UCAN Hydrate, Berry, Keto, Repositor de Eletrólitos sem Açúcar para Homens
UCAN Hydrate é a maneira definitiva de otimizar a recuperação da desidratação. Ajuda a combater ressacas, hidratar durante doenças, combater exaustão por calor e reabastecer antes e depois dos treinos.
Reidrate-se de forma mais saudável e evite as bebidas esportivas açucaradas. UCAN Hydrate é adoçado naturalmente com estévia e não contém ingredientes artificiais, açúcar ou estimulantes.
Otimiza seus treinos com 5x mais eletrólitos e 2x mais magnésio do que outros produtos de reposição de eletrólitos populares.
Abasteça seu corpo com hidratação formulada por um nutricionista olímpico. Confiado por atletas profissionais e universitários de alto nível, treinadores especializados e nutricionistas em todo o mundo.
O pó de hidratação sem açúcar da UCAN está disponível em vários sabores refrescantes: Berry, Limão-Lima, Abacaxi e Melancia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Recuperação otimizada
UCAN Hydrate é projetado para otimizar a recuperação da desidratação, ajudando a combater ressacas, hidratar durante doenças, combater exaustão por calor e reabastecer antes e depois dos treinos.
2. Saúde sem açúcar
Reidrate-se de forma mais saudável, evitando as bebidas esportivas açucaradas. UCAN Hydrate é adoçado naturalmente com estévia e não contém ingredientes artificiais, açúcar ou estimulantes.
3. Otimização dos treinos
Com 5x mais eletrólitos e 2x mais magnésio do que outros produtos de reposição de eletrólitos populares, UCAN Hydrate ajuda a otimizar seus treinos e melhorar seu desempenho.
4. Formulação por especialistas
UCAN Hydrate foi formulado por um nutricionista olímpico, sendo confiado por atletas profissionais e universitários de alto nível, treinadores especializados e nutricionistas em todo o mundo.
5. Variedade de sabores
UCAN Hydrate oferece uma variedade de sabores refrescantes para agradar a todos os gostos: Berry, Limão-Lima, Abacaxi e Melancia.
- Reposição eficaz de eletrólitos, essencial para a recuperação após atividades físicas intensas.
- Prevenção de cãibras musculares, garantindo um desempenho contínuo e sem interrupções.
- Promoção da hidratação ideal, fundamental para manter a energia e a concentração durante os treinos.
- Baixo teor de carboidratos, perfeito para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica.
- Fórmula natural e saudável, sem açúcares ou aditivos artificiais, promovendo um estilo de vida equilibrado.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de UCAN Hydrate em 250ml de água gelada. Consuma antes, durante ou após o exercício físico para reidratar e repor os eletrólitos perdidos. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a intensidade da atividade e as necessidades individuais de hidratação. Mantenha sempre uma boa hidratação para maximizar seu desempenho e recuperação.
rochelle tornabene –
Amazing taste but tiny container.
Lorne Flindall –
Tastes great, hydrates as expected
Colton Kreuzer –
This is one of my favorite electrolytes! Tastes delicious and fuels me with clear headed energy for both my busy schedule and my workouts!
Jonosuke –
I like the product but somehow feel it is little too expensive for what we get.
lyllian –
Great choice to keep you hydrated during workout. The only down fault is the taste. Its too sugary for my taste
Kurt M –
Tastes great. I take it at least once daily and then during workouts. Keeps me hydrated without sugar.
Gail –
Melts in water quickly and tastes good. I will keep using this product.
Oregon Girl –
I am a fan of Ucan gels, so decided to try these electrolyte packets. I use various electrolyte drink powders, and these from Ucan are terrible – frankly the worst. The flavor is terrible and the powder does not, will not dissolve — no matter how much water is added. I tried the recommendation I have approximately 20 ounces… But even after over 32 ounces and a lot of shaking —the powder still did not dissolve. I am so let down with these and now that I’ve opened them, I cannot return. Glad I only bought the sample box pack.
Nam T Nguyen –
Product is awesome and taste great. However, the issue is that they don’t add desiccants inside the containers. So after opening and closing the lid a number of times, things inside start to clump up. It’s a hinderance at first, annoying over time, and ultimately impossible to scoop anything out. You have to put more effort each time. Your usage may vary, but sometimes it’s already clumping with half the powder still unused. My belief is that how ever long you keep the lid open, the powder immediately wicks up the moisture in the air. This would easily be solved with a desiccant.
I contacted customer support, and gave them the suggestion that they should add a desiccant inside. The rep was nice about it and said that’s not something they can do. She recommended that maybe i should buy the individual packs instead, and offered to send me a sample. I didn’t take them up on their offer.
In my opinion, they had a perfectly fine product but just needed one major change. I didn’t like being asked to buy a more expensive product as an alternative. I felt like I already lost money each time I used this product already, since they all clumped up in the end, so I’m done.
Best of luck to the company. I’ve found Ultima as a suitable alternative and haven’t bought any UCAN electrolyte products since.
If you buy this, please be aware of this issue.
Martina Pavlicova –
I swim long distances in open water but train mainly in the pool (especially during the winter). Regularly, after 2 hours and longer training swims in the pool, I was getting debilitating headaches due to dehydration and I could not get rid off them. My hydration during training swims is usually suboptimal because I do not want to leave my lane too many times to go to bathroom (breaststrokers steal my lane regularly) and at the same time the pool is warmer than I prefer (it is warm so the floating ladies don’t complain) and I probably loose a lot of water just by sweating. After the training swims, I tried everything to hydrate: water, Nuun, Gatorade, (beer, I am serious, but unsuccessful) and many other products. Nothing helped. The headache persisted for the rest of the day. Yes, you guessed it right. Ucan hydration is the only thing that gets rid of my headaches within an hour after the swim. And, if I start to hydrate as I am leaving the pool, I actually don’t get headache at all. Because I am by profession scientist statistician, I did several experiments, randomly switching using Ucan or Nuun and the same situation repeated every single time.
During my event swims, I actually feed Ucan Superstarch on top of the hour and I drink Ucan Hydrate on the bottom of the hour. It works wonders for me and it is a sustainable nutrition and hydration for a very long time. My longest swim, solely done on Ucan Superstarch and Hydrate, was a 9 hours long circumventing of Manhattan Island.