O Umidificador Ultrassônico MistAire da Pure Enrichment é a solução ideal para quem busca um ambiente mais saudável e confortável. Com tecnologia de névoa fria ultrassônica, este umidificador proporciona alívio instantâneo do ar seco, funcionando de forma segura e eficiente por até 25 horas contínuas em ambientes de médio a grande porte, com capacidade para até 250 pés quadrados. Seu potente fluxo de névoa, ajustável em configurações alta e baixa, torna-o perfeito para quartos, berçários, escritórios e até mesmo para plantas internas.
A versatilidade do MistAire se destaca com suas configurações de velocidade que permitem equilibrar e regular a umidade em sua casa durante todo o ano. Isso é especialmente benéfico para aliviar sintomas de congestão, tosse, resfriados, alergias, pele seca e problemas sinusais. O bico de névoa rotativo em 360° garante que a umidade seja distribuída uniformemente, criando um ambiente mais agradável e saudável.
Para aqueles que valorizam uma boa noite de sono, o MistAire é a escolha perfeita. Ele pode ser facilmente utilizado durante a noite para manter níveis saudáveis de umidade no ambiente. A luz noturna opcional emite um brilho suave, enquanto a operação silenciosa garante que você possa dormir tranquilamente, sem interrupções.
O design do tanque de água de 1,7 litros é prático e fácil de encher diretamente da pia da cozinha ou do banheiro, e sua construção compacta não ocupa muito espaço na mesa. Além disso, o recurso de desligamento automático é uma característica de segurança importante, desligando o umidificador quando o nível de água está baixo ou quando o tanque é removido.
A Pure Enrichment oferece uma garantia de 5 anos para este umidificador livre de BPA, que vem acompanhado de um adaptador de energia AC e uma escova de limpeza para o disco. O suporte ao cliente da marca garante um serviço de qualidade e tranquilidade para milhões de usuários em todo o mundo.
– Alívio imediato do ar seco, ideal para ambientes internos.
– Melhora a qualidade do sono, mantendo a umidade ideal durante a noite.
– Reduz sintomas de alergias e problemas respiratórios.
– Design compacto e fácil de usar, perfeito para qualquer espaço.
– Garantia de 5 anos, oferecendo segurança e confiança na compra.
Para utilizar o Umidificador Ultrassônico MistAire, comece enchendo o tanque de água de 1,7 litros diretamente da pia. Certifique-se de que o tanque esteja bem encaixado no dispositivo. Selecione a configuração de névoa desejada (alta ou baixa) e ajuste o bico de névoa para direcionar a umidade conforme necessário. Para uso noturno, ative a luz noturna opcional e desfrute da operação silenciosa. Lembre-se de verificar o nível de água regularmente e utilize a função de desligamento automático para garantir segurança e eficiência.
Yazmin amazon –
Arthur Senior –
I purchased a humidifier because the Northern air gets so dry, and then running heaters in the winter time, compounds the matter even worse. Did you know that experts have proven that, if the air gets too dry, you can get sick easier? I feel so much better when I humidify the air, I breath easier, and sleep easier as well. Plus, if the air gets too dry, you can also shock yourself on everything in your home, thats usually an indicator that your humidity is bellow 30%. I also purchased a humidity meter from the acurite brand, as I like to know where my humidity levels are at all times. Just for reference, if you can keep your humidity levels around 40% to 50% MAX, you will live happier.
I have owned this humidifier for 2-years now, and I can tell you right now, that longevity is pretty good so far. I bought this for large rooms, so that I have the output if necessary. The resovoir holds up to 1-gallon of water, and its really easy to fill. Just lift the container off the base, flip it over, remove the fill cap, fill all the way up, replace cap, put container back down onto base. On the first use, you will see lots of bubbles, while the water fills up the base resovoir where the transducer is located, that creates the ultra sonic vaporization.
This unit comes with two nozzles. The directional nozzle, and the 2-way nozzle. Use the directional nozzle when placing this unit near a wall, you obviously don’t want to shoot water vapor into your wall. When used in an open space where there is at least 3 feet all around the unit, use the 2-way nozzle to get higher flow. Additionally, the on/off knob also controls the flow amount. Depending on how bad the humidity is, use 50% to 75% flow, for small rooms. For use in large rooms, maintain 100% flow unless water begins to form around the unit and surface it is on, then back off on the flow.
This is why I highly recommend the use of a humidity meter. I like being able to know where my humidity is at all times. I do not want to exceed 50%, as it will get far too humid. But I also don’t want to drop bellow 30%, and would rather keep it at a happy 40% medium. Its also nice having the meter cause in the summer time, we don’t want humidity, so I can pay attention to what the humidity is doing, while I run the 2-AC units. Also, this unit has a LED light mode, up to three colors can be chosen, and can be turned on by pressing the touch sensor button, just above the flow control knob.
I do wish that the max flow had a higher rate then it does, and a higher push into the air. However, for what it does do, I am pretty happy with it. This unit is also fairly easy to clean as well. I use filtered water from a Britta jug, so the deposits don’t get too bad. If you use tap water, you will only breath disgusting water vapor, and will lesson the life of your unit, making cleaning more difficult. Using filtered water, I only really need to do a rinsing once a week, and a cleaning of the transducer, with the included brush. And a final cleaning with 1-cup distilled white vinegar with mostly water solution, before putting up for storage.
Keep the unit clean and you should have no problems. I highly recommend it, 5-STARS!
UPDATE Jan 7th 2019!
I wanted to give everybody an update on how this humidifier is doing. It is now 3-years old, and it is still working! I know, hard to believe, when we know how quickly things die these days due to planned obsolescence. I have the humidifier running right now infact, as after the rains stopped again, the humidity went down to 34%, and I decided to start humidifying. The unit is still in pretty good condition, I do have some discoloration within the transducer area due to wear, I don’t think much can be done about that besides a straight vinegar cleaning.
Speaking of which, I have run a 1-cup vinegar to full tank of water in the tank to clean it out. I just let it sit for 30-minutes, and then cleaned it out. Now, if the deposits that form that yellow gooyness is really bad, the vinegar treatment will at least break it up to make it loose its bond, then you can fish a paper towel through inside the hole to clean off the bottom inside of the tank. Again I can’t stress enough how important it is to use filtered water.
Companies advertisements always lie to consumers making them think they can use tap water. Sure, but if your tap water is hard water like ours, it will dirty up your humidifier so darn fast, you’ll be cleaning it every day! At least filtered water, such as that from a Britta jug container, will at least extend your cleaning times to once per week, and then at least 1 or 2 vinegar cleanings per year of use. Cleaning is important with this product for your health, as you want to breath clean moisture in the air, but don’t cause yourself unnecessary labor by using tap water please.
The humidifier is still able to push out its full power as it did in the first 2-years of use. One thing I’ve noticed over the years is, the colder the water is, the longer it takes to get going. We keep our Britta jug in the fridge, cause I don’t like to drink room temperature water, and when the freshly cold water runs in the machine, it takes time for it to build up the moisture vapor till its going full strength. But this machine does a really good job in bringing up the humidity in the room.
One of the things I like about it as well, is that its efficient on power consumption. Since were using a lot of electricity running space heaters, since its winter and all, I am grateful for the low consumption of the unit. Anytime you have a heating device, it uses a lot of power. Its just one of the reasons why I don’t like steam based humidifiers, cause your running elements in there that draw a lot of power. And cold running humidifiers, use transducers, which generate ultrasonic vibrations, which vaporizes the water instead, while a onboard fan, pushes the vapor out.
I still highly recommend this humidifier and I keep the rating at 5 out of 5!
Yazmin amazon –
It doesn’t work anymore and return window is closed. 5 years warranty is a lie
lumineria –
I am very happy with the purchase of this small humidifier. It is aesthetically pleasing, and functional in its operation. It does not produce a lot of noise and is therefore suitable to be placed in a bedroom. It also has a nice blue nightlight functionality. This product is very worth the investment!
SeattleBookMama –
A further note: The original review I wrote was in February of 2019. After two winters of excellent results, my humidifier stopped producing vapor when I went to fire it up again this fall. I contacted the Pure Enrichment company, and they back their product. They could have asked me to return it, but they didn’t. They are sending me a new one, and I am beyond delighted.
My original review was four stars because I didn’t know how durable the product would be. Given the excellent customer service and follow-through, I’ve changed my review to five stars.
Here’s what I said originally:
January air is horrible, and by February my sinuses were clogged with dried up crap I couldn’t remove without a very disgusting nosebleed occurring. I did a quick Google search and learned that I need a humidifier in the bedroom at night. I found this one on a lightning deal for ten dollars off, and it works. I am terrible with assembling things, but I thought I should at least try to put it together myself before I asked anybody to help me with it. I looked at the little brochure, looked at the humidifier…seriously? That’s it? Two parts plus a little disc that goes in the top of the neck to let me guide the steam in my direction. Couldn’t believe it. Done.
There is a downside that applies to every single humidifier, not just this one: if you have asthma, there will be a problem. My asthma is mild and isn’t irritated by having this thing in the room, but when I tried standing over it to inhale the steam faster for quicker relief, my lungs started whistling and I had to back off. But during fire season, I am delighted to have it, because the outside air gets in, no matter how much we try to seal it off.
It’s important to know that you have to clean it. It’s not complicated, just vinegar water will do it (top chamber only), but if you let it sit over the summer and don’t clean it up, you will have way more problems when you use it again than you would if you didn’t have it at all.
There’s a nightlight feature that makes the upper half glow blue in the night. You can turn the nightlight off, and when we go to bed we do because it’s more light in the room than we want, but it’s surprisingly pretty. When the nightlight is off, the little button that tells you if it’s off or on still glows. When you start to run out of water, the button starts to blink red. If you sleep through it, it will shut itself off when there’s no more water at all.
The only problem is that it’s very cumbersome to refill. The base usually still has about an inch of water standing in it once the top chamber is empty, and so when you pick it up, it drips all over the place. I have taken to keeping a towel nearby, and I don’t even try to pick it up until I have the towel in one hand, ready to slide under the top chamber when I remove it. To refill, the unit is said to fit in most standard sinks, and it goes just fine in ours. You need two hands, one to keep it from falling over and one to turn the faucet. Then close it tightly, turn it right side up to get rid of most of the water that’s accumulated outside while you were filling it (this seems unavoidable), and slap that same towel over it when you are ready to step away from the sink. Another quick change from the towel to the base; now it’s ready to turn on. They say not to leave standing water in it for long, but sometimes I leave water in there for a few hours and it doesn’t appear to create mold or other health problems.
Ox, the oversized beagle pup, believed it was a steam-breathing monster and barked at it for two days.
I have used it for about a month, so I cannot speak to long term durability. Right now I’ll tell you, I’d buy it again for what I paid for it in a heartbeat.
S. Vanburen –
I ordered two of the small size. One of them had a faulty valve so I had to replace that one. But the exchange process was super easy, and the replacement arrived very quickly. I now have two perfect working personal humidifiers and I absolutely love them! I can definitely tell a difference in my skin and hair but I was not anticipating how much better my eyes would feel! I had Lasik a few years ago and have always had dry eye. But post Lasik, my eyes have actually been painfully dry. Within a week of using these I was noticing that I was waking up without a pain and my eyes are much less dry throughout the day. If for no other reason, if you’ve had Lasik, I would definitely get one of these a try!
The unit is very quiet, but of course you are going to hear a little glug when the valve refills the reserve chamber. That will happen with any humidifier and should not be seen as a problem. It’s very quiet even so and even overnight is not disturbing to my rest.
It is very easy to clean and it’s pretty much anywhere because of its size. I highly recommend.
SunshineD –
I like that it’s small, under 12” and it’s easy to refill. The on/off is by a sensor. You barely have to touch it-you just move your finger near it and it turns up higher, or on, off. The light inside was cooling and a comforting feeling. If the room is in darkness, it’ll lighten up the space. It has an automatic shut off if it gets too low. Do not run this without supervision. It does bring humidity to a space of about 12’x 12’. Definite improvement to the room.
Milos –
I often wake up with or get sinus headaches overnight and feel dehydrated and so I don’t sleep well. After research I found out that a humidifier can help and after reading mostly good reviews I bought this one to try in my bedroom. It has really helped! It is really quiet which is great but the power button is bright and I like a dark room so I have to stand something in front of it. It also unexpectedly has an American plug so I then had to buy a USA/English adaptor which was a nuisance more than a problem. I also hadn’t realised that you should use distilled water in it. I initially bought a 5litre bottle but that lasted less than a week. It is going to be a pain and expensive to have to keep buying the water especially as you can’t get them from the supermarkets. I don’t know what would happen if you use tap water and as it is an expensive item I do not want to risk it. Overall though I am really pleased with it and it is certainly helping me sleep better and have far less headaches. Would recommend.
SeattleBookMama –
This is an excellent little humidifier. I read and follow the instructions and it works perfectly. I love the blue night light. It comes with a little brush for cleaning. The amount of water it holds is just enough for a good night of sleep. The humidifier is silent and pretty.
Mirka –
Cumplo dos años con mi humidificador nunca se ha descompuesto, es una excelente compra. Funciona perfecto