O Umidificador de Ar Vicks Warm Mist é a solução ideal para quem busca um ambiente mais saudável e confortável em casa. Com um design inovador e funcional, este umidificador é perfeito para manter os níveis de umidade ideais entre 40% e 60%, promovendo uma respiração mais fácil e aliviando desconfortos respiratórios, especialmente durante períodos de doença. Ao manter a garganta e as vias nasais hidratadas, o Vicks Warm Mist ajuda a garantir um dia a dia mais confortável e saudável para toda a família.
Com um tanque de 1 galão, o umidificador oferece até 24 horas de uso contínuo, sendo adequado para ambientes de até 600 pés quadrados. Sua operação é simples, com um sistema de enchimento superior que facilita a manutenção e a limpeza. Além disso, o Vicks Warm Mist conta com um recurso de desligamento automático, garantindo segurança e praticidade, sem a necessidade de filtros para troca.
Ideal para o uso no quarto, o umidificador opera de forma quase silenciosa, permitindo noites de sono tranquilas e ininterruptas, tanto para crianças doentes quanto para adultos. Isso promove um ambiente propício para um descanso reparador, essencial para a recuperação e o bem-estar. Para potencializar a experiência, o umidificador pode ser combinado com óleos essenciais ou com o Vicks VapoSteam, que proporciona o famoso aroma mentolado da Vicks, oferecendo alívio adicional para tosse e congestão.
Reconhecido como a marca número um recomendada por pediatras, o umidificador Vicks é uma escolha confiável para proporcionar alívio temporário de tosse e congestão causadas por resfriados, gripes, alergias ou ar seco. Com mais de 100 anos de cuidado, a Vicks se compromete a apoiar a saúde da sua família.
– Melhora da Respiração: Mantém a umidade ideal, facilitando a respiração e aliviando desconfortos.
– Uso Prolongado: Com um tanque de 1 galão, oferece até 24 horas de umidade contínua.
– Silencioso: Operação quase inaudível, ideal para noites de sono tranquilas.
– Fácil Manutenção: Sistema de enchimento superior e sem necessidade de filtros.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser usado com óleos essenciais ou Vicks VapoSteam para um alívio adicional.
Para utilizar o Umidificador de Ar Vicks Warm Mist, comece enchendo o tanque de água pelo topo, garantindo que esteja bem fechado antes de ligá-lo. Coloque o umidificador em uma superfície plana e estável, longe de paredes e móveis para permitir a circulação adequada do ar. Ajuste a configuração de umidade conforme necessário e ligue o aparelho. Para potencializar o efeito, adicione algumas gotas de Vicks VapoSteam ou óleos essenciais na água. Lembre-se de limpar o umidificador regularmente para garantir seu funcionamento eficiente e prolongar sua vida útil.
Good product. Used it while I have my radiator on and it helps makes the atmosphere soothing and relaxing.
PSusan –
Must have for dry winter air. We run 2 of them to keep humidity around 45-50%. Very simple to use. Fill up reservoir with water, plug in outlet and turn on. No more agonizing static, my sinuses and throat don’t hurt, I sleep better and I can pet my cat without zapping each other.
We also have cold air humidifier which hardly makes a difference. I find steam works a lot bettter and is also quieter. It has a high and a low setting. When it’s on low you can barely hear it.
I still have an old one that I have used for years, same model. I need to get a seal for the reservoir cap that I somehow lost. Otherwise it still works just fine after all these years.
AW –
Best ever! I have used these since 2013. Still using the original 2013 plus 2 more bought in 2022. All work great.
I live in the Rocky Mountains. VERY low humidity in winter. I run 2 of these during the day in my 1,000 sq. ft. apt. and get 30-35% humidity. Overnight, I run one in bedroom and get 30-35% humidity with window cracked open.
This is a base-line, warm mist humidifier. Mist is created by heating the water. Kind of like a vaporizer. Avoids mineral dust that gets into lungs and exacerbates asthma.
Two humidity settings. No room-level humidity sensor. Automatic turn off when empty. I agree the “night” light is too bright. I cover mine with a bandaid.
I have very high mineral content in tap water, so need over-night vinegar soak followed by stiff nylon bristle brush scrubbing of heating element once a week. I also empty reservoir and tank and swab everything with vinegar, scrub minerals off, and rinse and dry once a week.
Because the water gets heated to steaming, I don’t worry about bacteria and there is never any slime–just mineral deposits on the heating element.
Instructions say use tap water! I tried distilled and it wouldn’t produce steam…just like vaporizers –distilled water requires you add salt to the water. So, I just use tap water and accept the weekly vinegar cleaning required to remove minerals from heating element.
I love these so much I bought two extra for when they eventually discontinue making them.
Mrs.Right –
I love this humidifier! It’s so quiet and really has helped with the dryness from the cold weather. It is easy to fill up and the tank lasts about 24 hours. I do wish it had an auto shut off feature, otherwise it just sits there running and staying warm until you turn it off. The hole to fill it up isn’t large enough for the little humidifier cleaning fish either.
Mrs.Right –
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I got this humidifier because here at my house it’s currently winter and it’s extremely dry air. Humidifier has done wonders to help with everything from dry mouth (yep, I’m a mouth breather when sleep), dry sinuses (chronic), and dry skin (eczema)… I’m able to actually tell the difference. It does operate quietly and at times with eyes closed it sounds to me like a distant, soothing constant rain. I do like how easy it is to operate and the ergonomic features of the handle that’s been made just wide enough to place your hand inside, and definitely makes carrying the water container portion much easier. The light is very minimal and not disruptive in any way to sleep. The size is great as with it on level one/Low, it lasts me ~24hrs and with it on level two/High, it lasts me ~12 hours. Overall this humidifier functions well, and I do recommend it.
TwinsRaj –
It’s getting the job done.
P-Y –
It’s a nice product. Using it in my daughter’s room. Working great.
The Vicks V745A (V745WB on the box) is simply the best. I purchased so many warm mist humidifiers and this one is the best. One still needs to clean it periodically but it is mush easier to clean because heating element is part of the bottom piece. Easy to use and the noise level is what you would expect from such a product. The quality and manufacturing is much superior to similar products purchased in the past.
Happy Feet –
This is second one of this model I’ve bought. I’ve used the other one for years but somehow it is lost in my house so needed another. This new model is quieter, no gurgling, not sure if that’s an update or my old one was just crusty and caused the additional noise. Because it’s warm mist, there’s no filter to clean, though it does need to be cleaned, it’s not too bad, just another chore. On the low setting, I get through the night and still have water in resevoir left. Even on high setting, gets through most of the night, but on high it can be too moist so I put on high setting a bit before bed and turn it down before sleeping. I really need humidifiers in the the winter as the dry air can irritate my sinuses and give me headaches, and also now have dry eyes. Also, it keeps the room warm so I can keep central heat on low. My windw ledges and windows get condensation from it,so I place towels on ledges to soak up moisture. I have old metal windows, which I think is the worst for this, and without drying them up you could get mold and moisture damage. Otherwise this model and humidifiers in general are the best!
excellant product we receive it before the delivery date .same product we got what we order exactly..thank u for u excellant service