Descrição do Produto:
As pastilhas mastigáveis TUMS Chewy Bites são a solução perfeita para o desconforto causado pela azia. Este produto vem em um prático recipiente, permitindo que você o leve para onde quiser. Cada pastilha reduz instantaneamente a quantidade de ácido no estômago, proporcionando alívio imediato. Recomenda-se tomar duas ou três pastilhas para obter o máximo de eficácia. Além disso, as TUMS Chewy Bites são elegíveis para uso com HSA e FSA, tornando-as uma opção conveniente e acessível para o tratamento da azia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio instantâneo: As pastilhas mastigáveis TUMS Chewy Bites neutralizam o ácido estomacal de forma instantânea, proporcionando alívio imediato da azia.
- Praticidade: Com sua embalagem compacta, você pode levar as pastilhas TUMS Chewy Bites para onde quiser, garantindo alívio rápido em qualquer lugar.
- Eficácia comprovada: Cada pastilha é formulada para reduzir efetivamente a quantidade de ácido no estômago, proporcionando um alívio duradouro e eficaz.
- Opção acessível: As TUMS Chewy Bites são elegíveis para uso com HSA e FSA, permitindo que você utilize seus benefícios de saúde para adquirir este produto de qualidade.
- Confiança e qualidade: A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja renomada, comprometida em oferecer produtos de alta qualidade para o bem-estar dos seus clientes. Compre as TUMS Chewy Bites com confiança!
As TUMS Chewy Bites oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua experiência diária. Primeiramente, o alívio instantâneo da azia permite que você retome suas atividades sem desconforto. A praticidade da embalagem facilita o transporte, garantindo que você tenha acesso ao alívio a qualquer momento. A eficácia comprovada das pastilhas assegura que você não precisará lidar com a azia por muito tempo. Além disso, a possibilidade de utilizar benefícios de saúde para a compra torna o produto ainda mais acessível. Por fim, a confiança na marca TUMS, reconhecida por sua qualidade, proporciona tranquilidade ao consumidor.
Para obter o máximo de alívio da azia, recomenda-se mastigar duas ou três pastilhas TUMS Chewy Bites quando sentir os primeiros sintomas. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver algum problema de saúde. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Bi12dy –
I ran out of Tums and found two options. These chewy Tums are like candy. I don’t mind the taste of the original Tums. But my son doesn’t like the chewy bites or the original. My husband likes both. My daughter doesn’t mind either one. Personally, I think the original Tums works better than the chewy bites. Everyone else thinks they both work the same.
Last year, I over-calculated my HSA/FSA funds and used some extra money from my accounts. This product is HSA/FSA Approved! This year, I added money to my accounts to purchase HSA/FSA-approved products tax-free. I Subscribe and Save on all kinds of HSA/FSA-approved items. I save money this way, and it’s tax-free. Take that “the man”. Search FSA or HSA Eligible items, and you will be so happy!
Key Tax Benefits:
Contributions made to an FSA are tax-free—not subject to payroll or income taxes. Distributions made for qualified medical expenses are not subject to taxes. Contributions made to an HSA are tax-free or tax-deductible. Distributions made for qualified medical expenses aren’t subject to taxes.
Sharmazing –
Easy to take acts quickly nice flavour.
Emma Schuster –
We use these a lot. Easy to take no bitter taste. Good value and texture is enjoyable. Work super fast and size is easy to eat.
NW –
I Have had all flavors of Antacid Tablets Chewable for all Brands & they all tasted good but these from tums are not tasty at all.
Ivy S. –
Fast relief great taste hard outer shell you have to chew doesn’t dissolve
gloria douhour –
Works well very tasty
A.R. –
I love the smooth coating on these tablets. They are easy to swallow and they take away heartburn right away!
Est Arnall –
i have had terrible indigestion for over a year now, these do help get rid of that horrible taste in my mouth , they seem to be the only things that actually work. all though I am now on different medication which is better than the last tablets i tried. but it’s still there slightly so I will be buying some more of these this week.
So I do recommend these.
Bi12dy –
Works well and is m tasty enough to mask the usual chalky residue.
Critical Buyer –
I’m one of those people that eats a lot of Tums. Onions, anything spicy, too much salt… You name it, it makes my acid reflux kick-off. I’m too stubborn not to eat the things I enjoy, so Tums is my go to.
I wanted to get a travel-sized container and I wasn’t paying enough attention and I ordered these. They came in quickly and ironically I was getting a little heat in my throat, so I took a couple out. They were hard, like a candy. I looked at the label – “chewy”? What the heck is that?
So I popped them in my mouth, and went to work… The hard outside gave way to the chewy gummie inside. The flavor was good. As I worked the gummie part, I could feel it soothing my throat. I was pleasantly surprised, these were unexpected.
My only complaint – and this is my fault – is the container is just a little too big to ride around in my briefcase comfortably. Not that it won’t fit, but it’s just another thing that is a little too big and a little more weight than what I want to add to my existing burden. I’ll probably just get my hands on an Altoids tin or an Icebreakers container and fill it with these Chewy Tums and make my own “travel size”.
BTW – this container would fit fine in my kit bag inside my checked luggage or roll-aboard. It hasn’t made it there yet, because I actually have it next to my workstation for when I’ve had too much coffee or eaten something for lunch that fights back. Probably have to order more…