa que você precisa para eliminar a dor exatamente onde ela está. Com sua fórmula avançada, este spray proporciona alívio imediato e duradouro, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem desconforto.
- VAPORIZAR A DOR DE GARGANTA: Quando você precisa de algo potente que elimine a dor exatamente onde você precisa.
- ALÍVIO RÁPIDO E ANESTESIANTE: O poderoso agente anestésico, Benzocaína, combate a dor de garganta rapidamente.
- PODER REFRESCANTE DO MENTOL: O spray Vicks VapoCOOL possui vapores refrescantes e proporciona alívio de máxima potência.
- ALÍVIO PARA DOR DE GARGANTA E BOCA: O spray Vicks VapoCOOL alivia temporariamente a irritação e a dor ocasionais devido à dor de garganta e boca.
- DELICIOSO SABOR WINTERFROST: Desfrute do sabor refrescante winterfrost. Para mais alívio da dor de garganta, experimente também os Vicks VapoCOOL SEVERE Drops e Lozenges no sabor winterfrost.
1. Alívio Imediato: A fórmula de ação rápida proporciona alívio quase instantâneo da dor de garganta.
2. Efeito Anestésico Potente: A Benzocaína atua diretamente na área afetada, proporcionando um alívio eficaz e duradouro.
3. Sensação Refrescante: O mentol oferece uma sensação de frescor que ajuda a acalmar a irritação da garganta.
4. Fácil Aplicação: O spray é fácil de usar, permitindo que você aplique a dose necessária com precisão.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor winterfrost torna a experiência de uso mais agradável, especialmente em momentos de desconforto.
Para utilizar o Vicks VapoCOOL Sore Throat Spray, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Direcione o bico do spray para a parte de trás da garganta e pressione a válvula para liberar uma dose. É recomendado usar o spray a cada 2 horas, conforme necessário, mas não exceda a dose máxima indicada no rótulo. Evite comer ou beber por pelo menos 30 minutos após a aplicação para garantir que o produto tenha tempo de agir efetivamente. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças e consulte um médico se os sintomas persistirem.
Vermonter –
Love the effect it has on a sore throat, it is the Vicks!
Vixki –
I sent this to my friend, she loved it.
Josette Mandela –
Does what it says. Takes the heat out of your sore throat and soothes. The flavor had a kick so be prepared. I really love the cool fresh flavor.
Me-Anonymous –
Super strong! It makes Cloraseptic look like child’s play! It def works like a charm! It’s now my only go to option and I have some on stand by for the next time I get a sore throat… You can never have too many back ups!
tornado –
Muy bueno gracias
Eugene –
The product is medicine I’ve ever tried. But the sprayers break far too much. I have 4 bottles and only one sprayer works. I’ll have to buy plant sprayers and transfer the contents.
Caseyb77 –
Throat is numbed as stated
Raccoon –
I have cough hypersensitivity syndrome. This means I have uncontrolled red faced coughing FITS, from what feels like an intense itch or tickle in a very small spot in my throat. If I don’t get them under control my chest will burn and I will throw up. So chloraseptic numbing throat spray, Cepacol numbing throat sprays and menthol cough drops have been my constant companions. Years ago Cepacol stopped making my much preferred throat spray that didn’t taste nasty like chloraseptic.
Unfortunately as time has gone on the chloraseptic throat spray has been making the itch more intense for a couple of minutes before it numbs it. The need for stronger and stronger menthal cough drops have been damaging my tongue leaving it raw. I’d really like to get away from all the sugar in cough drops without a sugar substitute as well. So I searched out menthol based sprays I bought 2, and was encouraged that this one also had a numbing agent that was a different ingredient than chloraseptic. One was this Vics severe throat spray and the other was a natural olive leaf menthol spray.
The spray mechanism on the Vicks, delivers a stream of strong menthol and numbing agent right to the spot that is bothering me. At first I thought that there was something wrong with the spray tip but when I transferred some into a smaller spray bottle, for on the go, I noticed how thick the liquid is, and the new bottle also only gave a stream, so I think it’s the high viscosity of the medicine that makes it stream. My bottle hasn’t leaked like other reviewers have complained about but has only given a stream in both the bottles I’ve used it in. Just like in the Vicks severe cough drops this spray is very strong and has been very effective for me, leaving my tongue intact. Even though I spray it in my throat leaving it there the essence of menthol wafts forward over my toung in the cooling minty fresh feeling of toothpaste not the damaging feeling of a fisherman’s Friend, Vicks severe, or Halls extra strength cough drops.
The other natural olive leaf product I got also is effective without the numbing agent but leaves a bitter lingering taste in addition to the menthol. It also cost a lot more for less than half the amount of medicine.
Note: the Vicks bottle has a floating cover over the screw-on portion of the sprayer head. I had to mess around with it for a while before getting the lid off to transfer medicine to another bottle. I don’t remember what exactly worked but I squeezed (pinched) the sleeve down against the actual lid and I used a butter knife to pry it up and one (possibly the combination) of those techniques obviously worked leaving the sleeve in place and intact.