Descrição do Produto: Universal Nutrition – 100% Beef Aminos
Descubra o poder da proteína bovina com o Universal Nutrition – 100% Beef Aminos, uma fórmula inovadora que oferece 3 gramas de isolado de proteína bovina por porção, ideal para recuperação e crescimento muscular. Este produto é a escolha perfeita para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e otimizar a recuperação após treinos intensos. Com uma combinação tripla de isolados de proteína bovina, albumina bovina e fígado argentino, cada comprimido é uma fonte concentrada de aminoácidos essenciais que suportam a síntese proteica e promovem um ambiente anabólico no corpo.
- O Potencial Anabólico da Carne em Forma de Comprimido Conveniente: A praticidade dos comprimidos permite que você leve sua suplementação a qualquer lugar, sem a necessidade de preparar shakes ou refeições complexas.
- Nota do Produto: A exposição ao calor ou à luz solar pode causar derretimento/dano ao produto. Portanto, recomenda-se que os clientes estejam disponíveis durante a entrega do produto.
- 3 Gramas de Isolado de Proteína Bovina Pura por Porção: Cada dose fornece uma quantidade significativa de proteína de alta qualidade, essencial para a recuperação muscular.
- Combinação Tripla de Isolados de Proteína Bovina, Albumina Bovina e Fígado Argentino: Esta fórmula única garante uma absorção rápida e eficaz dos nutrientes, maximizando os benefícios da proteína bovina.
- Contém um Espectro Completo de Aminoácidos Altamente Concentrados: Os aminoácidos são os blocos de construção das proteínas e são fundamentais para o crescimento e reparo muscular.
- Fabricado em uma Instalação de Fabricação cGMP em New Brunswick, New Jersey: Garantimos o mais alto controle de qualidade desde o início até o fim do processo de fabricação. O que está no rótulo é exatamente o que você receberá.
1. Recuperação Muscular Acelerada: A alta concentração de aminoácidos ajuda na reparação rápida dos músculos após treinos intensos.
2. Praticidade e Conveniência: Os comprimidos são fáceis de transportar e consumir, tornando a suplementação mais simples no dia a dia.
3. Aumento da Massa Muscular: A proteína bovina é conhecida por seu potencial anabólico, promovendo o crescimento muscular eficaz.
4. Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando que você receba um produto puro e eficaz.
5. Versatilidade na Dieta: Pode ser facilmente integrado a diferentes planos alimentares, atendendo tanto a atletas quanto a pessoas que buscam melhorar sua nutrição.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 comprimidos de Universal Nutrition – 100% Beef Aminos, duas a três vezes ao dia, preferencialmente entre as refeições e após os treinos. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água para facilitar a absorção. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Summer Ibarra –
These pills work really nice for your muscles after a good workout. The flavor is not strong, but the pill is my biggest pill I take lol. Overall this product is amazing and really works great.
Mark W –
Long expiration of 11/2025 from purchase date in January 2023. Good beef amino and protein source. Have been consuming it for a few years with relatively good results.
Junior –
Geschmak ist Neutral
Adam Davis –
Have only taken 2 servings so far and I blew through my workouts and could actually feel it working. Love the product and can tell it is a quality item. I have always wanted to try Universal Nutrition supplements but never did and am mad at myself for not trying sooner. The pump last all day long with just one serving of 3 caps. I wouldn’t take more than one serving unless you are a competitive body builder. Yet for somebody like me trying to create a new me 1 serving per day is fine enough.
True Story –
What I liked about this product, seeing that I’m in Hawaii, and that all products that are off the shelf has an added tax to it, first the price thats listed on Amazon can’t beat hands down, the product itself is an 100% Beef product amino, great for overall wellness as well as supplying my muscles with nutrients that I lose from a strenuous workout. Really great for everyday use.
Nicolas Daire –
I love this product, I use it to either add some extra protein to a snack or meal, or when I can’t eat something to make sure I’m not running in empty. Typically take the 9 a day (each pill equals roughly 1g of protein). Only drawback is the size of the tablets could be to big/difficult to swallow for people.
fish –
Absolutely love this product. I switched to pill aminos because the powdered shaker drinks we’re doing damage on my teeth not to mention they are filled with coloring agents and buffers to extend shelf life. I’ve been taking it for almost a whole year. Along with a multi vitamin, I shall be taking these aminos for a long long time. As long as they keep the quality and price where it’s at lol. I don’t take the 6 at a time. I’ll take 9 a day in servings of 3 with each meal. Sometimes before hitting the gym I might pop two or three as well for a lil boost. One bottle 400 lasts me a good while
Rita –
You really get a lot for your money! I started by taking 1/day at first to make sure no adverse reaction. I’m up to 3/day. I am noticing a difference in more restful sleep, more energy, and more alert. My 84yr old dad has been battling wounds on one ankle/foot that was crushed and fused a long time ago. There’s no circulation so that really hampers healing. After a few days, the wounds are closed, almost completely stopped weeping. He is finally sleeping through the night. He hasn’t been having all of the fibromyalgia problems that he was. He has a lot more energy, and his mood has improved greatly! Highly recommend these for so many reasons.
TheDailyConsumer –
These are great for extra aminos and to keep your aminos regulated throughout the day. Literally pop them in your mouth with some water and your good to go! Perfect for any weight lifter, bodybuilder or anyone looking for that extra edge. Combine with Universal Animal Liver to get even more protein per bite!
HG –
This is Holly’s husband doing this review. I have to say this actually works for me. Before i used this, i would be really exhausted after a tremendous work out, so exhausted that i would crash and sleep for at least a couple of hours, also i had terrible hunger pains and cravings! I began to take these pills and in a few days i no longer crashed or had hunger pains or cravings! In fact my stamina increased rapidly! I also noticed that i ate smaller portions of meals, i became full faster. The pills are tasteless, it has an odor to it but not bad. Some say it makes you fart more, no it doesn’t. LOL! The lid is hard to remove, it twists off, after that it becomes easier to remove. The pills are large but it’s easy to swallow one at a time, for me anyways. I also notice that my muscles are developing faster and i have energy. There are no high or lows with this. I have been using this for a week and already have noticed a lot of changes. I thought it would take longer, but it didn’t with me. So to sum it up, you can work out without crashing or having hunger pains, and cravings too! I hope to hear replies about how it worked for you. Thanks for taking the time reading my review(s).Universal Nutrition 100% Beef Aminos, 400 Tablets