Univera km – Potássio Líquido Suporta, Suplemento Mineral – 946 ml (1PK)
Univera km é um suplemento mineral líquido de potássio que se destaca por sua capacidade de equilibrar o pH do corpo, promovendo uma saúde ideal. Com a fórmula original de Karl Jurak, este produto possui um sabor terroso e vem em uma embalagem de 946 ml, suficiente para um suprimento de 30 dias. A composição única de Univera km é resultado de um meticuloso processo que combina minerais e extratos de 13 plantas botânicas tradicionais, incluindo camomila, salsaparrilha, dente-de-leão, horehound, alcaçuz, senega, flor-de-maracujá, tomilho, genciana, palmetto-serrado, alfafa, angélica e semente de aipo. Essa combinação não apenas fornece potássio, mas também vitaminas essenciais que suportam a função digestiva e ajudam a regular o equilíbrio do pH.
O potássio é um mineral vital que desempenha um papel crucial na oxigenação do sangue e na capacidade do corpo de combater toxinas. Com o passar do tempo, o corpo pode enfrentar desequilíbrios devido ao envelhecimento e ao estresse, e é aqui que Univera km se torna um aliado importante. Ao introduzir fitonutrientes naturais e minerais em sua dieta diária, este suplemento ajuda a suprir as necessidades diárias de potássio, melhorando a biodisponibilidade e a absorção de nutrientes dos alimentos digeridos.
1. Suplemento completo de potássio: Univera km é uma solução abrangente que atende às necessidades do corpo com uma combinação de minerais e extratos botânicos.
2. Equilibra o pH do corpo: A fórmula original de Karl Jurak é projetada para promover um equilíbrio saudável do pH, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
3. Suporte ao sistema digestivo: Os fitonutrientes naturais e minerais presentes no produto melhoram a saúde digestiva e a absorção de nutrientes.
4. Fórmula rica em fitonutrientes: Com 13 botânicos únicos, Univera km fornece potássio e vitaminas que ajudam a regular o equilíbrio do pH e a saúde digestiva.
5. Fácil de usar: A dosagem simples de uma colher de sopa pela manhã e à noite torna a incorporação deste suplemento na rotina diária prática e conveniente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma (1) colher de sopa (15 ml) de Univera km pela manhã e outra à noite. O suplemento pode ser consumido puro ou misturado com a bebida gelada de sua escolha. É importante consultar um médico antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você estiver tomando outros medicamentos. Mantenha o produto fora do alcance de crianças e siga as orientações de dosagem para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do suplemento.
K Johnson –
Potassium is critical for health, energy, your heart and immune system. You can’t find any supplement with more than 1 gram because the FDA won’t allow it. It will mess with your heartbeat. However, KM can be taken twice a day and has 6 grams. This potassium, mixed with herbs, is super safe and the FDA allows it. The taste is different. Very earthy taste. After 1/2 a bottle, I got used to it, but the health benefits far outweigh the taste. A healthy adult should have 35 grams (3,500mg) every day. Americans don’t get 1/2 of that. That’s where the obesity epidemic comes from. Fruits and vegetables in every meal would provide that, but we love our junk food and junk restaurants. Covid is thinning the herd. Read up on the number of deaths and obesity is way up near the top. Start taking care of yourself or you better write your will. So far, 2 in my family have died. Too much German sausages, greasy foods and little exercise = poor immune system. This product can be a part of getting back to peak health
Nakia S. Wallace –
I have been taking KM for years. The price of it has been going up, so I had to find a better price. Thanks, Amazon and the seller that is selling it here. The taste will never get better, but I know KM is great for my health.
Manuel Molinar –
I used to buy this before through distributors but I lost contact with them. I was surprised to see it on Amazon. I was taking potassium pills with little success. KM has a “rooty” taste, but speaking from experience and speaking with “witnesses” from the past, this product works in giving consistent energy, not a jolt, throughout the day and helps you sleep better. It is “electrolytes” so it helps the nerves send better signals throughout the body. I once saw a man take this who was walking schuffelling his feet. A few minutes later he started walking normal. Another friend was in the hospital dying and his potassium levels were low and they were giving him a “potassium” type chalky drink that he didn’t like and only raised his potassium levels very little. He had his wife bring him a bottle of KM and he said he drank a lot more than the minimum. I told him “you didn’t sleep did you?” “Nope, not a wink, but it raised my potassium levels to a healthy level and they are going to release me soon …
I recommend that you start easy but listen to your body. You may need to increase or decrease as your body lets you know.
Antonia –
Product is great
John Mavris –
Take tea spoon every morning .. need to be regular on this .. no skipping days after 2 week you feel a power up and more stamina
buymore317 –
Like many reviewers, I used to sell this back in the ’80’s. I got tired of bounced checks and requests for “give it to me now and I’ll pay you later.” Then the company started flogging diet products, a friend’s check for over $200 bounced – I was done selling. After aging and health issues, I went looking for it again. Happy to find it on amazon and for a price not that much more than it was 30 years ago. Pro tip: put it in grape juice, you won’t even notice the strong flavor. And start out with half doses the first week. Don’t take it right before going to bed, it wakes up your brain. And shake the bottle, crystals form on the bottom if it just sits all the time. I’ve just started taking it again this week, already feel more mentally alert, hoping to feel more physical energy soon. BTW, KM is famous for preventing hangovers. After a few months of taking it, it also keeps you from getting too buzzed on alcohol, taking away the desire to binge drink. That was my experience back in the day, not in the official literature. I also suffered from cold sores when I was younger; it prevented them, I swear. Wish I had never stopped taking km.
Franny n Frankie –
Been taking this for at least 40 years
This is considered gold to my well being
sam –
Good product I lost track of over the years
It had a major impact on my hair and nails at the time
So glad to have it here on Amazon. Not sure what I said that blocked my first review but it seems like the same formula to me. To tingles a bit on the tongue per usual. Strong earthy flavor.
Great addition to my home pharmacy, along with DMSO, colostrum, glandulars, and colloidal silver.
Haven’t been to a doctor in 20 years and that was just a baseline checkup . I’m 70.
Be healthy everyone. Bitters are good medicine.