UCAN Energy Powder, Laranja, Keto, Sem Açúcar Pré-Treino
Não deixe a fadiga limitar seu desempenho diário; este pré e pós-treino sem estimulantes é alimentado por uma energia duradoura que ajuda a fornecer energia sustentada sem queda.
Um pré e pós-treino que oferece combustível limpo e sem queda para ajudar a manter níveis de energia consistentes e apoiar uma composição corporal saudável. Energia ideal sem açúcar e sem estimulantes.
Confie nos treinadores especializados, nutricionistas e atletas profissionais em todos os níveis. UCAN é alimentado por LIVSTEADY, uma energia à base de plantas que ajuda a fornecer energia consistente e duradoura para uso diário ou desempenho atlético.
Pré-treino sem glúten, adequado para dietas cetogênicas, sem soja, sem laticínios, sem cafeína e vegano, feito com ingredientes naturais e limpos. Suave no estômago e fácil de digerir.
Originalmente criado para uma criança com uma doença metabólica rara, LIVSTEADY foi comprovado em testes clínicos independentes para ajudar os atletas a alcançarem seu melhor desempenho.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Energia Sustentada
O UCAN Energy Powder fornece energia duradoura e consistente, ajudando você a manter um desempenho de alto nível ao longo do dia.
2. Combustível Limpo
Este pré e pós-treino é feito com ingredientes naturais e limpos, sem adição de açúcar, estimulantes, glúten, soja ou laticínios.
3. Confiança dos Especialistas
Treinadores, nutricionistas e atletas profissionais confiam no UCAN Energy Powder para obter resultados consistentes e melhorar seu desempenho atlético.
4. Fácil Digestão
Gentil no estômago, este pré-treino é fácil de digerir, evitando desconfortos gastrointestinais durante o treino.
5. Comprovado em Testes Clínicos
O LIVSTEADY, ingrediente principal do UCAN Energy Powder, foi comprovado em testes clínicos independentes para ajudar os atletas a alcançarem seu melhor desempenho.
- Fornece energia sustentada para treinos prolongados e intensos.
- Ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, mantendo o estado de cetose.
- Sem açúcar e sem estimulantes, evitando picos de glicose e quedas de energia.
- Fórmula leve e de fácil digestão, minimizando desconfortos durante a atividade física.
- Comprovado por estudos clínicos, garantindo eficácia e segurança para o desempenho atlético.
Misture uma colher de UCAN Energy Powder com água ou sua bebida favorita antes do treino para obter energia sustentada. Para melhores resultados, consuma 30 minutos antes da atividade física. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a intensidade do treino e a necessidade individual de energia, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado para alcançar seus objetivos de condicionamento físico.
Jonathan –
Unlike any other pre-workout, when you mix this with water it comes out very chalky and creamy. Unpleasant. The flavor isn’t terrible but the texture is awful. I don’t recommend – find another all natural pre-workout powder.
Shaun K. Wallace –
I am 57 yr old recreational runner, training for my sixth marathon and needing a better fueling strategy for long runs and the later miles of the marathon. I heard about UCAN from the MTA podcast and several of their interviewees. I particularly liked the idea of sustained energy with reduced sugar crashes. I’ve only had the product (I got the orange flavor) for a couple of weeks and have used it for two long runs of 12 and 14 miles. I drank a scoop of UCAN in a shaker bottle 30 mins before the runs and half a scoop in a 10oz bottle on my hydration belt which I sipped on during the runs. The texture was a bit chalkier than I expected but not bad. Glad I had a second hydro bottle with just water. Slight sweetness which I liked. I would agree with advertising that the product is very mild on my gut. Stomach was happy for the whole run. As for energy, the product did not seem to give me a boost, but more importantly never seemed to drop me off. Kinda like it took my early run energy level and simply extended it. Late in both runs my legs felt happy to keep working the pace. By the second run my body got so pleased with the sustained energy effects that I started looking forward to the taste and slight chalkiness. I gave the product 4 stars due to the short experience I’ve had with it. However I am hoping UCAN will continue to work well and become the basis for my long run fueling.
nicnacker –
I’ve never used anything like this before but I am a runner who runs on an empty stomach and I felt like I needed something to give me some energy to get through those long runs. I tried it for the first time today on a 17km run. I like that it is flavourless, I mixed it with my fav LMNT and I feel like it worked for sure. I had energy all throughout my run. I’ll continue to use this for sure!
Michael –
Previously any effort longer than an hour or so left me feeling nauseous and generally bad. Found this based on some ultrarunning youtube influencer (can’t remember which). Filled up two 16oz bottles with water and a packet of this each and used that as my water source on the trail (running). Energy levels were great, stomach felt fine (always a bit touchy for me). Mixed in some gels and other snacks (4+hr run) but felt pretty good all things considered. Body was in pain but I think I have the nutrition down. This has carbs, electrolytes and water so it’s pretty simple, has most everything you need all in one. Tastes like orange sorbet? it’s ok – probably wouldn’t eat it just daily – but it’s fine on the run.
Namaste –
Had high hopes for this product. I agree with other reviews about the flavor/texture. I am having difficulty getting this product to emulsify completely in water. I want to use it as a pre-workout energy enhancer on those more rigorous workout days. Despite getting the energy, I find myself hesitating to drink it because it’s got a chalky texture.
Jonathan –
Works amazing on a keto diet.
gadgetguy –
I first tried UCAN at the 2015 Boston Marathon. I’d heard about it before then from a good friend and even received a few samples but hadn’t tried it. At the expo I saw the booth and decided to buy a couple packets and break the race day commandment of “Thou shalt not change to or try anything new on race day!” For the god of racing will smite thee.
Well I went into the race injured and no where near ready as my longest run in the three months leading up to it was a single 15 miler. I wasn’t racing so I had nothing to lose. My goal was simply to enjoy the race and finish and hopefully eek out a qualifying time just for some sort of goal.
I used two packets and mixed them with water. I consumed that about 45 min prior to starting. Earlier I’d eaten a UCAN bar to keep the hunger at bay.
I couldn’t believe how I felt the entire race! I have a digestive bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) so I have long struggled to find something that provided energy to me and not bad bacteria during races. I’d grown accustomed to getting a brief surge (mostly from the caffeine) in gels and the crash shortly thereafter. My approach became to add more gels but that didn’t work as it only made me really nauseous and left my gut filled with undigested gel when my digestive system shut down to provide the energy I needed elsewhere during a race. Late races are always painful for people as they reach depletion of their glycogen but that happens much earlier in a race for someone with SIBO. I share all of that to make the point that I’d tried everything to help there but nothing worked. Sugars feed SIBO not my energy needs for the most part and I’d struggle with energy and the body just shutting down. Until UCAN.
With UCAN I ran my first marathon ever without walking a single step. Usually late I’d walk for a few seconds through water stops just because I was bonking but that day—and in basically every race since then—I never felt like I was bonking or needed to walk.
I thought it was just a fluke and that it was just correlation, but I get the same result virtually every time I use it. An important point about that is not every race is going to go well just because you use UCAN, just like every workout isn’t going to go well. We all have days where, for whatever reason, we just don’t have it. UCAN is great for solving my fueling needs but let me be clear that it’s not a miracle product that is going to give you a PR every time you use it.
What it does for me is gives me a steady flow of energy. There are no peaks and valleys like there are with other products. It just normalizes and regulates your blood sugar and I just feel great.
I strongly recommend this product. Especially for those who struggle with digestive issues or disorders.
Diane Rolfe –
Delicious! Got me through my long run today. I feel much better than I did last week without this. I will be using this product for all of my long runs.
Candy –
Got here quicker than the company sending it. Great value for your buck.
Chantal Marceau –
Excellent taste. Helped me with my nutrition through my first ironman race. Highly recommended.