Urban ReLeaf Tratamento para Manchas de Pele Escamosa! Óleo Reparador para Suavizar a Pele, Alívio Natural para Manchas Descamativas, Rachadas e Severamente Secas. Óleos Nutritivos. 100% Natural. Feito nos EUA.
O Urban ReLeaf Scaly Skin Spot Treatment é um óleo reparador desenvolvido especialmente para tratar manchas de pele escamosa, proporcionando alívio natural para áreas ressecadas, rachadas e extremamente secas. Com uma fórmula rica em emolientes, este óleo sedoso acalma e suaviza rapidamente as áreas problemáticas da pele, deixando uma aparência fresca e radiante. Sua textura leve e absorção rápida permitem que os emolientes penetrem profundamente nos tecidos, proporcionando um alívio imediato.
Este tratamento é 100% natural e vegano, formulado com óleos nutritivos de semente de uva, rosa mosqueta e jojoba, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades hidratantes e regenerativas. A combinação com os aromas revigorantes de óleos essenciais de tea tree, lavanda, olíbano e alecrim não só proporciona um alívio eficaz, mas também transforma a aplicação em uma experiência sensorial relaxante.
Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Urban ReLeaf Scaly Skin Spot Treatment é feito com ingredientes frescos e de alta qualidade, garantindo a eficácia e segurança do produto. A embalagem contém 15 ml de produto, e as instruções de uso recomendam a aplicação diária nas áreas escamosas, secas e com descamação da pele. É importante massagear bem o produto para garantir sua absorção completa, e recomenda-se continuar o uso até que a pele esteja suave e hidratada.
1. Alívio natural: Solução eficaz para pele escamosa, rachada e severamente seca, com ingredientes que acalmam e hidratam.
2. Aroma revigorante: Proporciona uma experiência sensorial relaxante durante a aplicação, graças aos óleos essenciais.
3. Ingredientes de alta qualidade: Composição feita com ingredientes frescos e seguros, garantindo eficácia.
4. Fabricado nos EUA: Segue rigorosos padrões de qualidade e segurança, assegurando um produto confiável.
5. Resultados visíveis: Uso contínuo resulta em pele mais suave e hidratada, com melhorias perceptíveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique diariamente o Urban ReLeaf Scaly Skin Spot Treatment nas áreas escamosas, secas e com descamação da pele. Utilize uma quantidade adequada do produto e massageie bem até sua completa absorção. É recomendado continuar o uso até que a pele esteja visivelmente suave e hidratada. Este tratamento é de uso externo apenas. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso. Fabricado por: Urban ReLeaf LLC, St. Petersburg, FL 33710. Feito nos EUA. Ingredientes do produto: Óleos de semente de uva, jojoba e rosa mosqueta, óleos essenciais de tea tree, olíbano, lavanda e alecrim.
Pancho –
I was expecting a regular sized bottle however it is an extremely small size. This is only enough for one application maybe two if you push it but not likely. Really disappointing!
Nicholas –
Ok so this does work and you might be thinking “of course it’s oily – it’s oil…” but I suppose I was expecting a spread like an essential oil and this is more like a thicker oil that doesn’t absorb into the skin very fully at first.
After applying I felt relief and a little does go a long way – I just had noticed it was a bit difficult to get off my hands after spreading it on the affected area.
So I guess as long as you’re not wearing any fabrics or working with anything that might get ruined from possible contact with oil – give this a try as I did find that it felt really good when applied and provided decent relief.
Blessed Mama –
I have horrible patches on my elbows and this is amazing. It is a pure oil and its made for dry skin patches. This is one hundred percent natural and vegan. Made with a variety of oils such as grapeseed, rose hip and jojoba oils with tea tree, lavender, frankincense and rosemary.
You get immediate relief on those dry skin patches. You can also put this on calluses as well. The oil soaks into your skin. There are so many healing benefits to these oils.
I noticed a huge difference on my elbows by day three. I could tell on day one but where it was no longer scaly was day three. There is such a weird feeling of dry skin when wearing a sweater. Now that I am using this oil blend that the scaliness is gone.
Highly recommend.
A barker –
It’s nice to find a natural product made in the United States by a small business to treat skin issues without irritation.
Since I have very sensitive skin, I tried this initially on a couple of permanent flaky spots on my arm that I tend to unconsciously pick at when an edge loosens. This oil smoothed them right down so that I could easily ignore their presence. After using the oil once per day for a few days, the subconscious habit was broken.
One of the oils included is tea tree oil, which does have a strong scent that many find unpleasant. The other oils scents temper this a bit, but I’d advise testing this on an area not directly on your face or throat until you see whether or not the scent would bother you.
You’ll need a needle or pin to open the nozzle the first time. As a small business, Urban ReLeaf doesn’t look to have invested in expensive packaging equipment and focuses on the products themselves with readily available containers.
Amazon Customer in Texas –
It didn’t do anything for me. Waste of money
Pancho –
I got this because I was extremely pleased with other products from this brand, Urban ReLeaf. This one did not disappoint.
The product is designed for people like me that get scaly, dry skin patches in small areas. I have this issue seasonally, getting very dry, flaky skin on my face as soon as the temperature gets cooler, and the humidity drops.
This is perfect for me, as these are rather small areas, located just along the sides of my moustache, going from my nose to the sides of my mouth. I believe that my moustache exacerbates the issue, by drawing essential oils from you skin, resulting in this condition.
I have great confidence that this liquid will do the trick. Looking at the ingredients I see that it’s precisely what I want to rectify this issue.
On top of all that, the scent of this product is fantastic. As you can see one of the ingredients is Frankincense. Smells amazing!
Okapi –
I used this on dry patches on the scalp and it does a good job of relieving itch and removes flakiness. The bottle is small and I found that I’d use a lot of the product quickly, definitely would like a bigger bottle.
A barker –
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This product is very moisturizing and full of natural ingredients. My daughter’s dry skin was instantly relieved. The only problem is it smells strongly like tea tree oil and can get in the eyes if not careful. Best used on scalp, legs, arms/elbows, etc. Small bottle, but the oily nature helps it to spread well.