Descrição do Produto: Vega Nut Butter Shake – Pasta de Amendoim
O Vega Nut Butter Shake de Pasta de Amendoim é uma deliciosa e nutritiva opção para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e prática. Com uma combinação perfeita de ingredientes naturais, este shake é rico em proteínas vegetais, fibras e gorduras saudáveis, proporcionando uma experiência saborosa e energizante. Ideal para ser consumido a qualquer hora do dia, ele pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes, ou até mesmo utilizado como um complemento em receitas de panificação. Com um sabor autêntico de amendoim, o Vega Nut Butter Shake é livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Cada porção oferece uma dose generosa de energia, ajudando a manter a saciedade e a disposição ao longo do dia.
1. Alto Teor de Proteínas: Contribui para a construção e recuperação muscular, ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
2. Fonte de Fibras: Ajuda na digestão e promove a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do peso.
3. Gorduras Saudáveis: Contém ácidos graxos essenciais que são benéficos para a saúde cardiovascular.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, seja em shakes, receitas ou como lanche rápido.
5. Sem Aditivos Artificiais: Produto natural, livre de conservantes e ingredientes artificiais, garantindo uma alimentação mais saudável.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Vega Nut Butter Shake, recomenda-se misturar 2 colheres de sopa do produto em 250 ml de água, leite vegetal ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até obter uma mistura homogênea. O shake pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou como um lanche nutritivo entre as refeições. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, adicione frutas, sementes ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
critical eye –
I got this for my father and myself, for protein needs. It was the wildberry bliss flavor, and I had high hopes because of the supposed fruit flavor but on actually smelling it, much less making it, my hopes were dinged in the foot.
It was awful. The flavor was disgusting and overpowering, and rife with that artificial sweetener taste. Then come to find plant protein isn’t as efficiently digested as regular protein, so it’s less value for its intended purpose. The flavor is so overpoweringly bad that I couldn’t add it to anything or anything to it. Water, milk, fruit, ice cream, they all because a stevia flavored pink colored muck with this in it. Eventually I just had to throw it out.
If you want plant based protein, just get pea protein. That’s all this is, plus unnecessary and bad flavors. The pea protein at least can be unflavored and goes good in a smoothie.
Tab –
☺️ The nut butter shake has a nice healthy taste! I used sugar free non fat coconut milk with it & blended it in a blender. It turned out nice & creamy, with a couple cubes of ice added at the end & blended well also!! Some are saying you don’t have to use a blender, but I personally would always use a blender or a hand mixer to get out any chunks in any powder . So it can be smooth all the way through the liquid !! I will definitely buy this one again!!
Some people use water, but I personally don’t like any kind of shakes with water because they’re too watery!!
Cat –
Still takes great and is a healthy addition to a healthy lifestyle
I’ve been using Vega products for a while. I like that they don’t have animal products in them. I used to be vegan. I only have animal products in my meal occasionally now. Like the fact that Vega provides a good amount of protein (20 grams), as well as calcium and iron without adding milk or other animal products to accomplish it. Also, there’s no added sugar. I mix mine with almond, oat, or cashew milk, frozen strawberries, 1/2 frozen banana, and a small handful of nuts (almond or cashew). It’s a great, fulfilling meal substitute. I can take it on the go and feel nourished. I only recently tried the Wildberry Bliss flavor, and it’s terrific. I’ve ordered it again.
Andrea –
This protein powder adds a great refreshing flavour to my smoothie with the extra greens however the stevia taste is a little over powering for my liking
Kr –
High calorie from only one scoop is hard to find and what I was looking for (for now). However you DO need a handheld or regular blender to get rid of the clumping. Ad reads: no blender needed but that is not true; no amount of shaking it dissolved the clumps. There is some graininess and after taste even after blending smooth. The flavor is palatable but not what I really wanted. I bought this at a lower price on sale to see how this brand name Vega is first. It’s okay. It has no other nutritional value-no added vitamins or nutrients.
I won’t buy it again. Will probably end up with another brand powder that has none of these issues of taste and smoothness and lack of nutrients, but the cost of the another popular brand is higher with less calories for 2 scoops per serving. I need to gain weight but also need the added nutrition. And I prefer vanilla flavor, not chocolate on a daily basis. This just doesn’t do it all for me. You get what you pay for. Too bad there are no sampling packets to try before purchasing any of these protein powder products. Live and learn I guess. I would like to add this several days after using this protein powder: It DOES blend better and can be shaken by hand when added into a room temperature liquid as I just found out. I was using already cold non-dairy milk and it turned out with clumps and had to use my electric hand blender to dissolve them. I just used it in a room temp bottle of water and zero clumps. Go figure.
Hufford –
I was blown away when I tried the Vega Tropical Smoothie Mix. I’ve never had a protein powder mix up so well that it didn’t have Any Gritty Taste to it.
Another thing was the taste. I couldn’t believe how good this powder tasted. It was a true tropical fruit flavor. Not a fake flavor, it was Delicious. I love that they used stevia, a natural form of sweetener, rather than something fake.
I’ve tried out so many different brands of protein powder mixes over the years. This one is Hands Down My Favorite!
Try this Tropical Flavor. You will not be disappointed.
Next, I’m going to try out the Wild Berry Smoothie Mix flavor.
It took awhile to get it, but it was Worth the Wait. I will be doing the Amazon subscription after I use up all of my other protein powders. Thanks Amazon! This is a great product
Tab –
I’ve bought this about 10 times. Tastes good. Not weird. Sweetened just right with stevia. I’ll buy again…