Descrição do Produto:
O USDA Organic Ultra Max B12 é um suplemento líquido de vitamina B12 que oferece uma superdose de 7500mcg por porção, formulado com metilcobalamina, a forma mais biodisponível da vitamina B12. Com uma taxa de absorção de até 98%, este produto é ideal para quem busca aumentar os níveis de energia, melhorar a função cognitiva e apoiar a saúde do sistema nervoso. A versão vegana e não transgênica do Ultra Max B12 é uma excelente opção para aqueles que seguem dietas restritivas, garantindo que você receba a nutrição necessária sem comprometer seus princípios. Com um sabor agradável de morango, as gotas líquidas são fáceis de consumir e se integram perfeitamente à sua rotina diária. O frasco de 4oz é prático e ideal para uso prolongado, proporcionando uma solução eficaz para a deficiência de B12.
1. Alta Absorção: Com uma taxa de absorção de até 98%, garante que seu corpo utilize a vitamina B12 de forma eficiente.
2. Aumento de Energia: Promove níveis de energia sustentáveis, combatendo a fadiga e o cansaço.
3. Saúde Cognitiva: Apoia a função cerebral e a memória, essencial para o desempenho diário.
4. Fórmula Vegana e Não-Transgênica: Ideal para veganos e pessoas que buscam produtos livres de organismos geneticamente modificados.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de morango torna a suplementação mais prazerosa e fácil de incorporar na rotina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (equivalente a 20 gotas) do Ultra Max B12 diariamente. As gotas podem ser administradas diretamente na boca ou misturadas em água ou sucos. É aconselhável agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade do produto. Para maximizar a absorção, recomenda-se evitar a ingestão de alimentos ou bebidas imediatamente antes e após a administração do suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Reviewer –
For me this has been near life changer. I used to have constant brain fog in the mornings and I hated feeling that way. Since I began taking this over a year ago, all that is gone. Like a different person. I have re-ordered this multiple times. Once or twice I ordered a different one and I’m confident this one is on a different level (at least for me). The flavor is excellent and not overwhelming. Absorption is quick since I begin to feel the effects within minutes. My routine is first thing in the morning before breakfast, under the tongue for 30-40 seconds. Lastly I think it’s the best bang for the buck since you get 4oz for the price of what others are charging for half the size
Alicia2011 –
I bought this because my B12 levels are low and I cannot take time off of work to go get the injection every month. I have only had it for about a week but it seems like a do have a good amount of energy. The taste is delicious. I couldn’t find much in the way of directions but I have heard that you’re supposed to leave it under your tongue for 30 seconds. I’ve tried that but the syringe disposes such a small amount at a time that it’s difficult to do. I’ve also seen that some people use a teaspoon rather than the syringe because of the amount that it disburses being so small but I spill it all over trying to do that and it’s too expensive to waste so I take the time to do 5 syringes. Hopefully, it doesn’t become more difficult to get out once it gets to the bottom… I may update this review after I get my levels checked.
Just Mari –
Having used Tropical Oasis B-12 for many years ,I was surprised to see the uptick in Mcg from 5,000 to 7,500. The only change I have noticed is a bit more energy, and that is a good thing! It will remain in my daily routine for better health! Thanks!
James –
This Tropical Oasis B12 is like a little pep talk in a bottle! Tastes good and kicks in fast—perfect for days when coffee just doesn’t cut it. Highly recommend if you need a quick pick-me-up.
daj –
It is nice that new versions of this product show the measurement marks (up to 1ml) on the dropper so you have a more accurate idea of how much of the product you are getting with each squirt. If you are looking to get the amount indicated on the bottle, it will take 5 squirts for 5ml/1 teaspoon of methylcobalamin. I started out with one dropper full and am working my way up to the 5ml. I have no jitters or any other side effects with this. It tastes like tropical fruit punch koolaid. The taste is way less intense than Nature’s Bounty which tastes more concentrated, syrupy.
Note that the type of B12 is different than Nature’s Bounty. Nature’s Bounty has 1ml = 5000mcg cyanocobalamin (the synthetic form of B12), so only one dropper full is needed to get that dose. In that way it Nature’s Bounty stronger because this product (Ultramax) takes 5ml (5 droppers) to get the 5000mcg. But again, the Ultramax product is methylcobalamin, the natural form of B12. If you determine that you prefer the natural B12 over the synthetic, this is a good product.
Tyreese Bailey or Daughter Paris Bailey –
I’ve noticed NO fatigue eveytime I’ve taken since 5 months! Don’t write reviews normally but advised Everybody to BUY, low energy, anemia, weak, want to start working out & walking again
Sayith –
I’ve been taking this product daily for a month because I’ve been feeling a little sluggish, and my doctor recommended that I take B12 vitamins. I decided to give this product a try, and it has made such a big difference in my energy!
RRamos –
Bought this bottle since it was very similar in potency to another and volume was doubled (4oz as opposed to 2oz bottle). This 4oz bottle only contains 24 servings. The other brand contained 60 with half the volume. Product isnt bad but, alittle misleading in their dosing/serving calculations.