Ultra Silver® Colloidal Silver | 500 PPM, 8 Oz (236mL) | Suplemento Mineral | Verdadeiro Prata Coloidal – com Conta-gotas
O Ultra Silver® é um suplemento mineral de prata coloidal que se destaca pela sua formulação avançada e pela pureza de seus componentes. Com uma concentração de 500 PPM, este produto é resultado de um processo científico complexo e preciso, que utiliza técnicas de laboratório de alta qualidade e equipamentos industriais para garantir a produção de uma prata coloidal verdadeira. Ao contrário de outras formas de prata, o Ultra Silver permanece em suspensão indefinidamente, não se degradando ou assentando ao longo do tempo, o que o torna ideal para armazenamento e uso em diversas situações.
A certificação de PPM do Ultra Silver é um diferencial importante, pois realizamos testes independentes para garantir a concentração exata do produto. Os resultados são transparentes e podem ser consultados nas imagens do produto. É importante ressaltar que um medidor de TDS não é capaz de medir PPM, apenas sólidos dissolvidos totais, o que reforça a importância de um produto que realmente entrega o que promete.
Além disso, o Ultra Silver não é uma forma iônica de prata, que é frequentemente confundida com a prata coloidal. Muitos produtos no mercado são comercializados como prata coloidal, mas na verdade são prata iônica, apresentando uma coloração clara e PPM inferior a 30, sendo produzidos apenas por eletrólise, um processo que pode ser realizado em casa. O verdadeiro prata coloidal, como o Ultra Silver, apresenta uma coloração que varia do âmbar dourado ao marrom escuro à medida que a concentração aumenta, refletindo sua pureza e eficácia.
Economicamente, o Ultra Silver se destaca por ter níveis de concentração muito superiores a outras marcas, oferecendo um valor que não é encontrado em outros produtos. Em média, o Ultra Silver é de 15 a 50 vezes mais concentrado do que as opções concorrentes, tornando-se uma escolha inteligente para quem busca qualidade e eficácia.
– Alta Concentração: Com 500 PPM, oferece uma dosagem potente em comparação com outros produtos.
– Estabilidade: Não se degrada ou assenta, garantindo eficácia a longo prazo.
– Transparência: Resultados de testes independentes disponíveis para consulta.
– Versatilidade: Ideal para uso em diversas aplicações, desde cuidados pessoais até limpeza.
– Custo-Benefício: Concentrações superiores a preços competitivos, proporcionando economia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Ultra Silver®, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Utilize o conta-gotas para administrar a dose desejada, que pode variar conforme a necessidade individual. A aplicação pode ser feita diretamente na pele ou diluída em água para consumo. É aconselhável iniciar com pequenas doses e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Thomas I. –
For years I suffered from a scalp infection that would not go away. Working in some nasty environments is probably the source of the infection. I went to my primary as well as to skin specialists (‘ists’ plural, mind you) and all to no avail. From emergency ‘walk ins’ to specialists all were stumped. I tried antibiotics off and on for years along with a whole host of home remedies and was met with failure at each turn. I read online about others who suffered similar sounding maladies consisting of crusty orange colored discharges and sores on their scalp accompanied by very intense itching. All were desperate for a diagnosis and a cure. When I read about the properties of colloidal silver I figured that it made sense to at least try that also. The ‘buck’ stopped there! From the very first time using it on my scalp and taking some internally I noticed a difference (the itching was the first thing to stop). Within a week the worse part was healing. I have stayed with the program and even increased my intake daily by doubling down. It’s been a few months and this infection of over ten years is finally gone. I’m no longer scratching furiously at my scalp and even being woke up from a sound sleep by it. In addition I feel generally as though I’ve recovered from a long illness and have strength and stamina I had slowly lost over the last decade. I notice that my skin heals faster than it had been. I have incorporated silver based products in other areas of my life now….from gels to sprays and mists. I combine a protein based high count silver with a low count ionic solution which in my mind would serve to make sure that no stow-away bugs were hitching a ride on the ‘protein’ based delivery system. The protein based is taken in the hopes that it helps the body retain the silver longer and delivers it to a deeper level than ionic silver alone might penetrate. I eat yogurt every morning to help maintain a healthy intestinal flora and take the bulk of my daily dose in the evening. I nurse the dosage in a half bottle of water over the course of an hour.
For the skeptics I say that there must be a reason that you’re reading this review. If so, I was once of your frame of mind. What do you have to lose try it? I have no reason to lie to you and I have better things to do with my time than to write long winded reviews. My only motivation is to share my story in the hope that it helps someone who is searching for answers as was I. My only request of you is that when it works for you that you post a review and help get the word out.
Elizabeth Devlin –
Jim –
This appears to be quality product and actually genuine colloidal silver, not ionic. Both kinds have a purpose, but this is the type I like. I have two bottles now, I have been using it 1 or 2 droppers when needed. I hold it in my mouth for a minute or so then swallow. You could do that also and no need to swallow it as it will absorb within the mouth and under the tongue.
Taste is very slightly metallic, but almost not noticeable, more like water than anything else, but holding it under the tongue you can taste a bit of metallic, all very pleasant though.
If you are looking for higher PPM product that is more effective and true colloidal in an 8 oz plastic bottle at 500 PPM, brownish in color due to the higher PPM count and appears to be very useful. Silver is known to fight bacteria, has been utilized for such purpose in various settings. Being able to purchase at a fair price compared to others, this can be diluted also to a lower PPM if that is your desire, but when I take it, I do a full dropper, allow it to sit in mouth, under tongue and then swish a bit. Up to you if you swallow or not. It will absorb within the mouth and safe to swallow also.
Very good for oral health, such as using as a mouth wash, good for skin issues if you have a little spray bottle, or just use the very convenient dropper cap to squeeze it on your skin and rub it in a bit or in the mouth.
I recommend this, quality, effective and a more fair price compared to others, some that are not even true colloidal silver.
Omiizii –
So I bought this to use on cuts and for my small chihuahua she had a fever and a tooth ach on two different occasions the fever was taken care of over night with 2 droppers full in her mouth after about 24 to 39ish hours she was back to her hyper self. The tooth ach was over the course of about a week because one of her teeth fell out from her falling on her face in the grass while running so to prevent infection I gave her one dropper full in the mouth every day for a week and I would put 7 drops in her water bowl to make sure bacteria didn’t form in her water. She was back to crazy wonder dog in a week. But I also made her med rare to rare steak every day so she would eat otherwise she didn’t want to eat but the combo of eating pure rare steak and salt mixed with doses of silver has her acting like a puppy again! She’s in the 5lb range so just as a testimony of this product being safe for small animals I submit my experience to all the other animal parents out there. After this experience I will never run out of this stuff again. It has a permanent home in my medicine cabinet.
Elizabeth Devlin –
I’ve heard about the natural and immune benefits of Colloidal Silver for some time but hadn’t gotten any. I decided to get some to have on hand instead of waiting until someone in the family gets sick. We tend toward more natural remedies and in researching brands this one seemed reputable. I got the 500 PPM as it was a good value and the amount of silver in it is enough to work and do it’s job. I had read about the better brands having a more amber color to the liquid and this one does. I woke up with a sore throat the other day and was able to try it for the first time. The dropper inside isn’t labeled and it doesn’t really say how much a full dropper is – if you can get it full. It seems to only want to suck up halfway. I did 2-4 half droppers worth – which I think? is 2-4mL. I put it directly in my mouth (not touching the dropper) and drank water after. The taste was basically water. I was expecting something bitter but there was no flavor to it which I was grateful for. My throat got better during the day but hung around for a few days. I can’t quite say if it worked. Maybe my sore throat was shorter than it would have been or it stopped it from becoming a full blown cold. I can’t be for sure of course but I am glad I had it and was able to take it. The bottle doesn’t appear to last too long. It might last a handful for times being sick and very limited time if taken daily but when we run out I will certainly plan on reordering to have in the house.