Uber Numb 5% Lidocaine Topical Numbing Cream Maximum Strength, 2 oz, é um creme anestésico infundido com vitamina E e alantoína, clinicamente comprovado para aliviar temporariamente a dor, queimação, coceira e desconforto. Este creme de lidocaína tópica reduz a inflamação e a dor em áreas locais e anorretais. É um medicamento elegível para FSA HSA, proporcionando alívio imediato para dores leves, cortes leves, arranhões leves, queimaduras leves, queimaduras solares, arranhões e irritações leves na pele. Além disso, também funciona para aliviar coceiras de picadas de mosquito, picadas de insetos, pós-parto, tratamento de redução de hemorroidas e distúrbios anorretais. Sua fórmula a base de água é livre de óleo, sem odor e não oleosa, tornando-a hipoalergênica e livre de produtos químicos agressivos. Este creme penetra profundamente na pele, proporcionando uma ação rápida e duradoura. Começa a fazer efeito em 3-5 minutos, atinge o pico após 20-25 minutos e dura 1 hora a partir do pico. A performance do efeito anestésico pode variar dependendo da espessura da área da pele e do metabolismo individual. Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação registrada pela FDA, este produto é livre de crueldade animal, certificado cGMP e possui uma tampa à prova de crianças. Recomenda-se fazer um teste de desempenho antes do tratamento para avaliar o melhor momento de aplicação.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alívio imediato da dor: O creme Uber Numb contém 5% de lidocaína, proporcionando um alívio rápido e eficaz para dores leves, queimaduras, cortes e irritações na pele.
2. Redução da inflamação: Com sua fórmula infundida com vitamina E e alantoína, este creme ajuda a reduzir a inflamação e o inchaço, proporcionando um alívio duradouro.
3. Versatilidade de uso: Além de aliviar dores e irritações na pele, o Uber Numb também é eficaz no alívio de coceiras causadas por picadas de insetos, pós-parto e hemorroidas.
4. Fórmula livre de óleo e sem odor: Este creme é hipoalergênico, não contém produtos químicos agressivos e possui uma fórmula à base de água, o que o torna fácil de aplicar e remover, sem deixar resíduos oleosos.
5. Fabricado nos EUA com altos padrões de qualidade: O Uber Numb é fabricado em uma instalação registrada pela FDA, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade. Além disso, é livre de crueldade animal e certificado cGMP.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se aplicar uma camada fina do creme Uber Numb na área afetada, massageando suavemente até que seja absorvido pela pele. Espere de 3 a 5 minutos para que o efeito anestésico comece a fazer efeito. O pico de ação ocorre após 20-25 minutos e dura cerca de 1 hora. Dependendo da espessura da pele e do metabolismo individual, a performance do efeito anestésico pode variar. É seguro reaplicar o creme durante o tratamento, se necessário. Certifique-se de seguir as instruções de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar o produto.
David –
Three weeks ago, I started this large tattoo on my stomach. Just the outlining took 4+ hours. I came so close to “tapping-out” many times. But I pushed on. At 4 hours and 15 minutes the pain was totally unbearable and I finally Tapped Out. The outline was complete and one little bit of shading was started. When I got home I said to myself, ” there’s got to be a better way quotation marks”. So I started my research on numbing creams. There are many products out there that are name brands, that tattoo places use. Most of them are the same containing up to 5% lidocaine. I read all the reviews on multiple products then went to Amazon Prime to see if I could find any one or two of those products for a lesser price for they can be rather expensive. Most of these products had great reviews but there was one that stood out with over 240 reviews most of which were 5 Star reviews. Then I came across this one product called Uber numb and the reviews were outstanding. The reviews of uber numb came highly recommended. Many of the reviews compared to Burnham to some of the other products that people have used in the past, and that is what I based my decision on and decided to choose Uber numb.
I applied Uber numb over the whole entire outline on my stomach approximately one hour prior to the tattoo artist starting the second session. 15 minutes prior to him actually putting needles to my skin I applied a second coding to the lower area on my stomach. The second session was two and a half hours with one small break.
Uber numb made this session very comfortable. This topical cream is totally awesome for tattooing in areas that are very sensitive and painful. Not once did I tense up or complain about pain and my breathing was totally relaxed during that two and a half hours. Because of this my artist was able to do approximately 3 + hours of work in just two and a half hours. Not only am I totally sold on this product but so is my artist and the artists he works alongside with. All of them said they will be ordering this product, and will present it to their customers with an extra fee for an almost painless tattoo session. This product took an extreme painful tattoo session into a comfortable session. I will be using this product every time I go in for a tattoo especially for sensitive areas. I highly recommend this product to anyone that is going to receive a tattoo and wants to remain comfortable during their session.
Thank you Uber Numb!!!!!
David –
It didn’t work as well 4 me in spite of having more Lidocaine, a substance which had never been a challenge for me. It may be due to other ingredients. (I’ve had an allergic past to some substances and foods.)
Anonymous girl –
EDIT: I still like this product and intend to repurchase it, however I do want to add a quick edit. I tried using the product again now, several months after the first time, and did not have the same results. I do not blame the product for this, but rather my different use of it. I wanted to mention this to emphasize correct use. The first time I used it, with amazing results (see original review below), I used generous amounts and reapplied twice. The second time, I did not have a lot of product remaining, and I was a bit overconfident after my positive previous experience. I therefore ended up using less product, almost more like a lotion, and only reapplied lightly once. It did work a bit, it provided some numbness (particularly noticeable with a lighter touch, which had the familiar sensation of numbness). But when waxing, there was still a fair amount of pain, albeit slightly reduced. So I do believe in this product still, but after these two separate experiences I have learned that you definitely need to apply it generously to get the desired effect! You basically want to slather the area. If done right, it works amazingly, so just keep that in mind 🙂
— Original review below —
I didn’t have very high expectations for this but was pleasantly surprised! Got this product for at-home intimate waxing because I have a really low pain tolerance and absolutely dread waxing (only done it about three times before and it was awful) so I desperately wanted to try something that might help. Saw that lots of people used this for tattoos, so I figured that if it helps when poking a needle into your skin for hours then it should also work for violently ripping your hair out, yeah?
Admittedly I was skeptical, especially since some reviews said it straight up didn’t work. But I gave it a shot and used it according to what I could gather from other reviewers. Applied thickly and wrapped in plastic for two hours (also did two reapplications during that time just to be sure). When it was finally time to get started I was really nervous and honestly could not really tell if I was numbed or not. The area felt… strange… but then again I had just been soaking in cream for two hours so of course the skin would be a little weird. I cleaned the cream off and got ready to wax, hoping that it would at the very least have taken the edge off the pain but prepared myself to just woman up and make it through even if it still hurt like hell.
Took a deep breath, ripped off the first wax strip, and…. IT DID NOT HURT!!! I was shocked, I had not expected it to work that well. Now I will say that I could feel SOMETHING, it’s not like the skin was completely foreign to my body, but there was no pain. The rest of the waxing went brilliantly and I could go SO much faster than I have before since I didn’t have to breathe heavily and psych myself up before each rip, hehe.
Interestingly, while the rips did not hurt, I did feel a little bit afterwards. Especially after a few minutes (5-10?) there was a very slight prickly pain. Or hardly even a pain, more like that feeling when your foot falls asleep. So the skin did feel SOMEWHAT tender after but it was more of an annoyance than proper pain – again, I say this as someone with a low pain tolerance.
One interesting note, however, is that I seemed MORE sensitive to temperature than normal. In the shower when the water was slightly too warm (and by that I mean “just above the lukewarm water I normally shower in”) it almost kind of burned the skin in the numbed area. Very strange. I experienced the same thing when I patch tested the cream the night before on my hand. No idea how that happens but it was strange since I was definitely very numb to the touch.
Anyway, overall I recommend this product! Yes, it works for waxing. Probably better than for tattoos, since other reviewers claim the effect wears off before the end of a longer tattoo session, whereas waxing is fast so you don’t have to worry about that.
Char –
بس تخديره مو مره قوي
Abdulaziz Shawoosh –
لم اعجب بالمنتج غير فعال استخدمه 3 مرات في الوجه عشان اشتغل جلسات ديرما بن بعض العمليات تشتكي انها ما زالت تتالم بعد وضع المخدر اطريت ازيله اطبق بريلا مره تانيه