Descrição do Produto: Veru Wellness CoQ10 Plus Daily
O Veru Wellness CoQ10 Plus Daily é um adesivo inovador que oferece uma maneira prática e eficaz de incorporar a Coenzima Q10 na sua rotina diária. Cada adesivo é projetado para liberar a Coenzima Q10 de forma contínua por um período de 8 a 10 horas, proporcionando suporte energético e antioxidante ao seu corpo. Com um total de 42 adesivos, você terá um suprimento para 42 dias de uso, permitindo que você mantenha sua saúde em dia de forma conveniente.
Os adesivos Veru Wellness são livres de lactose, glúten e açúcar, tornando-os uma escolha ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Além disso, sua construção é 100% à prova d’água e resistente ao suor, permitindo que você os use em qualquer situação, seja durante atividades físicas ou em dias chuvosos. A aplicação é discreta, permitindo que você use o adesivo sob a roupa sem que ninguém perceba.
Os adesivos são formulados sem ingredientes prejudiciais, garantindo que você esteja se cuidando da melhor maneira possível. Você pode usar múltiplos adesivos ao mesmo tempo, se necessário, e eles podem ser usados durante o dia ou à noite, adaptando-se à sua rotina. A recomendação é que cada adesivo seja utilizado por um período de 8 a 10 horas para maximizar os benefícios.
1. Aumento de Energia: A Coenzima Q10 é conhecida por ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia, ideal para quem busca um impulso no dia a dia.
2. Suporte Antioxidante: Ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde celular melhorada.
3. Uso Discreto e Confortável: O design do adesivo permite que você o use de forma discreta, sem comprometer seu estilo.
4. Resistência à Água e Suor: Perfeito para quem pratica atividades físicas, pois não se descola facilmente.
5. Fácil Aplicação: A aplicação é simples e pode ser feita em qualquer lugar, sem necessidade de preparação complexa.
Para utilizar o Veru Wellness CoQ10 Plus Daily, escolha uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço ou a parte superior das costas. Remova o adesivo da embalagem e aplique-o suavemente na pele, pressionando por alguns segundos para garantir que ele adira bem. É recomendado usar o adesivo por 8 a 10 horas para obter os melhores resultados. Após o uso, retire o adesivo e descarte-o adequadamente. Para um uso contínuo, você pode aplicar um novo adesivo em uma área diferente da pele.
Tina Wesson –
I don’t know who came up with the brilliant idea of putting vitamins and such in a patch form, but it is wonderful. I cannot swallow pills very easily and take all my vitamins and patch for now. I waited one year to make sure all my levels We’re good Without ingesting pills and behold all is great. Highly recommend for those who can’t swallow pills very easily.
MsKi77en –
I love to use vitamin patches. They are simple to use and I know I am getting a steady supply of the nutrient throughout the day. I have purchased several other vitamin patches in the past but this is my first CoQ10 patch that I have tried. This does not specify the amounts of the nutrients that are in this patch but it contains the following: CoQ10, Vitamin C, Zinc, Resveratrol, Astaxanthin. Generally speaking, vitamins in patch form, contain much lower amounts when compared to supplements in pill form. When you take something in pill form, it must go through the digestive tract and liver. Often times, much of it is not absorbed or is missed through the first pass effect of liver metabolism. By using these patches, you are bypassing the GI tract metabolism and are able to get the nutrients directly into the body more efficiently, therefore, lower amounts are required. These are roughly 1″ x 1″ in size and the package recommends wearing this for 8-10 hours. CoQ10 is an important nutrient for heart and muscle function, especially in individuals taking statin medications for cholesterol. These would be a great option for such individuals or just anyone looking to support a healthy heart. They are packed full of antioxidants that are involved in cellular energy production. I feel like a have a little more energy when I put these on. There are enough patches for 42 days in the box. It would be nice to know how much of each ingredient is in these patches for reference.
Eldee S. Dates –
Previously when I’ve taken coq10 I’ve always noticed a bump in energy. I’m not noticing anything with the patches. Dissapointing.
Nikki –
I find the concept of these supplement stickers kind of amusing. I really have to wonder if there’s some kind of secret test going on to get us to try out stickers that do nothing but pull on your peach fuzz when you remove them. I’ve tried a few different ones and can’t say I noticed anything different.
CoQ10 isn’t something I can really “feel”, either. I do like the concept and the fact that I can wear extra’s if I like, but that just tells me that these are incredibly low dosage or low transfer of whatever may *possibly* be in them. For context, I was already taking a daily dose of this and when I would add a sticker to my body for the day, I didn’t feel anything different. Maybe after a week I would, or perhaps when I was under the weather and needed it most. Those are the only times I can think that this sticker idea might be beneficial.
Tanya geiglein –
This is a large supply of self adhesive supplement patches. They stick on pretty good to dry smooth skin, in an area that gets no friction. I couldn’t tell any benefit after a few days of use. No bad skin reactions when used as directed. I did try one while working in the yard and with too much movement it didn’t hold up well. Same can be said for leaving one applied during a shower, the adhesive wants to let go after moisture contact for sure.
HealingMaven –
These are great and so easy to use. Some meds like this one work better on the patch than when I take them orally. I love these easy to use and remove patches.
Eldee S. Dates –
Patches are used to transfer materials trans-dermally into your body. These patches are designed to deliver health benefiting compounds to your body. These patches contain Vitamin C, Zinc, CoQ10, Resveratrol and Astaxanthin.
Patches and Usage:
The patches come in sealed dated pouches. Each pouch contains six patches, there are seven pouches to a box. The patches are easy to apply – just peel them off of the backing and apply them directly to the skin in a area where there is no hair (preferentially). They are very flexible and move easily with the body and easily stay attached all day. Removal is also easy, they can be removed by picking up the edge and pull them off.
Potential Benefits:
Vitamin C and Zinc are well known compounds that help you body fight off infection, both also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. CoQ10 is an antioxidant that your body produces naturally, however production decreases as you age. It is found in meat fish and nuts and may potentially benefits your heart and improve energy production, more research is needed to confirm benefits of supplementation. Resveratrol is a compound produced by several plants, often found in the skin of red grapes and blueberries. While it has numerous potential benefits, such as cardioprotective benefits, research is incomplete. Astaxanthin is a antioxidant and a carotenoid. It is found in algae and in salmon. it may improve immune system functionality and is often taken to improve for aging skin, alzheimer disease and athletic performance – however again, research has been limited.
I’ve tried the patches a few days and haven’t noticed anything I can directly attribute to the use of the patches other than a little redness after removing one that has been on for a while. Sometimes I forget I have one on and I end up leaving it on longer than usual. After using some patches in the same spot for about three days, that area was a little red and itchy for a few days; so I recommend using it on different spot each day to avoid that problem. As with many health products on the market, there is some knowledge of benefits, but that knowledge is often incomplete, yet we use many products with hope in the benefits that they potentially can provide. If you would like to take these supplements and don’t like taking lots of pills or can not take pills, perhaps this method may be an option to get the benefit of these compounds
Gendelfully –
I bought these patches because I dislike taking pills. They are easy to use and also easy to remove. I recommend them.