UMZU Testro-X Suplemento de Testosterona para Homens | Suporte Energia, Força, Resistência
O suplemento de testosterona UMZU Testro-X para homens é projetado para aumentar a energia, força e resistência. Testro-X é um suplemento de testosterona que visa melhorar a saúde e vitalidade masculina. Ao trabalhar em conjunto com o seu corpo, este produto aumenta naturalmente a produção de testosterona, melhorando a saúde geral sem efeitos colaterais negativos a longo prazo. Com ingredientes clinicamente eficazes e bio disponíveis, Testro-X permite que você aumente seus níveis de testosterona de forma segura, sem depender de terapias de reposição hormonal sintéticas.
Além de melhorar a saúde, Testro-X também oferece benefícios físicos notáveis. Ele melhora o tempo de recuperação, apoia o ganho de massa muscular magra e ajuda você a ter treinos de alto desempenho com maior confiança. Com seus níveis hormonais equilibrados e sua saúde no caminho certo, você também notará um aumento natural nos níveis de energia diária.
Na Vitaminer Shop, recomendamos o Testro-X por cinco motivos principais:
1. Melhora a saúde e vitalidade masculina
Testro-X trabalha em harmonia com o seu corpo para aumentar a produção natural de testosterona, melhorando assim a saúde e vitalidade masculina. Ao contrário de terapias de reposição hormonal sintéticas, este suplemento não apresenta efeitos colaterais negativos a longo prazo.
2. Constrói músculos magros e aumenta a força
Com o Testro-X, você pode esperar ganhos significativos de massa muscular magra e um aumento na força. Este suplemento melhora o tempo de recuperação e permite que você tenha treinos de alto desempenho, alcançando resultados impressionantes.
3. Aumenta os níveis de energia
Com seus níveis hormonais equilibrados e sua saúde melhorada, o Testro-X proporciona um aumento natural nos níveis de energia diária. Você se sentirá mais energizado e pronto para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia.
4. Transição segura da terapia de reposição hormonal sintética
Testro-X permite que você aumente seus níveis de testosterona de forma segura, sem depender de terapias de reposição hormonal sintéticas. Com ingredientes clinicamente eficazes e bio disponíveis, este suplemento oferece uma alternativa natural e segura para a terapia hormonal sintética.
5. Qualidade garantida
Os suplementos dietéticos da Umzu são fabricados nos Estados Unidos em instalações cGMP e contêm apenas doses clínicas dos ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, sem enchimentos desnecessários. Você pode confiar na qualidade e eficácia do Testro-X.
- Aumento natural da produção de testosterona, promovendo saúde e vitalidade.
- Ganho de massa muscular magra e aumento significativo da força.
- Melhora no tempo de recuperação após treinos intensos.
- Aumento dos níveis de energia, proporcionando disposição para o dia a dia.
- Alternativa segura e natural às terapias de reposição hormonal sintéticas.
Recomenda-se tomar 3 cápsulas de Testro-X por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais e condições de saúde.
Ken MH –
Works great except when a guy as uncontrolled BP
All capsules like this are tough for me to swallow
aab434 –
The first couple of days with this product worked great for sleeping, until I started noticing every morning after I would take it approximately a week after that I’d feel burned out, sleepy, groggy, moody, and totally out of it. I performed really poorly at work and just felt mentally miserable and basically felt like a cloud was over my head. Didn’t do squat for my weight loss in fact I think it helped put weight on me. I’ve been consistently losing about a pound maybe two pounds a week but this product hasn’t done anything except plateu my weight or put on weight despite intense dieting and excercise. I don’t know how other people have had such good luck with this product because it did not do anything for me except make me feel miserable the last two weeks. Take my advice and don’t buy it.
Michael Corley –
This supplement is great but it is about twice as expensive as I would like it to be in order for it to be affordable
Jeremy C. –
I’ve been feeling off for awhile and I’ve had an office job for the last few years so my physical exercise has been low for a long time. Overall I was thinking that I was just lacking nutrition and physical work so personally I think this has helped out getting what I wasn’t in my diet.
That being said first bottle I got was in glass and the product was just fine. Second time it was in a plastic bottle and I have several of the pills broken apart. If it was cheaper then I could get behind the plastic bottle but with how expensive it already is I really hope they go back. Maybe start offering to recycle the old ones or something.
josh –
Great product!
Amazon Customer –
I feel the positive difference in this natural blend of ingredients!
Austin –
I am in my late 30s and decided it would be a good idea to have my testosterone tested. Also, I have noticed over the last few years that I haven’t felt quite like myself. I went with Everlywell for the testosterone test and found that my free testosterone was at 39.7 pg/mL, with normal ranges being between 49 and 185, on 7/21/2021. Being under 40 pg/mL when the max “normal” level is 185 was a shocker. That day I did research online and wanted to find a natural product to boost testosterone in a healthy way. I stumbled upon UMZU and decided to give them a try. I started with Testro-X, Redwood and Floracil-50. I received Testro-X and Redwood the same day with Amazon and began those two products that evening. I took the recommended dose of Testro-X every evening, before bed, for the full 3 months with maybe 4 days (not in a row) when I was too tired and forgot to take the product. After a few weeks (between 2-3 weeks) I started to feel great! More energy, more focus, better clarity and more motivation at work. After those few weeks I started looking into their other products and started Mucuna, Cortigon and a couple of others.
Fast forward to 3 months (10/21/2021 to be exact) I decided it is time for another free testosterone test with Everlywell. This time I decided to do their Metabolism test that tests Testosterone, Cortisol and Thyroid. I was very excited to see the results all week because I have felt so good over the last few months. Come to find out my results are now 37.3 pg/mL, a 2.4 pg/mL drop. Also, my Cortisol levels are on the low side of the normal range. Even though I feel great I am disappointed to see that my testosterone has dropped even more. I have been sharing my results with my doctor throughout this 3 month process and I am scheduled to do another test in a few weeks and go over prescription options to increase my testosterone. I will try dropping the testro-x and continue to drop the other products every week or two to find out which product is making me feel amazing and stick with that product.
Also, this is a review for testro-x only. I definitely recommend their other products. I will be taking Floracil-50 and a few of their other products for as long as they have it available.
Tparkinson –
I got to be honest I was a little skeptical about ordering this product. I watched the reviews on YouTube and decided to order it. After about 2 weeks I could feel the difference in my body. I had a deeper sleep when I went to sleep at night and I woke up feeling refreshed my endurance was better and honestly I can’t complain about this product. I use this product with redwood and they work great together.