Descrição do Produto: Turkesterone 840 mg (90 Cápsulas)
Descubra o poder do Turkesterone com o suplemento premium da Earth Elixir, projetado para homens e mulheres que buscam elevar seu desempenho físico e mental. Com 840 mg de Turkesterone puro por dose, este produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos e passa por rigorosos testes de terceiros, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e pureza. O Turkesterone é extraído exclusivamente do Uzbequistão, a única região do mundo onde se encontra o extrato puro de 10% de Turkesterona. Ao contrário de outras empresas que alegam oferecer 10% de extrato, mas entregam apenas 2%, a Earth Elixir se orgulha de ser uma das poucas fornecedoras com acesso ao autêntico Turkesterone do Uzbequistão.
A forma mais biodisponível de Turkesterone é utilizada em nosso suplemento, que incorpora um complexo de Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin. Essa formulação inovadora melhora a absorção do Turkesterone, promovendo um aumento significativo na síntese de proteínas. Com isso, você poderá experimentar os máximos benefícios desse poderoso composto, que é ideal para quem busca romper barreiras em seus treinos.
Se você está determinado a alcançar um novo recorde pessoal e precisa de um impulso extra, nosso suplemento de Turkesterone é a solução perfeita. Apoiado por pesquisas clínicas, o Turkesterone (extrato de Ajuga Turkestanica) oferece uma gama de benefícios, incluindo aumento de força e tempo de recuperação acelerado. Supere os platôs e atinja novas alturas em sua jornada de levantamento de peso.
Para uma experiência completamente natural, sugerimos ciclar nosso suplemento de Turkesterone com beta ecdisterona, cistanche tubulosa, fadogia agrestis e tongkat ali. Aproveite o poder da natureza e libere todo o seu potencial.
A Earth Elixir conquistou a reputação de ser a marca mais confiável do mercado. Acreditamos na transparência total e compartilhamos com você nossos processos de teste e fornecimento. Nosso suplemento de Turkesterone é respaldado pelo nosso compromisso com a qualidade, permitindo que você assuma o controle da sua saúde com confiança.
– 💪 Aumento significativo da força e resistência durante os treinos.
– ⏱️ Recuperação acelerada após atividades físicas intensas.
– 🌱 Composição 100% natural, ideal para quem busca uma abordagem saudável.
– 🔬 Alta biodisponibilidade, garantindo melhor absorção e eficácia.
– 🏆 Suporte para romper platôs em treinos de levantamento de peso.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Turkesterone 840 mg, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É aconselhável acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção. Para maximizar os efeitos, combine o uso do Turkesterone com uma rotina de exercícios adequada e uma dieta equilibrada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Dylan miller –
So when I started taking it I figured it was total BS. It’s not a “magic pill” and definitely doesn’t work like true steroids (from my research) but it gives you a boost for sure but it’s subtle. Or it did for me at least. I’m 43yo and go to the gym 4-6x week and I do weight training. I didn’t notice the gains until I stopped taking it. My gains were gradual and my stamina went up but I figured it was just my health improving….until I stopped taking it. I’m on week two of being of it and have seen a drop in my stamina and overall PRs. Where I would do 10-12 reps in a set I’m struggling to get 6-8. My muscles fatigue faster and I was confused at my muscle recovery until remembering stopped taking this. The ONLY change is stopping this supplement. To sum this up my bottle is in the mail and then I’ll know for sure but I’m confident this was the change causing all this. I’ve had no side effects or upset stomach with this but I always take it with a light meal. Hope this helps.
Ryan –
I am in my early 30’s and have loved working out and lifting weights since I was fifteen years old, but I am at the age where your body starts to slow down and you begin to feel those aches and pain more distinctly. Lately, I have struggled with my motivation to work out and frequently run out of energy in the middle of my workouts, so I did research on any supplements that could give me an edge. I first heard of Turkesterone from Dr. Andrew Huberman’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and decided to give it a try.
I began by taking just one capsule a day for a week, then moved to two capsules a day, with one immediately before working out. After just three weeks, I have gained noticeable muscle mass and strength and feel more energized and motivated to get in the gym. It’s a pretty subtle feeling – like I have a steady stream of constant energy and could work out for hours. Despite my workouts being more intense, my muscle recovery seems faster; I’m only sore for a couple days post-workout before I feel fully recovered. I have not noticed any negative side effects at all – no lightheadedness or stomach pains (which I have gotten from similar supplements, like tongkat ali). I have not tried any other Turkesterone supplements before, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I am highly satisfied with the results so far.
Tatsuro –
Was using a very expensive brand before and thought of trying this one to save cost. I’m very happy with my decision. I find this brand more potent and affordable. 3 capsules is enough to endure my training with quality, unlike the more expensive one I use 6 capsules. Youll never go wrong with this brand, go for it!
RT 3000 –
I first heard about Turkesterone in a fitness blog. After doing my usual research of various sources I was convinced to give it a try. Man, this stuff works and works well. It’s refreshing to get a new product that actually does what it says it does. From this product I’ve noticed increases in strength, endurance, and stamina. I was able to add on a solid amount of weight and it has definitely improved my muscularity. My only issue with the product is that the documentation on the Suggested use is too small to read for most people without some magnification. I used my phone to zoom in on it. If this could be resolved it would be great. Otherwise this is a solid product that I will definitely keep in my rotation.
Dylan miller –
I purchased this product plus 2 others from earth elixir. Their products are amazing and have greatly helped with workouts, energy, muscle mass and fat burning. Highly recommended.
Desean Williams –
I use this product along with Shilajit Ashwaganda, and in just the short time I’ve used it I’ve seen differences in my strength. Nothing ridiculous, but I’m doing inbetween 10-30 pounds more on most of my lifts. The energy, focus and mood has been a bonus as well. I’ve substituted these products for pre workout and take 5g of creatine along with eating properly and really have no complaints on using this product. I can generally assume it’s doing what it’s advertised to do. For an extra push use this along with what I mentioned and HMB from Jacked Factory. That stack is 🔥… great for the body and mind.
Francis –
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Jay –
From the moment I started taking this supplement, my gym life has turned upside down in the best way imaginable. I’m not one for hyperboles, but this is a fitness revolution in a bottle!
Let’s talk muscle growth. Since starting on Turkesterone, my gains have been nothing short of spectacular. It’s like my muscles have found their secret power source and they’re not looking back. The strength and endurance increase is undeniable, making my workouts more productive and enabling me to push beyond my previous limits.
Beyond muscle growth, the recovery effects of Turkesterone are a marvel. Say goodbye to those post-workout aches that used to haunt your day after an intense session. This wonder-supplement has significantly reduced my recovery time, allowing me to get back to the gym sooner and continue pushing towards my goals.
As for the quality of the product, it is top-notch. It’s clear that this isn’t just some quick, profit-seeking venture; the manufacturers have invested in the science and integrity of their product. The supplement is easy to take, has no funky aftertaste and, best of all, causes no adverse side effects – a refreshing departure from many of the other supplements I’ve tried over the years.
But don’t just take my word for it. Try it yourself. If you’re serious about your fitness journey, want to kick your performance up a notch, and are ready to enjoy quicker recovery times, then Turkesterone is the way to go.
In a world filled with supplement options, this one truly stands out. So, from one fitness enthusiast to another, trust me when I say this: Turkesterone is a game-changer. A full 5-star supplement. Your muscles will thank you
Jibran Salam –
Overall quality product and at a great competitive price. Noticed overall increases in strength and energy. Definitely works with good training and diet.
hereyago5050 –