Descrição do Produto: Turkesterone 1000mg e Ecdysterone 1000mg (180 Cápsulas)
O suplemento de Turkesterone e Ecdysterone é uma combinação poderosa que oferece 1000mg de cada substância por cápsula, totalizando 180 cápsulas, o que garante um fornecimento de 2 meses. Este produto é meticulosamente testado por terceiros, assegurando a qualidade e a eficácia que você espera. Com 95% de Beta-Ecdisterona, um composto natural derivado da planta Ajuga Turkestanica, este suplemento é ideal para homens que buscam maximizar seu desempenho físico e alcançar novos patamares em seus treinos.
💪 Melhor Qualidade de Suplemento de Turkesterone Ecdysterone: O extrato de turkesterone é obtido do Uzbequistão, reconhecido como o centro global para a extração pura dessa substância. O ecdysterone, derivado da planta Cyanotis Vaga, possui uma padronização notável de 95% de beta ecdysterone, tornando-o um dos extratos mais potentes disponíveis no mercado. Com 180 cápsulas por frasco, você terá um suprimento generoso para dois meses.
💯 Forma Mais Bioabsorvível: A absorção é um fator crucial para a eficácia de qualquer suplemento. Nossa fórmula combina turkesterone e ecdysterone com Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin, um complexo que melhora a absorção e a síntese de proteínas, garantindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios desses compostos.
🏋️ Supere os Patamares no Levantamento de Peso: Se você está em busca de um impulso extra para quebrar seus recordes pessoais, este produto é a solução. A combinação de Turkesterone e Ecdysterone é a mais forte do mercado, ajudando a aumentar a força e acelerar o tempo de recuperação entre os treinos.
🌱 Stack Completamente Natural: Esses extratos vegetais são conhecidos por suas propriedades que melhoram o desempenho físico, oferecendo uma alternativa segura e saudável em comparação com outras opções. Para uma experiência ainda mais completa, combine este produto com suplementos como Cistanche Tubulosa, Epicatequina, Shilajit, Fadogia Agrestis e Tongkat Ali.
💯 A Diferença Earth Elixir: Fabricado nos EUA, os suplementos Earth Elixir são uma escolha confiável, priorizando qualidade e segurança através de testes rigorosos realizados por laboratórios independentes. Oferecemos um extrato genuíno de turkesterone de 10% e beta ecdysterone de 95%, garantindo a você um produto de alta qualidade.
– 💪 Alta qualidade e eficácia comprovada
– 💯 Fórmula altamente bioabsorvível
– 🏋️ Ajuda a superar patamares no levantamento de peso
– 🌱 Completamente natural e seguro
– 💯 Testado por laboratório independente de terceiros
Weezer –
This supplement is made with high-quality ingredients that are sourced from Uzbekistan and standardized to 10% turkesterone and 95% ecdysterone, which are the most potent extracts available. The capsules are vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, and contain no fillers or additives. The product also uses a special complex to enhance the absorption and bioavailability of the compounds.
However, I did have to increase the dosage to feel the effects. Not everyone is the same and won’t have the same response towards a product like Ecdyturk. Do not copy what I did but please first consult your doctor before taking this supplement. It is a powerful product that can have different effects on different people.
I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a natural and effective way to boost their performance and muscle growth. It is definitely worth the price and I will continue to use it as part of my routine. Earth Elixir is a trusted brand that delivers what it promises. GAINZ 💪🏼🥇
chefmikek1 –
Since starting these vitamins a few months ago, I have absolutely had increased performance during my workouts (which tend to last 2-3hrs). I’ve also received more compliments on my physique the last few months than ever before. I take 2 a day instead of 3 as the bottle states to make them last longer, can’t imagine the results at full dose. This will definitely be staying in my daily vitamin stack!
Gramirez28 –
These have helped me preform better and become stronger in the gym. I feel great during my workouts and have put on good muscle mass. They are simple to take and are more affordable.vs other brands.
Charles –
I was introduced to this brand via their Tongat/Fadogia supplement and was a big fan. Since then, I’ve grabbed Spermidine and Cistanche from this brand and decided I wanted to try out the Turk and see if it lived up to the hype I’ve been seeing. Recently I’ve plateaued on my strength since getting back into the gym not too long ago. I have trouble slamming enough calories in with my wonky work schedule so I figured I’d try and see if I could get a boost.
I decided to go with this brand since the previous products have had good efficacy I can feel. To add to that, I’m a huge fan of them combining it with Ecdy and at the dosages they’ve selected for both compounds. It’s been a few weeks at the max recommended serving and I’ll be damned if it hasn’t helped with energy and strength. Stacking this with Cistanche, Spermidine, Maca, and Tongat/Fadogia has been a lot of fun so far.
I can’t comment on any noticeable lean tissue yet, but I’ll say energy and the definition I’ve been acquiring continues to increase fairly rapidly with no major dietary changes outside of adding more protein to my diet. These specific compounds are reported to have a beneficial impact on blood glucose, neural health and cholesterol levels as well. I’d highly recommend throwing this supplement in and giving it a few months to see what it does for you.
Derek Hernandez –
This stuff is high quality. I can tell you for a fact this definitely made me feel stronger in the gym, i was more focused throughout the day, and let’s just say my gf was very happy with me.
Great quality stuff here I love it.
Charles –
Idk if it just me but this the second brand of Turk I have taken after I take Turk I get this funny feeling like being high or so it have me not able to sit still I think I reactive differnt to this supplement it did give me more energy and motivation I’m stray away from it
Alexis Chubeck –
My workouts have gone from 1hr to 2.5hrs and I have to force myself to stop. Massive strength increases across the board. It does deserve the title “natty gear”. This has been my steepest strength trajectory which is totally unexpected considering I am 2.5 years into a regular weight lifting routine. I have 10+ years of experience with natural performance enhancement (i used to be a runner). This is the strongest supplement I have ever used surpassing Tongkat, Yohimbine, Ginseng, Cistanche, Etc.
freddie –
Taking this supplement has definitely been a huge assistance in my daily life, especially as I work on my feet most days for many hours. As someone who loves the gym and exercise, this has given me more consistent energy. I’ve definitely noticed an increase in my energy if taken on a consistent basis. I’ve been taking this supplement for over 6 months and have zero noticeable side effects. The recommended dose is 3 pills, however I usually just use 2 in the morning, or another one in the afternoon, but usually just 2 a day. This pairs well with other supplements I use, such as creatine, collagen peptides, tonghat ali, etc. if you’re looking to improve your well being in a natural, safe way, this is it!