Vice Breaker: Pare de Fumar de uma Vez por Todas. Pare de Fumar em 30 Dias. Limpe Seus Pulmões, Elimine os Desejos, Recupere Sua Saúde
Proven Success – Junte-se a mais de 26.852+ usuários satisfeitos que conseguiram parar de fumar com o Vice Breaker nos últimos 20 anos. Livre-se do vício do tabaco e recupere sua saúde com essa solução confiável.
Curbs Cravings – Lutando contra os desejos? O Vice Breaker oferece uma alternativa natural a gomas e adesivos, ajudando você a resistir à vontade de fumar. Alguns usuários até param sem perceber!
Como Funciona – Os ingredientes naturais do Vice Breaker criam uma barreira que bloqueia os receptores de nicotina em seu cérebro, tornando mais fácil reduzir e eventualmente parar de fumar completamente.
Sem Efeitos Colaterais – O Vice Breaker é 100% natural e livre de nicotina, sem efeitos colaterais conhecidos. Pare de fumar sem os sintomas de abstinência usuais ou produtos químicos prejudiciais.
Benefícios que Mudam a Vida – Acelere a desintoxicação e a cicatrização dos pulmões com o Vice Breaker. Ele ajuda a limpar as toxinas da nicotina, acalmar a irritação e apoiar a recuperação pulmonar, tornando o processo de parar de fumar mais saudável e rápido.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Pare de Fumar de uma Vez por Todas
O Vice Breaker é uma solução confiável e comprovada para ajudar você a parar de fumar de uma vez por todas. Junte-se aos milhares de usuários satisfeitos que conseguiram se livrar do vício do tabaco.
2. Alternativa Natural a Gomas e Adesivos
Se você está lutando contra os desejos de fumar, o Vice Breaker oferece uma alternativa natural e eficaz a gomas e adesivos. Sinta-se no controle e resista à vontade de fumar.
3. Livre de Efeitos Colaterais
Diferente de outros métodos de parar de fumar, o Vice Breaker é 100% natural e livre de nicotina, sem efeitos colaterais conhecidos. Pare de fumar sem preocupações.
4. Acelere a Recuperação dos Pulmões
O Vice Breaker ajuda a limpar as toxinas da nicotina, acalmar a irritação e apoiar a recuperação pulmonar. Dê um impulso à sua saúde pulmonar ao parar de fumar.
5. Processo de Parar de Fumar Mais Rápido e Saudável
Com o Vice Breaker, você pode tornar o processo de parar de fumar mais saudável e rápido. Desintoxique seu corpo e recupere sua saúde de forma eficaz.
- Ajuda a eliminar o vício do tabaco de forma definitiva.
- Desintoxica os pulmões, promovendo uma respiração mais saudável.
- Reduz os desejos por cigarro, facilitando o processo de parar de fumar.
- Melhora a saúde geral, contribuindo para um estilo de vida mais ativo.
- Proporciona uma experiência sem efeitos colaterais, tornando a transição mais tranquila.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 cápsula do Vice Breaker duas vezes ao dia, de preferência com as refeições. Continue usando o produto por pelo menos 30 dias para alcançar os benefícios completos. É recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de parar de fumar, garantindo assim que você esteja apto a seguir com o tratamento de forma segura e eficaz.
Di Marco –
This is not magic pill, you must have the discipline to stop smoking specially vape do to the convenience of it, but this levels the odds, to make it a little more fair fight lol
But this cut my cravings down by 80% you still have to deal with the mental, habitual side of quitting.
Best of luck to everyone that has the fighter spirit, realizing the problem is half the fight. Keep up the good work free your self from any and every thing that holds power over you.
Thank you for creating this product it’s extremely helpful!
Robin C. –
Definitely try if you are trying to quit smoking, within a few days, the urge was gone and habit kicked. Definitely recommend.
R. Huttner –
This absolutely works. Started smoking when I was about 16 (I’m 35 now), I quit a few times but always went back within a few months. I tired a lot of different methods like the patch, the gum, vaping, etc. but never had decent results. I figured why not try these pills. I was very indifferent about them, I didn’t expect them to really do anything it sounded too good to be true. Figured what do I have to lose. What I really liked about it was you can continue to smoke as usual when starting these pills.
So I smoked as usual, and at about the beginning of the second week a cigarette no longer satisfied me the way they normally do, even though the cravings were still there. By the 3rd week I began to not crave them at times I normally would. By the time the bottle was empty, I was still smoking but I had drastically cut down the number of cigarettes per day from about 20 to around 3-5. One week after that, I decided to see what would happen if I stopped entirely. I went 2 whole weeks without smoking and felt fine.
As the story usually goes, a night of drinking brought me back to smoking again. I was back to my old ways for a few weeks again, close to a pack a day except I really didn’t enjoy doing it. Felt like it was just muscle memory taking over.
The breakthrough happened during another night of drinking where I smoked almost 2 whole packs in the span of about 8-10 hours. I woke up the next morning feeling so terrible from smoking I decided I was completely done with it. To my surprise, I had no cravings or withdraw symptoms. That was a year ago and I’ve not smoked 1 cigarette or even had a craving since. Even though my story is complicated and I didn’t stop entirely in 30 days, I know my success is because of these pills.
Amazon Customer –
The producer has shrunk the pill by 25%. I promise you it no longer works like it did. I have been using this for years. I am so disappointed that they would think there customer would not notice. It’s totally not a valued product anymore.
Gaelwyn –
I smoked cigarettes for 17 years, then vaped for 9. My e-juice vendor stopped selling recently, so rather than trying to find someone new I just decided I was done with it. I purchased Vice Breaker and also a FÜM essential oil inhaler to help me quit. I have been using the Vice Breaker for three weeks, I started it two weeks before I stopped vaping, and switched from the vape to the inhaler about a week ago. I know a week into it is not very long, but it has been going well for me so far. I definitely recommend the FÜM, even though you have to buy it from them directly. When I first quit vaping it wasn’t the lack of nicotine that was my issue, it was the hand to mouth motions and breathing related to vaping that I was missing. With the inhaler, I get relief from missing that, plus the black pepper essential oil gives a nice tingle. The Vice Breaker has been a big help in not actually craving the nicotine, and the only side effect I have had is vivid dreams, which I had in the past using other products (like Chantix and NicoDerm). Hoping to see this through and be nicotine-free for good now. Buying a second bottle of the Vice Breaker right now!
Update 8/3/20: It is 7 months later and I am still nicotine free! I still use my FÜM inhaler every day, but I stopped taking the Vice Breaker pills about halfway through the second bottle. I don’t recommend stopping the pills abruptly as you will end up having side effects similar to sudden nicotine withdraw. When I missed taking the pills for a couple of days in a row, I felt like I had a bad flu. So I started taking them again and weaned myself off it a little at a time, to take only one pill per day, then one every other day etc. I do recommend them, as they definitely helped curb the nicotine craving, just don’t take them for too long, as they are replacing one drug with another.
Update 3/5/2024: Still nicotine free, four years later!
Beckie SW Florida –
I have smoked for 40 plus years. Tried 2 bottles in hopes of it working. after reading the reviews, most saying it takes a couple of bottles. Well I’m sadly disappointed. They have not worked for me in any way, shape or form.
Mary O –
I have followed the instructions in using this product, it is total waste of money, it did not work, did not even touch the cravings, there definitely is a difference between this product and other available products