Unisom SleepTabs – Auxílio Noturno para Dormir, Doxilamina Succinato, 48 Comprimidos
O Unisom SleepTabs é um poderoso auxiliar noturno para o sono, contendo 48 comprimidos em cada frasco. Cada dose consiste em um comprimido, proporcionando uma solução eficaz para uma noite de sono tranquila e revigorante. Com sua fórmula de succinato de doxilamina, o Unisom SleepTabs ajuda a induzir o sono e melhora a qualidade do descanso, permitindo que você acorde revigorado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
- INCLUI: Um (1) frasco com 48 comprimidos de Unisom SleepTabs; um comprimido por dose
- ADORMEÇA 33% MAIS RÁPIDO: Este eficaz auxiliar do sono ajuda você a adormecer mais rápido e a permanecer dormindo em comparação com o placebo, de acordo com um estudo clínico
- NÃO CAUSA DEPENDÊNCIA: O SleepTabs é seguro se usado conforme as instruções, não causa dependência e ajuda você a dormir a noite toda, acordando revigorado, sem sonolência ou efeitos colaterais persistentes
- CONFIANÇA NO UNISOM, O ESPECIALISTA DO SONO: A marca Unisom é recomendada por farmacêuticos e foi selecionada como a marca de auxiliar do sono sem prescrição mais recomendada em 2019, de acordo com a Pesquisa de Recomendações de Farmacêuticos da Pharmacy Times
- ENCONTRE UMA SOLUÇÃO NOTURNA DE SONO IDEAL PARA VOCÊ: Milhões de pessoas recorrem ao Unisom para uma noite de sono tranquila; Unisom SleepGels, SleepTabs, SleepMinis, SleepMelts ou PM Pain podem ajudá-lo a enfrentar o seu dia
- Adormeça mais rápido: O Unisom SleepTabs é comprovadamente eficaz para ajudar você a adormecer 33% mais rápido do que com o uso de um placebo, proporcionando um início de sono mais rápido e uma noite de descanso adequada.
- Não causa dependência: Diferente de alguns auxiliares de sono, o SleepTabs não causa dependência quando usado conforme as instruções, permitindo que você confie em sua eficácia sem preocupações.
- Recomendado por farmacêuticos: O Unisom SleepTabs é a marca de auxiliar do sono sem prescrição mais recomendada pelos farmacêuticos, demonstrando sua confiabilidade e eficácia no mercado.
- Ajuda a dormir a noite toda: Com o SleepTabs, você pode desfrutar de uma noite de sono ininterrupta e revigorante, acordando renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
- Variedade de opções: A Unisom oferece uma variedade de produtos para auxiliar o sono, permitindo que você encontre a solução noturna ideal para suas necessidades.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome um comprimido de Unisom SleepTabs com água cerca de 30 minutos antes de deitar. Não exceda a dose recomendada e evite o consumo de álcool enquanto estiver usando este produto. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
Sean S. –
I have insomnia from last several years and I have been on highest dose of ambien to get maximum of 4 to 6 hours sleep.
I tried melatonin 5 mg from various different brands while they do help but I would get nightmares till my body got use to it which took about 6 months I would have difficulty waking up with melatonin and be drowsy in the morning until strong cup of coffee.
My wife brought these from target for me when she couldn’t locate melatonin in store and boy I have been doing it wrong all these past years, i only take half of this pill and it puts me to sleep even if I am force myself to finish a Netflix show. Another awesome fact about this medicine is that it’s not addicting unlike some other brands.
After trying the small quantity from Kroger I started ordering directly from amazon. I am no longer using Ambien(zolpidem) or melatonin. Just half of this pill and boom within 30 minutes I knock out, don’t have issues going back to sleep after waking up in middle of night and best part fresh feeling upon waking up after about 5 to 6 hour sleep with no headache or hangover that I would usually get from Ambien and some other brands I tried.
If anyone here reading this review with difficulty falling sleep, staying sleep or even difficulty waking up, I would recommend to try this product, you won’t regret it.
I have tried so many different medicines besides the once I mentioned above but all of them gave me some kind of side effect in the morning or didn’t work as intended to.
I also track my sleep using Apple Watch to check deep sleep analysis and all the other facts, my deep sleep has improved tremendously and along with that my day time affectivity has risen tremendously, my metabolism has improved and so much more.
I am so glad I was introduced to this medicine, with restful sleep.
Ryan –
Whenever I’ve been sick and taken Nyquil, it has always made me drowsy and easily fall asleep. Sometimes, I have an extremely difficult time falling asleep, mainly during the work week. This contains the active ingredient in Nyquil that makes one drowsy, Doxylamine succinate.
Unisom also makes gel tabs which contain the active ingredient in Tylenol PM which makes one drowsy, Diphenhydramine.
I would recommend this Sleeptab over the gel tab, based on slightly less toxicity to oneself.
This pill works excellently to induce drowsiness and help one go to sleep. I took a full pill the first night, and I woke up extremely drowsy. I drove into work in this state, which was not smart. I felt like a zombie all morning. I was extremely drowsy until lunch time.
I would recommend what others have said, which is to take half a pill for starting out. Half a pill is all I need to get decent sleep for those nights where it’s difficult to fall asleep and wake up functioning. Starting out with a full pill if you’ve never taken these before and have to be somewhere early in the morning is asking for trouble.
These tabs even have a line down the middle as though they are meant to be halved. $10 for 96 days of help getting to sleep if needbe, is not a bad deal.
If Nyquil makes you sleepy and you need help getting to sleep sometimes, order yourself a box of these.
If Tylenol PM makes you sleepy, try the gel pills that Unisom offers.
I would recommend taking half a pill approximately an hour before you wish to fall asleep. If you feel that half a pill isn’t working, try a full pill, but beware of feeling extremely drowsy in the morning. These pills contain more Doxylamine succinate than your typical dose of Nyquil. Nyquil typically contains 6.25 mg of Doxylamine succinate per dose while these pills contain 25 mg Doxylamine succinate per pill. That’s 4x as much as a standard Nyquil dose, thus why I and other users recommend half a pill.
Amazon Customer –
I’m anti medicine so I was so hesitant to try this but after being severely nauseous all day through the first trimester of pregnancy, I needed to try something. I tried to just do b6 but it didn’t work, once I added unisom, it was a miracle. I take one unisom and one b6 every night and I don’t feel nauseous the entire next day. Every few weeks I’ll try not to take to see if I’m over the nausea but nope, it’s still here 😢 My ultrasound doctor at my 20 week scan told me if I was still having to take it I’d most likely need it until the end of pregnancy. This medicine does not make me drowsy at all, I have a 20 month old and I wake up every day ready to go! The only downside is it does give me really bad RLS, so I have a hard time falling asleep initially. I’m currently 37 weeks and will soon be done with it but for anyone wanting a nausea fix, try unisom and b6!
Camille –
I’ve been taking these all through pregnancy to help me sleep. They’ve been so helpful and do not make me feel drowsy or loopy the next day.
Amazon Customer –
I cut this pill in half and slept very good. But when I woke up the next morning, I was in such a deep fog, I could barely make a decision. This lasted until about 4 PM after waking up at 7:20 AM. I am talking complete confusion, exhaustion, couldn’t even keep a thought in my head type of fog. Was just really groggy the next day so I didn’t take again
Biblios –
These sleep tabs work well. After trying a whole pill, which definitely put me to sleep but left me too groggy the next day, I have been using one half which is my sweet spot. I work in IT and can’t go to work groggy. I was on these many years ago and know that you develop tolerance quickly so I plan to stop in a few weeks (temporarily) and use CBN (not CBD) which also works well for me. Then I will go back to Unisom. I have been drinking camomille tea at night which also has sedative properties. These pills work so well . . . I wish they didn’t cause tolerance but oh well. Side note: Unisom works better than Ambien, which I took for years. Again, oh well.
Sue Goss –
My hubby takes them
They don’t agree with mr
Jim L. –
I take only 1/2 of a tablet and they do work well. I sleep much better which is a blessing. That said, brain fog ensues until I get a good workout and sweat it out. Its effective, but like most meds, has side effects.