Descrição do Produto: TRUTHENTICS Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotics com Bromelain, Lactase, Lipase e Acidophilus
A TRUTHENTICS Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotics é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem busca um auxílio digestivo de qualidade. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este suplemento vegano combina enzimas digestivas e probióticos para promover uma digestão saudável e aliviar desconfortos comuns, como gases, inchaço e constipação. Cada cápsula fácil de engolir é projetada para ser tomada antes das duas maiores refeições do dia, proporcionando suporte digestivo contínuo, tanto durante o dia quanto à noite.
- Ajuda a Digestionar os Alimentos com Mais Facilidade: Este probiótico multi-enzimático com acidophilus apoia a digestão de proteínas, gorduras, carboidratos, laticínios, açúcares, glúten e fibras, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes essenciais.
- Desfrute da Sua Comida Sem Desconforto Pós-Refeição: As cápsulas de probióticos multi-enzimáticos ajudam a quebrar alimentos de difícil digestão, reduzindo a chance de desconforto estomacal e fadiga após as refeições, sendo formuladas para homens e mulheres.
- Apoia o Alívio de Gases e Inchaço: Este suplemento de enzimas digestivas contém enzimas específicas para inchaço, gases e constipação. Com Alpha Galactosidase, papaína, bromelina e três cepas probióticas, ele ajuda a decompor carboidratos complexos encontrados em feijões, vegetais e grãos, promovendo a regularidade e a saúde intestinal.
- Suporte à Energia e Redução da Fadiga Digestiva: Melhora a eficiência da digestão, permitindo que o corpo gaste menos energia na digestão das refeições, promovendo uma sensação equilibrada e energizada ao longo do dia.
- Testado por Terceiros para Qualidade: Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada pela NSF GMP, este produto é testado em laboratório por terceiros para garantir potência e pureza, oferecendo um suporte digestivo confiável.
1. Melhora a digestão de uma ampla variedade de alimentos, incluindo proteínas e laticínios.
2. Reduz o desconforto pós-refeição, permitindo que você aproveite suas refeições sem preocupações.
3. Alivia sintomas de gases e inchaço, promovendo um bem-estar digestivo.
4. Aumenta a energia ao otimizar a eficiência digestiva, reduzindo a fadiga.
5. Garantia de qualidade com testes rigorosos, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de TRUTHENTICS Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotics antes das duas maiores refeições do dia. Isso garantirá que as enzimas e probióticos estejam disponíveis para auxiliar na digestão dos alimentos consumidos. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde se você tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Emily Parrish –
I got this to take daily and after starting it my stomach got messed up and I ended up going to ER only to find out these vitamins arent ok to take. I would give 0 stars if possible!
J K –
I pretty much have a stressful job and had digestive issues almost all the time after I ate. I had to give up a lot of my favorite foods or suffer with indigestion and embarrassing gas. I’m only taking this for a short time and excited to say that when I take a Digest Your Meal capsule before I eat I feel much better after I eat, have much less symptoms and can now eat more of my favorite foods. The key is to take the capsule about 20-30 minutes before you eat. I found since I’m taking it regularly I feel better and have more energy after my meals. I recommend Digest Your Meal especially if you think you have to give up your favorite foods or feel poorly after eating them. These capsules have both enzymes and probiotics in them and they’re gluten and allergen free. I’m hooked and will keep buying them.
Virginia Reaske –
I like that this product contains both enzymes and probiotics in one capsule. I’ve been taking it for a few weeks now and they seem to really help with my belly bloating, gas and constipation. I also have silent reflux and this helps alleviate or prevent uncomfortable symptoms. I take it twice a day before my two main meals as recommended, I especially like that I only have to take one pill to get both enzymes and probiotics.
Made a big difference with my digestion. I had horrible bloating in my stomach and acid reflux regularly for years. I used over the counter antacids for temporary relief from the acid reflux, but the bloating and gas were still huge problems for me. I started taking this product and after about a week I started noticing a big difference in how I felt after my meals. I take only one capsule twice a day before eating my heavier meals which typically for me is lunch and dinner. No more acid or stomach bloating after my meals. Now I am even trying some of the foods I gave up. Happy to have found them. great value and it works
chris Howard –
I found out in the past that I don’t have salivary Amylase. It is a enzyme that starts starch breakdown in your mouth. I found out in 2 previous college Chemistry lab. (If you don’t know if you have salivary Amylase, a hint would be if you feel like you are choking on bread, crackers or french fries and you must drink something) Any way when this medication I notice digestive problems. So it works
Ciespi –
So, my wife wanted me to try these and I gave it a good run. However I’m not sure of the results. I have been able to go more normally I am on other medications and I do get constipated. Since I’ve taken these I had bloating for the first few days but, I guess that was the days my stomach was settling for the new pill in my body. I’m not one hundred percent sure about the results however, I’ve been less constipated this past month.
My body is seems to have adjusted to the bloating. The pill is large but easy to swallow. I’ve grown accustomed to taking pills it is not a big deal. There’s no flavor unless you let it sit in your mouth for too long. I really can’t tell if the food has been digesting well, if any just account for my bathroom visits. As a chronic pain patient I can tell you this did not provide me with pain relief however, everyone is different.
Violet Rose –
I’ve had serious bloating after my meals for years and even though I avoided a lot of foods, it seems whatever I ate created indigestion, gas and bloating. Since I’ve started taking “Digest Your Meal” twice a day, I’ve had a significant reduction in gas and bloating after eating. My stomach is getting flatter and I feel so much better. Plus no side effects. It was worth getting in the habit of taking it twice a day every day. I highly recommend.
J. Martinez –
I’ve been dealing with late late night stomach bile. It’s horrible. Over the counter meds were not working and frankly I didn’t want to take them. Taking these consistently has finally gotten rid of this! I’ve been dealing with it all through the pandemic and I watched a tiktok saying to look for stomach enzymes to help. Thank goodness I did because this was my answer.