Estrovoid – Bloqueador de Estrogênio para Homens
O Estrovoid da VH Nutrition é um poderoso suplemento desenvolvido para fornecer suporte hormonal abrangente, ajudando você a se sentir equilibrado e energizado todos os dias. Com uma fórmula de bloqueio máximo de estrogênio, este produto natural ajuda a manter a harmonia hormonal para o bem-estar geral, inibindo a aromatase e reduzindo os níveis elevados de estrogênio.
Feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, como DIM, Longjack, Ashwagandha e muito mais, o Estrovoid é uma escolha confiável para apoiar a saúde masculina. Essas ervas e nutrientes são selecionados por sua eficácia comprovada em ajudar a reduzir os efeitos colaterais do estrogênio e aumentar a confiança.
Com o uso regular do Estrovoid, você pode desfrutar de uma renovação de energia e vitalidade, eliminando problemas comuns causados pelo excesso de estrogênio. Aumente sua energia e desfrute de uma nova disposição para a vida.
* Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Equilíbrio Hormonal: O Estrovoid oferece suporte hormonal abrangente, ajudando a manter o equilíbrio hormonal necessário para o bem-estar geral.
- Bloqueio Natural de Estrogênio: Com sua fórmula natural, o Estrovoid inibe a aromatase e reduz os níveis elevados de estrogênio, promovendo uma saúde hormonal ideal.
- Ingredientes de Qualidade: Feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, como DIM, Longjack e Ashwagandha, o Estrovoid é uma escolha confiável para apoiar a saúde masculina.
- Aumento de Energia: Ao reduzir os efeitos colaterais do estrogênio, o Estrovoid ajuda a aumentar a energia e a vitalidade, proporcionando uma sensação renovada de vigor e disposição.
- Confiança Renovada: Com o Estrovoid, você pode se sentir mais confiante e seguro, eliminando problemas comuns causados pelo excesso de estrogênio.
O Estrovoid oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Entre eles, destacam-se: 1) Aumento da testosterona, que pode levar a uma melhora significativa na libido e no desempenho físico; 2) Redução da gordura corporal, contribuindo para um corpo mais definido; 3) Melhora na disposição e energia, permitindo que você enfrente o dia a dia com mais vitalidade; 4) Aumento da massa muscular, ideal para quem busca resultados em treinos; 5) Suporte emocional e mental, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar e confiança.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas do Estrovoid diariamente, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, garantindo que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais e condições de saúde.
K Nichole –
My husband has been taking testosterone shots for several months now. He has had great results from taking the testosterone, but was starting to experience an increase in the estrogen in the body as well. He first noticed this because he was beginning to get puffy nipples. We immediately looked into these pills and he liked the reviews we were seeing so he decided to give it a try. He has made it through one entire bottle now (not taking the tes anymore) and he’s already noticed a difference. His nipples aren’t as puffy and tender as they were before he started taking them. So, if you are experiencing male breast growth or nipple growth, this can truly help with eliminating the excess estrogen in your body that is causing it. About to get our second bottle of this now. 🙂
Pete –
Needed a super strong estrogen blocker. Found it with ESTROVOID
Placeholder –
I verified this with blood test. I’m on Enclomiphene mono therapy and my estrogen was running high. I was at the top of the scale at 40 pg/ml. So I got this based on the reviews. I was on this for 2 weeks and tested again and I was at 47 pg/ml! So based my blood tests this just didn’t work and what’s worse it might have raised my estrogen levels.
Bradly Beddingfield –
This is a good product and I did notice a slight difference. Just didn’t give me quite the results I was needing but that’s not on the company or product that’s because of my own body.
John –
This is my second bottle i purchased and after the first bottle I did notice changes in my energy and workouts. I have seen zero side effects and happy with the results so far. If you try this I highly suggest you give it a month or a little more to see changes; of course your milage may vary 🙂
Update: don’t believe you will get a free bottle, i asked multiple times after completion of requirements. Too bad!
Ming W. –
About a year ago, my doctor did a routine blood draw to assess my health and whether or not my chemical/enzyme/biological levels were within range. The results came back and to my surprise, he had tested my testosterone level. It was below the recommended range, at a number that alarmed me. I did some research on symptoms of Low T; lower energy levels, less of anything that is sexually related, and frequently feeling the blues. I had experienced all of them and had assumed that there were other causes to these symptoms. And telling a doctor about very general symptoms will not reveal answers; they don’t seem to want to invest time into figuring it out.
Luckily my doctor had included T levels for assessment and he initially prescribed AndroGel, which fits under the category of Testosterone Replacement. My insurance didn’t cover it and wanted to get additional justification of need which turned out to be a blessing because it gave me additional time for research. I learned that with Testosterone Replacement, the body no longer senses the need to produce more testosterone and sperm production decreases significantly, shrinking a man’s most vulnerable body part. T-Replacement Therapy doesn’t block estrogen production either and if one stops with the therapy, the effects of Low-T will be felt for some time as the body has to readjust and produce on its own. My thinking is, “what if it doesn’t produce anywhere close to what it is supposed to?” One thing that I’ve learned from man-made chemicals is that there is always a side effect and that it changes the body and how it functions. Also, one is usually dependent on a medication for a long time. For these reasons, I searched for an all-natural supplement that can increase T-levels.
After finding this, reading the favorable reviews, and the logic of blocking estrogen WHILE also increasing testosterone levels, I gave it a try. And the effects were better than I had expected. It took being on the second bottle before the effects were undeniable since changes are gradual and incremental, making it hard to notice at times. But halfway through the second bottle, I noticed a consistent increase in energy level, more enthusiasm doing things, and began getting “morning woodies” again. This hasn’t happened in a very very long time especially while I’m on a medication with known sexual side-effects. I read that getting testosterone levels up to range will improve the body’s immune system and that is a definite plus. I’m sure that there were other positive physiological changes back to the way it’s supposed to be but the aforementioned were the most noticeable and undeniable. I highly recommend this due to the fact that synthetic “medications” tend to have side-effects that in the overall picture can make the situation worse than it is OR results in dependence by the body. Only the symptoms are treated. This has natural ingredients and HELPS the body do what it is supposed to do more efficiently. This product works but give it some time to work. For me it was the second month and I can honestly say that this product delivered what it claims.
Kathy –
I know my name says Kathy, but I’m actually a male, using my friend, Kathy’s. I’ve been on Testosterone Replacement Therapy for years. 100mg/week Testosterone injection and 1/2mg of Arimidex every 3 days. I felt great. Then, I ran out of Arimidex. I didn’t think it was a big deal so I thought I could just wait to see my doctor in 2 months to get a refill – bad decision. After about 6 weeks, I started to feel horrible. It was like I had PMS. I was ultra sensitive, had crazy mood swings and snapped at everyone. I had no energy, no sex drive and my nipples felt like they were on fire! I ordered a bottle of EstroVoid because it got great reviews and this stuff works awesome! After about 2 weeks of taking it, I felt great again. All of my symptoms went away, I had energy, motivation and my sex drive was high. Will definitely continue to purchase.
DT –
I have been using this product since May 1st since my issue is body fat, especially around my chest area (pseudo-gyno). This helps lower my estrogen production, which is probably to my age (im in my early 40s) and genetics (my metabolism is very slow). I take 2 pills in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, around 3pm. Though there will be no visible results as of yet, this does help improve my mood and reduce afternoon fatigue I usually get after morning workouts. It has helped me do two-a-day cardio sessions which i did NOT have the energy before prior to this. Definitely worth the purchase!