Descrição do Produto: Univera Prime
O Univera Prime é um suplemento inovador que combina uma poderosa mistura de vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais, projetado para promover a saúde celular e o bem-estar geral. Composto por Vitamina C, Vitamina B6, Vitamina B12 e DHEA, este produto oferece suporte abrangente para a renovação celular e a saúde do coração, além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas vegetarianas, proporcionando um suprimento para 30 dias de uso contínuo.
- Ajuda a restaurar os sinais de renovação celular em todo o corpo e cérebro: contrarresta a diminuição da produção de DHEA que ocorre com o envelhecimento.*
- Suporta a produção de energia celular e a saúde imunológica: combate a redução da produção de DHEA que contribui para a fadiga, diminuição da massa muscular magra e força, acúmulo de gordura e um sistema imunológico enfraquecido.*
- Proporciona proteção antioxidante.*
- Uma solução única e totalmente natural, projetada para ajudar você a manter seu coração batendo forte.*
Com a combinação de ingredientes de alta qualidade, o Univera Prime não apenas ajuda a restaurar a vitalidade perdida com o tempo, mas também atua como um escudo contra os efeitos nocivos do estresse oxidativo. A Vitamina C e as vitaminas do complexo B são fundamentais para a produção de energia e o funcionamento adequado do sistema nervoso, enquanto o DHEA é crucial para a manutenção da saúde hormonal e do bem-estar geral.
1. Renovação Celular Eficiente: Promove a regeneração celular, essencial para a saúde do cérebro e do corpo.
2. Aumento de Energia: Combate a fadiga e melhora a disposição diária, ajudando na manutenção da massa muscular.
3. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, tornando-o mais resistente a doenças.
4. Proteção Antioxidante: Neutraliza os radicais livres, protegendo as células contra danos.
5. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a saúde do coração, promovendo um batimento saudável e eficiente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Univera Prime diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que seu corpo receba o suporte necessário para a renovação celular e a saúde geral. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações do seu profissional de saúde.
A reader, a crafter, a gardener and cook –
This supplement has an array of ingredients/vitamins that are really interesting. Many of these vitamins play a role in energy levels, immunity, and even inflammation. I have inflammation and have been taking these now for about two weeks. I noticed that when i awake in the morning the join pains in my knees is not as severe; therefore, i am attributing this supplement for it. I also think that my energy levels had gone up. Finally, I will take almost anything that promises to keep me younger. Taking these is simple – follow the directions. I had no negative side effects.
Measured Buyer –
If the company was not so greedy, I’d be better, but cannot take one thing away from them, from their science leadership in optimizing the body’s capability.
Brian C Penn –
I’ve used this product before and it does give a boost to the energy level, no jitters, really good product
Wylee’s mom –
I wanted to try Univera Prime to see if DHEA could be beneficial to me.
I am taking 2 capsules daily, one in the morning and one at night both with a meal. The capsules are a manageable size and easy to swallow, this bottle contains a 30 day supply.
DHEA is thought to have some benefits for post menopausal woman including helping with mood swings, cognitive decline and depression. It can improve bone density and promote lean muscle mass. It can reduce inflammation which is the root of all disease.
It has also been known to help with vaginal atrophy after menopause.
It is too early to say if this is helping me as it’s only been one week but I will continue taking this supplement until the bottle is gone and if I feel positive benefits I will be buying more. I have not experienced any negative affects since starting this.
Family7 –
This supplement arrived safety sealed with plenty of time to expiration. The capsules are easy to swallow with no weird flavor or scent. I think my heart and cardiovascular system are happier after taking this supplement.
Wylee’s mom –
I have a hard time writing reviews for supplements, I mean really, how would I know if my heart was healthier or not??? I’m not going to just rewrite what’s already in the product description either.
I’ve been taking them for about 10 days now, so here’s what I can tell you….
They’re big capsules but go down easy, they don’t get caught in the back of your throat or start to dissolve on your tongue.
I’ve had no GI problems…no burping, nausea, constipation or diarrhea.
They haven’t hurt me or caused any other odd side effects.
They give me peace of mind that I’m helping my heart and covering my bases.
Johnny –
We’ve been impressed with several of Univera’s products. loads up on 16,667% of the daily Vitamin B value. Other worthy ingredients include L-Carnitine, an amino acid that can help boost overall energy. Several other brands use these, too, at varying price points. As with any supplement, it’s important to consult with your doc first. One last very worthy attribute: the 100% money back guarantee.
majormusiclover –
What drew me to this combination is the good balance of energizing ingredients.
> A key point of interest = DHEA which is a naturally occurring steroid nutrient produced
in the adrenal (cortex) gland, which is converted to important / essential hormones in the body,
ensuring good health.> DHEA which is said (with both men & women)
that the body decreases it’s production at around age 25 and DHEA is thought to counteract
that decrease that comes with aging, thereby slowing the aging process
> There are three Vit B’s with B12 at 16,667 % of the DV which caught my eye
because it’s especially important for the nervous system, and maturing red blood cells in bone marrow.
(And since it’s water soluble the body doesn’t store it, excess is eliminated)
Additional six ingredients providing 425 mg of additional support for
the immune system and good heart health – inside a vegetable capsule.
Serving – 1 Capsules (twice daily with meals) = Bottle 60 serving = 30 day supply